The Protector

Chapter 2772
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Chapter 2772

Chapter 2772 Sacroria Appears

As they attempted to scramble away from the mysterious force, the entire party of thousandsdisappeared without a trace.

Soon after that, a silhouette appeared beneath the water.

The surveillance devices the men had managed to install before their disappearance captured theentire ordeal.

On the screen back at the central control room of the Diviniterian army, the figures that emerged in thewake of the search party’s disappearance were clad in theurgist robes. Some were clad in traditionalErudian clothing. Despite the difference in attire, every one of them wore a mask.

The sudden appearance of the unsettling alien species from the ocean floor frightened the troops to noend.

With the appearance of these unknown and unexpected adversaries capable of wiping out an entiresearch party without a trace, the danger that we are faced with has just reached its peak.

Upon recognizing the severity of the problem, they hastened to relay the news to Sacroria by the orderof Mr. X.

The scouts were permitted to bypass the chain of command to notify Sacroria at once at the slightesthint of any anomalies in the coastal regions of Atlantis.

As Mr. X could be engaged in battle at the time of the discovery, it was important for Sacroria to benotified promptly of a problem of that magnitude. In fact, it was imperative that Sacroria was to benotified even before Mr. X.

Upon rushing to the central command room after being notified at last, Mr. X became dumbfoundedwith shock when he laid eyes upon the attire of the figures on the screen.

I have seen that attire before. It’s what the members of the Ecclesiastic Order and the Esoteric Guildwear! And they came from the location where Leviathan and Great Void disappeared! Isn’t it obviousenough? The two separate entities of Erudia are not a myth! Forlevia’s mastery in channeling theelements is finally explained!

Despite being struck dumb with awe, Mr. X relayed the message to Sacroria once more in an effort tohighlight its importance before heaving a sigh of relief.

“There is an even greater need for us to capture the girl!” he said grimly. “The sooner we master herbreathwork, the sooner we can identify the weakness of the Esoteric Guild and the Ecclesiastic Order!Have Dr. Erebus come up here as soon as possible!”

Dr. Erebus specializes in these sorts of things. Once we capture Forlevia and hand her to him, he’lltake care of the rest.

Despite the severity of the situation, the aristocrats of Diviniteria were still leading an indulgentexistence which was made possible by the wealth and sophistication of their nation despite being madefully aware of the extent of their war.

Given enough time, Diviniteria will conquer the world. This is only the first battle of many. By then, wewould be the elite of elites in the world’s population. The Gods themselves would make us rulers.

The assault on Diviniteria did not seem to concern them.

Suddenly, rows of fighters who were led by three or four powerful-looking men emerged who exuded agrim, destructive intent as they laid waste to the capital of Diviniteria.novelbin

Though the Diviniterian troops fought fiercely, the capital of Diviniteria was plunged into chaos as ahandful of soldiers left behind to defend it became overwhelmed by the ferocity of the invaders.

With the heart of their territory being struck with such swiftness and decisiveness, even the mostindifferent Diviniterian found himself suddenly concerned with the tide of the war.

The forces of the World Alliance are busy guarding the defense barrier. It’s not possible for them to bethe ones to have carried out this assault. The possibility of Zarain launching this assault is impossibleas well, seeing as we could not ascertain their location. Besides, the borders of Diviniteria have beenclearly carved up by the defense barrier formed by the World Alliance. If Zarain wasn’t the one to havelaunched the attack, who else could it be?

The surviving soldiers of Diviniteria were at that moment pondering the very question in the chaoticaftermath of the guerrilla attack as their city was overrun.

This is a provocation of the highest order! A blatant disregard for our sovereignty!

Soon, the news traveled to the main body of the Diviniteria troops and Sacroria, who became livid uponfinding out.

“Who did this?”

“According to the back lines, it was carried out by several men in some strange attire. Here is theinformation we have regarding the attackers, as well as some surveillance images.”

Mr. X almost fainted when he saw the images.

The legendary Ecclesiastic Order is real! Could this be the legendary two entities?

The Diviniterian officials whispered to one another in excitement.

The immeasurable power we have been waiting for is finally here. If that is indeed the case, Sacroriawill show themselves soon.

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