The Protector

Chater 2813
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Chater 2813

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2813

I Have Been Waiting For A Long Time

Joy and delight filled the air of the entire secret lab. Everyone was ecstatic to learn that they had finallysucceeded.

Everything about that lab had been assembled at the last minute.

Since Zarain had control of everything that Lab of Gods had left behind, they could not use any of theirtechnology or equipment. Not even a fragment!

Alternatively, Dr. Erebus’ lab was more inclined toward biological sciences, so there was no equipmentor materials to manufacture transportation.

As the journey to the spiritual ley line was extremely complex, it goes without saying that they neededthe best tool to build the most advanced transportation.

It had to be the best in every aspect.

Therefore, they could only rely on Digital God to put together the equipment and facility for theproduction of the transportation.

With the extra workload, the time they required had a multifold increase.

If they had the equipment in the first place, it would only take Digital God three to four days.

Yet, they had taken such a long time this round mainly because of the last-minute work.

Fortunately, Digital God, being the genius among geniuses, could complete the design andconstruction of the aircraft within a short time. It was indeed a mind-blowing feat!

With his eyes on the aircraft before him, Digital God chuckled. “For double protection, I’ve added anautomation system. That means even if we got caught in the midst, the aircraft would still travel to thelocation of the spiritual ley line by itself as long as I activate the automation system. It’ll then activate itsweapon system and accomplish its mission of destroying the spiritual ley line.”

At that, the rest could not hide their excitement and were all beaming with delight.

He’s truly very reliable.

Before long, Digital God added, “I’ve also added the map of the route to the spiritual ley line in the self-destruction program. Once the aircraft is under attack or sabotage and reaches a certain limit, it’llautomatically activate the program and head toward the destination on its own to execute its self-destruction. You can consider this as the third layer of protection.”

Hearing those words, Dr. Erebus broke into a gleeful grin. “You’re extremely attentive! Nothing canpossibly go wrong this way!”

“But to ensure a hundred percent success, we should head over personally. After all, machines aremachines. There are a lot of varying factors that we don’t know of,” Digital God explained.

“Of course! Let’s get ready to depart now!” Dr. Erebus huffed out a laugh.

“Master, they’ve finally come to their realization! They’ve eliminated all four substitutes!” one of Dr.Erebus’ subordinates immediately reported.

At his words, Dr. Erebus flashed a faint smile in response. “It’s too late now! It’ll take them at least threedays to focus on the right direction and begin their thorough search. The earliest they can find me isfive days from now! Perhaps by then, the world is no longer in existence? I might have already takenmy revenge!”novelbin

Those words instantly made Digital God burst into a boisterous laugh.

To think that they had such ambitious intentions for their revenge scheme. It was absolute madness!

“All right, let’s get started then! Move the aircraft out from the other exit. We’ll gather at the secret spotat the back,” Dr. Erebus commanded.

After all, the aircraft was rather large size-wise.

More importantly, Digital God had made two of them in one go.

Therefore, they had to move the aircraft out through other exits as there was no way they could getthem out from the hospital’s main entrance.

While Dr. Erebus and Digit

Chapter 3054 Alone

Everyone could barely wait to witness the mind-boggling scene of an upcoming intense battle and thevictorious moment when Levi vanquished Xyperia.

They happened to know that Xyperia was creating Deities maniacally with newfound resources andIdrae’s method. Ah! The more, the merrier! They should have tens of thousands of Deities for Levi tovent his anger!

However, Digital God could not resist wailing, “But those insolent fellows boast that they’ll get rid ofanyone curing Evie’s poison. Be it Rodunst or Terrandya, they will get rid of those standing in theirway!”

Even though they foresaw it was just a matter of time for Levi to pay the latter back in their coin, theyflipped out at their foes’ haughtiness.

Hitting the roof, Troy and the others gritted their teeth and rebuked, “D*mn it! I can’t stand thosefellows’ impudence!”

Dr. Erebus asked quizzically, “Mr. Garrison, isn’t there anything we can do at the moment? After all,Evie’s poison must be cured as soon as possible. But if they continue to stand in our way, I’m worriedchances of Evie being cured will be very slim.”

“Of course not! I still need your help to keep an eye on them. Since others don’t dare to take up thebounty openly, why not send it to their doorsteps?” Levi stated casually.

Enlightened by Levi’s words, Dr. Erebus nodded. “Ah! I got it.”

“Of course, I’ll need all of you to give me a hand. Cyrus, there’s finally something that you can help mewith!” Levi gazed at Cyrus earnestly. He believed the latter should be able to cope with things ingeneral with his impressive capability at the moment.

On the other hand, Wynona and Mia had been practicing Cyrus’ basic techniques. He presumed theywould succeed soon.

“No problem! You are thinking of tracking someone down, aren’t you? You can rely on me!” Cyrusreassured him.

“Cyrus, I’ll assign you to dig up the mastermind manipulating Chad. Besides, don’t forget to investigatehis magical medicine, deemed as powerful as Ten Millenium Snow Lotus. If we manage to obtain that,Evie’s poison will be cured successfully!” Levi assigned him a challenging mission.

Everyone had been investigating that all the while but to no avail.

Therefore, Levi assigned Cyrus to that, presuming that he might be able to have more findings with hisskills.

Later, he turned to instruct the mercenary organization, “I need you to investigate the mysterious forcesjoining hands with them. After all, you’re specialized in this.”

Levi hired them earlier, knowing that they had expertise in obtaining information and were quick-wittedin tracing any changes. Thus, he presumed it was easier for them to track down someone as comparedto Troy and the others.

Moments later, everyone geared up with their delegated tasks.

Eventually, the moment that Levi had been anticipating was drawing closer.

In the meantime, Heavenly League knew about the tragic fate of the Black Sky Union not long afterthey were wiped out.

“Levi Garrison, you’re indeed a despicable fellow! It never occurs to me that you would have themercenary organizations to back you up!” someone in Heavenly League bellowed in exasperation.

Initially, he instructed all the Heavenly Guards to leave wittingly, thinking of taking a large portion for hisown when the Black Sky Union snatched Levi’s resources.

He had been waiting in anticipation after drafting the perfect plot. It never came across his mind thatthings would turn awry.

“Oh my! I hope Levi Garrison won’t find out that I was the mastermind. I heard the Black Sky Union waseradicated in the twinkling of an eye. Therefore, I don’t think anyone was in time to expose me. If hefinds out I’m the culprit, he surely won’t let me off the hook!” Mumbling apprehensively to himself, hecrossed his fingers that Levi would not find out the truth.

Unexpectedly, Levi had a grasp of the situation within a short span.

He believed someone from Heavenly League must have leaked out to others that he stored up theresources discreetly in Parasite King’s base.

Other than them, Heavenly League should be the only ones in the know about the location. So far, onlythey had ever assigned their men to obtain the resources from the base.

“All right. Find out the person from Heavenly League who’d betrayed me!” Levi instructed.

He had no choice but to accept the fact that he was surrounded by enemies. There were too few ofthem on his side.

All of a sudden, something came to his mind. Wait a minute! There’s still someone who takes my side!

al God swaggered out from the front, the others moved the two aircraft out of the hospital from otherexits.

As it was already midnight, there was barely anyone at the hospital.

It was especially so at the mortuary, and the atmosphere felt dark and eerie.


Alongside the rumbling sound, the drawers filled with dead bodies broke open from the middle, and outwalked Dr. Erebus and Digital God.

The two were flushed with exhilaration and had bright smiles on their faces.

They sensed an imminent success regarding their revenge scheme.

“You’re finally out. I’ve been waiting for you guys for a long time!”

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