The Protector

Chapter 1521
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Chapter 1521

Levi shook his head in resignation. “I could bear with living in the shadows while doing all thebackbreaking work. However, the only thing I can’t tolerate is not being trusted. Since all of you don’ttrust me, please look for someone else to save you.”

Everyone began to panic at Levi’s reaction.

If Levi didn’t go, there was no one else who could take on the Northern Demon.

“It… it was our dereliction of duty!”

“More importantly, we have been tricked by the Four Basilisks. Our failure to realize the truth resulted inthe current predicament.”

“Crown King, please don’t worry. Once all this is over, we will demand justice on your behalf and let theworld know the truth.”

“For the time being, please put this aside and focus on the Northern Demon.”

“I’m sure you’re aware of how strong he is. And now, he is causing devastation everywhere…”

Levi scoffed in response. “Of course I know. Haven’t I warned you about it? I even offered to fight him.However, all of you thought that I was just b*llshitting and unrepentant. You assumed that I was tryingto claim undue credit. After that, you imprisoned me here and refused to let me out until I have reflectedon my crimes!”

“Is it true?”

The Dragonites turned toward the guards in surprise.

They nodded. “It’s true indeed!”

“Before the Northern Demon reappeared, Crown King had already warned us about it. However, whenwe reported it, our superiors accused us of spouting nonsense and that it was impossible for theNorthern Demon to be alive. They told us that Levi was just trying to claim undue credit.”novelbin


Everyone’s mind was blown when they heard the guard’s explanation.

It was true that Levi had not only been wrongly accused and humiliated, but he had also even beenimprisoned.

Despite that, he was still loyal to Erudia. Knowing that danger was approaching, he took the initiative byoffering to deal with it.

However, no one believed him again.

After being hurt once again, he had lost all faith.

“Mmm-hmm, that was what happened. Despite my loyalty and urge to protect Erudia, all my effortswere spurned. Therefore, those people are not worth protecting. Luckily, I’m an ordinary citizen now, soI can live a simple life and no longer need to worry as much.”

Levi let out a long sigh.

“Please don’t!”

“Crown King, if you don’t help us, there’s no one else who is powerful enough to defeat the NorthernDemon.”

“Please reconsider!”

Levi laughed. “I have thought it through. So, please look for someone else. For the time being, I’m notgoing to leave my cell as I want to continue my self-reflection.”

With a wave of his hand, Levi pushed all the men out with a terrifying force.

Left without a choice, the men returned to the Dragonites and reported what Levi said.

“What? Levi knew ahead of time that the Northern Demon would appear and he volunteer to fight him?”

Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

“This is all my fault. I thought Levi was just spewing nonsense. I didn’t expect the Northern Demon toreally appear…”

Rico of the Dragonites admitted awkwardly.

“What we did hurt him terribly, and he refuses to leave his cell now.”

“Oh, it’s all our fault. We have been blind!”

“If we fail to stop the Northern Demon, Oakland City would be turned into a living hell!”

Everyone sighed.

“Why is Levi being so petty? He is abandoning Erudia at such a crucial time on the account of his ownfeelings and interest. Why does he deserve the title of Crown King?” someone commented suddenly.

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