The Protector

Chapter 2802
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Chapter 2802

Chapter 2802 The Reason Project Atlantis Is Terminated

For example, Levi could not wrap his mind around the purpose of initiating a magnificent project suchas Atlantis.

He would not have known about the existence of that project if not for the dire situation caused by theLeviathans previously.

Levi was truly curious to know the aim of the project.

Besides, Levi was reminded of the groundbreaking news fifteen years ago about the 99 SeaConstruction. Eight hundred thousand people involved in the project had vanished, and the project wasterminated halfway through.

Levi wanted to know the reason behind the sudden termination of the project.

He wondered if the construction team had stumbled into something or if the project was canceledbecause of other unforeseen circumstances.

Someone had given a statement to inform the public that the project was abandoned because oflimitations in technology advancement and a shortage of funds and resources.

However, Levi had visited that training base in person.

He did not notice any issue with the advancement of technology, or shortage of funds and resources,judging by the progress of construction in the Atlantis base because more than ninety percent of theinfrastructures there were completed.

That was already a fully functional training base.

Hence, Levi was sure those reasons stated were merely a facade, and the truth lay elsewhere.

On the other hand, after receiving Levi’s advice, Black Hawk and the other agents had gathered all thepersons in charge of major departments in Shield for a meeting to work out their subsequent plan.

Polar and Scindere called Black Hawk to aside.

“Boss, are we really hiding Levi’s true power for now?” Scindere asked.

Polar chimed in, “That’s right. I think that he’s a bigger threat since we have a different stance. In otherwords, he’s our enemy! We should not help him further.”

Black Hawk sneered, “You should not harbor that thought! What if Levi is nearby? You can expose himif you have a death wish. If we tell our superiors about this, they will know all about Levi, but our deathwill be imminent. Never doubt his capabilities because he can end our lives as he wishes.”

Upon hearing Black Hawk’s reminder, the image of how Levi had forcefully shattered The InfrangibleHandcuffs not long ago resurfaced within their minds.

None of the fighters from Diviniteria managed to escape The Infrangible Handcuffs after the war ended,yet Levi had achieved that feat without any trouble.

Besides, Zarain was able to defeat Diviniteria because they were thoroughly familiar with Diviniteriaand Sacroria.

On the contrary, they knew nothing about Levi.

Black Hawk and the others only knew how easy it was for Levi to kill them.

“In that case, we should never reveal Levi’s true power because I still want to live!” Polar and Scinderesaid in unison.

Black Hawk nodded. “Yes. Perhaps this information can become our life-saving leverage during crucialmoments, so we must never tell this to anyone else! Do you think Levi is related to the mysteriousplace Erudia had trapped all the Leviathans?”

“This, we have no idea.”

At that moment, the Dragonites were discussing that similar issue.

Zephyr was the one to raise the questions.

He was utterly baffled after visiting the Atlantis training base in person, so he took the initiative to meetwith the top four members of the Dragonites.novelbin

“Can you please enlighten me on the true reason behind the project Atlantis’ termination? I know theofficial statement about limitations of technology advancement and shortage of resources is fakebecause I’ve witnessed the completed buildings there. There must be another reason that is recordedin the archive. Please satisfy my curiosity! I’m even suspecting this to be related to the obliteration ofthe Leviathans.”


Craig and the others were slightly astounded as if Zephyr had struck the truth.

Zephyr noticed the minor changes in their facial expressions. He immediately exclaimed, “Look at that.I knew it! You’re all having the same thought too. There are no outsiders here aside from the five of us,so can you let me in on the truth?”

Zephyr regarded each of them with a pleading gaze.

The four top members of the Dragonites exchanged glances among themselves. In the end, Gary letout a long sigh. “Fine. I’ll open the archive again.”

Soon, Gary had retrieved the archive that had been locked away and opened it in front of everyone.

He explained, “Indeed, the truth is as you’ve mentioned. The Atlantis project was not terminatedbecause of limitations in technology advancement or a shortage of resources. Instead, something hadhappened!”

“What’s the reason?” Zephy took the archive and scanned the pages at once.

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