The Protector

Chapter 2676
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Chapter 2676

Chapter 2676 The True Power Of The Leviathansnovelbin

Craig ordered the units in other parts of Erudia to adopt that strategy as they had to keep theLeviathans at bay until reinforcements could arrive.

However, the casualties were building up everywhere as The Cardinal Hall and Eragon were stillwithout their leaders.

Although Gabriel and Eustace could pull it off, the soldiers from The Cardinal Hall and Eragon refusedto take orders from them as they were from the ancient Garrison clan.

That resulted in everyone acting independently.

The ancient Garrison clan teamed up with the other non-military forces in the country, whereas TheCardinal Hall teamed up with Eragon.

Those from Carigrey Academy were with The Cardinal Hall at first, but they split up in the end due tothe lack of a proper leader.

The spies from Lab of Gods tried their best to convince everyone to stick together as it would allowthem to maximize their strength.

However, the true purpose behind this was so they could report their every move back to Lab of Gods.

If everyone were to split up, the spies would not be able to keep track of what the other units weredoing as they could only remain in Carigrey Academy.

To make things worse, some of the divine generals and elders of The Cardinal Hall were incrediblystubborn. “Those of you from the ancient Garrison clan and the other Ancient Clans should do as wesay, or stay the hell away from us!”

Naturally, Gabriel and Eustace didn’t take too kindly to that.

“Oh, f*ck off! We can handle this just as well without you guys!”

“Yeah! How about we see who kills the most Leviathans, eh?”

Just like that, both sides got into a fierce argument.

Eventually, they split up into two teams and headed off in two different directions to support thefrontlines, much to the dismay of the spies from Lab of Gods.

With the way things were, they would only be able to report the activities of one team.

Had both teams not split up, Lab of Gods would’ve been able to take them both out at the same time.

Having no other choice, the spies used every method they had to get the information over to Lab ofGods.

It wasn’t long before Mr. X and the others received the information.

“All right, The Cardinal Hall has been mobilized! According to our spies, the ancient Garrison clan, theErudian Alliance, and the other forces have split up with The Cardinal Hall!”


Everyone burst out laughing when they heard that.

Of course the ancient Garrison clan would choose to split up! They’re from Restricted Area 76! TheErudian Alliance are from Sacred Organization, so there’s no way they’d work together with TheCardinal Hall! After all, they’re after Erudia too and would not hesitate to deliver the fatal blow when thetime comes!

“Hahaha! This situation is in our favor! Restricted Area 76 will be making its move soon! Order theLeviathans to carry out a full-scale attack and break through the Rapid Deployment Force’s defenses!The men from Restricted Area 76 will only attack once they’re down! Also, have the Death Harbingersand some of our men ambush The Cardinal Hall. Keep in mind that The Cardinal Hall and Eragon havevery powerful fighters, so it won’t be necessary to wipe them out. We just have to keep them busy untilthe Leviathans break through the frontlines. Those who are in charge of Erudia’s two mysteriousentities are to remain here. Everyone else, move out! We will work together with our spies to stop theiradvance! Failure is not an option!” Mr. X ordered.

“Understood! The Leviathans shall unleash their true power soon! It’s time to set aside the ‘appetizers’and move on to the ‘main course!’“

With that, Lab of Gods began carrying out their plans.

“Sir, we’ve got trouble! This is very serious!” shouted someone from the command center.

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