The Protector

Chapter 1705
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Chapter 1705

At the East Warzone.

Floyd and the others had been resisting and fighting for a long time.

“This isn’t right. Why hasn’t Levi shown up?”

Floyd panicked.

He knew that given Levi’s style and speed, the guy should’ve been there ages ago.

Why isn’t he here yet? The most strategic time to attack is long gone. Does he have something else uphis sleeves?

“What is taking our reinforcement so long? We can’t hold them off for much longer.”

Pained moans filled the East Warzone.

Their casualty was simply unimaginable.

Just then, a piece of important news spread out and shook everyone to their core.

“I just received some horrible news. We’re really doomed!

“According to the update I received, the raiders had gone to the West Warzone. The Medical Eliteancient family, who had betrayed Erudia and deflected, are all killed!

“It is also said that the raiders didn’t ambush the Ruling Union. Instead, they performed a full-frontalassault. That is truly surprising.

“They are at an impasse, and a battle is imminent. The Ruling Union is a few hundred times stronger interms of skills and numbers. In other words, the discrepancy between the two sides is obvious, and the

result is predictable. The Ruling Union will soon break through the West Warzone and occupy over halfof Erudia’s land!

They smelled danger—crazy, immense danger.

At that moment, every Erudia citizen was worried sick.

“Have they gone insane? The raiders abandoned the element of surprise and are fighting head-on?

“Most of the Ruling Union’s forces are stationed in the West Warzone. Their number of Rank Sixfighters is a few hundred times more than ours! How will our warriors win that battle? They’re practicallybeing sent to their graves!

“The West Warzone will be breached! Erudia is done for…”

There was hopelessness in the air.

At that moment, all anyone felt was extreme hopelessness.

The Dragonites had already sent out all of their experts, and they really had no one else to turn to.

At that moment, all they could do was watch quietly…

The discrepancy in strength was too much in the West Warzone, and it was destined to fall.novelbin

The East Warzone was hanging by a thread as well, and it would be broken soon.

Given the situation at the time, It seemed that Erudia was fated to fall.

Everyone assumed that the Ruling Union would win because it seemed inevitable.

The difference in their power is just that strong, and that is especially true in the West Warzone.

Despite the overwhelming odds, the warriors of Erudia refused to back down.

Their opponents were martial artists, while they themselves were just ordinary soldiers who weren’t amatch.

Still, their enemies would have to walk over their dead bodies to enter Erudia.

That was the spirit burning inside the hearts of the Erudia’s warriors.

They stood there like a wall and waited for the enemy to come…

Everyone who abandoned Erudia citizenship almost celebrated with firecrackers upon learning thesituation.

Erudia would fall, after all.

We made the right choice when we leave that country.

Everyone thought that Erudia was done for.

Even Floyd and the others, who were in the East Warzone, felt hopeless when they learned that Levihad gone to the West Warzone.

In short, no one thought that Erudia could win that battle.

They weren’t the only ones thinking about it. Tobias and his men didn’t believe they could win thatbattle, either.

Courage was the brightest and sharpest weapon in a war.

Unfortunately, their enemy was too strong.

It’s an impossible situation.

Still, everyone refuses to back down.

“Kill them all!”

Both sides attacked each other.

“Leave no survivor and rescue my brother at all costs!” roared Bruce angrily.

He pressed his watch, and a metallic armor sprung out.

At that moment, Bruce had practically turned into a superhero, and his power was equivalent to that ofa Supreme Class fighter.

Technology could be truly terrifying at times.

With Bruce leading the army, they shot forward like a tsunami.

“Abigail, keep the Erudian banner up. Do not let it fall to the ground!” said Levi as he assigned Abigailher task.

Hence, the Erudian banner flew proudly at the highest spot.

Levi’s eyes glowed with murderous intent as he growled, “Today, I will show you just how strong I am.”

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