The Protector

Chapter 2285
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Chapter 2285

Chapter 2285 Made Levi Proud

These disciples’ arrival scared the wits out of the fighters who came to kill Zoey and Levi.

These are all Levi’s disciples? All of them are ranked on the Divine Leaderboard!

All his disciples were either ranked on the Provisional Leaderboard or the Divine Leaderboard. To behonest, they had made Levi proud with their achievements, but Levi wasn’t happy with it. No, not onebit.

For that kind of achievement was useless. As long as it was a get-strong-quick method, it was uselesseven if they topped the leaderboards. After all, his brothers and disciples were serious, hardworkingpeople. And that was the trait cultivators had to have.

If they tried to get strong too fast, that would not turn out well for them. They’d think they worked hardto get stronger, when in reality, it was because their technique and drug were get-strong-quickschemes. But even so, they wouldn’t suspect a thing, since they’d think it was the fruit of their ownlabor.

“They’re not the only ones here.”

Of course, another group of fighters showed up, and this time, it was Azure Dragon, Kirin, and theothers. Even Sword Fiend came to help.

They agreed to meet up on that very day to check up on Levi and come up with a way to neutralize thechemicals in him.

“That’s number thirty-nine on the Divine Leaderboard—Kirin!”

“And that’s number forty-three on the Divine Leaderboard—White Tiger!”

The fighters thought things wouldn’t get any worse, but they were proven wrong when Kirin and theothers showed up. After all, each and every one of those who came last was ranked highly on theDivine Leaderboard.

All of them were the top five hundred, in fact.

It was a really terrifying sight for the fighters. They thought Levi was already old news in the new era,but they never expected his erstwhile disciples to come to his aid.

Nobody would dare to touch Levi with the disciples defending him. After all, his disciples were rankedon the leaderboards.

If they were in a horror story, the fighters would be the main characters, while Levi’s disciples would bethe serial killer or the supernatural entities that were here to kill them all.

And so, all the fighters remained kneeling, but they were already trembling with fear, and some evenpissed their pants.

Floyd alone was enough to terrorize them, but a bunch of fighters of the same caliber or stronger thanhim? That was nothing short of a death sentence for them.

“Piss off, all of you!”novelbin

“Touch my master again and I’ll make sure you’re dead you cur! I’ll chase you to the ends of hell!”

“Same here, you little b*stards!”

The Divine Leaderboard fighters’ proclamation came as a shock for the fighters who tried to kill Levi.And so, they ran away in fear, deciding to never attack Levi again, lest his disciples hunted them down.

Even though they were gone, Zoey was still trembling slightly. “Good thing you guys are here, or wewould have been in trouble.”

“No, we won’t. I’m here,” Levi scoffed. He was about to kick those guys’ butts, but then his brothers anddisciples stole the limelight from him.

“What? Do you have any idea who those guys are? There were six Divine Leaderboard fighters withthem. Do you think you can take them on?” Zoey glared at him.

“Please don’t yell at him, Zoey. Master’s a strong guy.” Floyd turned around, looking at Levi. “I seeyou’re ranked now, master. Number eight thousand something on the Provisional Leaderboard, huh?”

Everyone agreed, “Yeah, it’s a decent ranking. Above average, even.”

However, Kirin disagreed, “What the heck are you talking about? Number eight thousand something onthe Provisional Leaderboard is nothing for boss.”

“Don’t look down on him. He might be on the Provisional Leaderboard now, but he’ll catch up to ussoon.”

Floyd told Levi, “I’m sure you’ll adapt to the times soon, master. You’ll power up soon. I wish you thebest in topping the Provisional Leaderboard and making your name in the Divine Leaderboard.”

Kirin chimed in, “Yes. Boss is a talented guy. If he has the resources, powering up will be easy as pie.He’ll be stronger than us in no time, even.”

Levi shook his head. “No thanks. I don’t really care about that sh*t leaderboard. Not like I can getanything even if I top it.”

He killed Dark Emperor, the number one on the Divine Leaderboard very easily. Because of that, hedidn’t think highly of the leaderboards.

You call that weakling the strongest? This leaderboard is nothing but sh*t.

“Ah, stop talking. We need to check boss’ condition,” Phoenix suggested.

A moment later, everyone started checking up on Levi’s condition to see if Maya Industries’ weapon’schemicals were acting up.

“Hm? Something’s wrong.”

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