The Protector

Chapter 2502
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Chapter 2502

Chapter 2502 Restricted Area 76

How ironic! They wouldn’t stop picking on me a few days ago, yet they’re currently grovelingthemselves at my mercy without being aware of my identity! Besides Divine Brigadier, my father andthis relative of mine are asking me to take them in as my disciples!

Since I’m in desperate need of talents, I’ll do them a favor and take them in as my disciples! Asarrogant as he might be, Donald is quite an exceptional man. He’s the useful talent I need as of now. I’lljust guide them from time to time and give them something to keep them motivated.

It won’t even take much to enable them to achieve tremendous improvement within a short period. Ascapable as they might be in the future, I’ll ensure they’ll continue dancing to my tune since I’m the onegranting them everything.

Once he made up his mind, he asked, “Why don’t you tell me the reason you wish to acquire my aid asyour mentor?”

“We wish to be as strong as you! We wish to teach the members of the ancient Garrison clan a lesson!It was a mistake and a loss of theirs to expel us from the clan!” Donald yelled hysterically when heheard question.

“Wonderful! I’ll do all of you a favor and consider the two of you my disciples! I’ll grant you everythingyou need, including my guidance! It won’t even take long until you get everything you desire!”


Suddenly, Levi turned around and asked Tempestus, “Is any of our many organizations in need ofsomeone to take the lead?”

Levi was aware that Sacred Organization was the mastermind behind a lot of forces. He had run out oftrustworthy aides to oversee the operations of those forces.

“Although we’re currently in control of Maya Industries, there’s no one leading them since the ones wesent weren’t capable enough to lead the rest.”novelbin

“Huh?” The duo was on the verge of going through another emotional breakdown when they heard theduo’s conversation.

Who the hell is this mentor of ours? Just what on earth is he not capable of? With that being said,we’ve nothing to lose! Instead, we stand a lot to gain from such a capable figure! Hahaha!

As astonished as they were, they were glad they were officially members of the world’s mightiestorganization.

Since our mentor is such an awesome man, I’m sure the members of the Garrison clan are going toregret their decision of expelling us in no time if we manage to achieve a great feat under his guidance!

“Since the two of you are my disciples, I’ll officially appoint you and you the ones in charge of MayaIndustries from now onwards! You need to make sure things are running well on my behalf! Am Iclear?”

The duo reassured the man in front of them, “You don’t have to worry, Master! We’ll definitely makesure everything’s running fine!”

They couldn’t contain their excitement since they were appointed the ones in charge of Maya Industriesshortly after joining the organization.

On the other hand, Levi was certain they would carry out their duties just fine due to their personalinterests. He thought they might do a better job than Death Fiend.

“I’ll grant each of you a divine tool as a token of appreciation!” Levi sent someone to retrieve the thingshe brought along from Restricted Area 76 to the duo.

Eustace’s Death Sword was nothing as compared to the divine tools they had just acquired. They couldbarely resist the urge to return to the clan and show off the divine tools they were granted.

Shortly after Levi departed, he made a trip to Restricted Area 76 to check on the mining progress dueto the abundant natural resources available there.

It would take the Sacred Organization a few hundred years to harvest everything mother nature had tooffer.

However, those had nothing to do with the reason he was there since he had something else in mind.To be precise, he was there to lure the ones hiding in the dark out.

He was certain members of Lab of Gods would return if they were still alive. After all, they spent mostof their resources to keep the area restricted from others when they were still in power.

On top of that, they had conducted countless investigations to search the background of Dark Emperor.Hence, Levi dispatched the elites of Sacred Organization to be on the lookout against them atRestricted Area 76.

Levi asked, “Has anything strange occurred lately?”


Levi thought of going for rounds in the middle of the night just to ensure everything was fine in case ofsomething odd. After all, the machines could not detect everything.

In the middle of the night, Levi stood at the highest point to ensure everything was fine. Nothing oddoccurred until it was late at night.

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