The Protector

Chapter 2713
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Chapter 2713

Chapter 2713 Always One Step Late

No one could fully understand the torment in their heart.

“It’s my fault too! If I didn’t enter into solitary training, I would have been able to watch over you! Then, Icould have prevented you from stopping the plan!” Levi said helplessly.

Before entering solitary training, Levi had firmly instructed them not to stop no matter what happened.

Gary was on the verge of tears. “It’s all my fault! I’m useless!”

In the end, Craig could not stand it anymore.

He looked at Levi and said, “Crown King, it’s all our fault! Gary did nothing wrong! We are the ones whostopped the plan and sold all the materials to recuperate the loss! Furthermore, we dismantled thedefense line and opened the gates to Erudia. You have given us instructions earlier on. It is our fault fordoubting your words!”

Chandler and Nicholas also voiced their guilt together. “We deserve to be blamed for causing severeloss to Erudia! It’s all our fault! We should be the one responsible for it!”

After that, a few more people also admitted their mistakes.

Then, Craig and others kneeled before Levi and shouted, “Crown King, we are at fault! Please blameus instead!”

Levi rushed to help them up. “What are you all saying? I don’t blame you all! However, you should nowsee the effect of your stubbornness and your inability to think ahead! They are problematic!”

Everyone nodded immediately upon hearing Levi. “Yes, you’re right! We are too conservative andcautious. We are afraid of failure and blame! That makes us too cowardly to look ahead and changewith the situation! It is our fault that things became this bad!”

Then, Gary shouted, “We are foolish for not heeding your instruction! Zephyr had long noticedsomething strange. Even those from the Sacred Organization warned us. How can you all gloss overthem? We should be grateful that Zephyr took swift action and prevented an even more severe loss!”

Everyone looked down with guilt and blamed themselves for their actions.

Levi smiled bitterly and said, “There is one more thing. All of you still don’t seem to trust me! You don’tbelieve that I have the power to obtain such information! Let me tell you. I’m more powerful than youthink, and I have my ways.”

Craig frowned and said, “We are the ones to blame! We failed to trust you and doubted your ability toobtain information! Furthermore, we forgot that you were once the most outstanding leader and anincredible special forces agent. You can obtain information that even Super Fighters can’t! We werewrong! I deserve punishment! It’s all our fault! We have no excuse!”

Levi immediately stopped Craig from continuing to blame himself. “That’s enough. It is not the time toblame yourself. We need to consider the next issue.”

At this moment, Craig was about to slap himself.

He was one of the leaders of the Dragonites, but now, he did not look like one at all.

Someone explained the situation to Levi and said, “Initially, we discussed with a few allies aboutdealing with the Leviathans… However, someone released that announcement about the Lab of Gods.It caused many of our opposing and neutral forces to pull out of the coalition, taking the assigned

experts with them! Despite that, we still managed to gather experts to research the Leviathans! Afterall, we have scanned the Leviathans and possess a lot of data. I believe we will find a solution thisway!”

Then, another person added, “Furthermore, we have trapped the Leviathans! They will take at least amonth to free themselves. Even if they could free themselves, they might not be able to find their wayout! Therefore, we have enough time to prepare for them!”

Everyone seemed confident with their plan.novelbin

Levi was rendered speechless by their explanation.

These people still won’t stop talking about the Leviathans. Do they not know? The Leviathans aredead. Why are these people always one step behind in realizing something?

“Is that all?” Levi asked.

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