The Protector

Chapter 1453
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Chapter 1453

Despite George’s reassurance, Zoey remained anxious.

“How did he manage to offend the Great Family of Frostford?” she whispered.

Zoey had heard her grandmother mention once before that Frostford was the most powerful of all theGreat Families. Not even Westford was foolish enough to cause trouble with them.

The Four Great Families were waiting expectantly on the banks of Lake Westia.novelbin

“Brothers, there is a fighter of astounding skill that has been standing guard over Levi over the courseof his infirmity. As a result, we must exert more effort than was expected to apprehend him.” Albus wasbusy making arrangements.

“There is just the two of them as opposed to our vast number.” The others were brimming withconfidence.

The last time all four Great Families united, even the Dragonites had to surrender.

It was a show of force not to be underestimated.

“This will be the last time I’m warning you. Let this go while you still can!” Thierry spoke up again.

“Are you defending him because Levi is your sister’s grandson-in-law? I have refrained my hand out ofrespect for you once before. Not this time!” Albus snarled.

The others had been under the impression that Thierry was protecting him because Levi was his kin.

“This has nothing to do with blood,” Thierry insisted, near tears with despair. “He is just somebody wecannot afford to provoke!”

“Thierry, I think it’s time to step down as the leader of Westford. Get yourself a replacement moreworthy,” Albus jeered vehemently.

Little did they know that Levi had already succeeded him as the leader of Westford.

“That’s right,” the others chimed in. “You’re no longer the fierce leader you once were. What adisappointment.”

“Levi is here!” A voice shouted from outside of the hall.

Albus’s men had arrived, surrounding Levi and North Sky Lord.

Every eye at the scene was on the pair of them, with the exception of Thierry and his men who casttheir gaze downward as if they had wanted nothing to do with what the other three Great Families hadplanned.

Thierry did not even dare look as he knew what was in store for all of them.

Albus’s cold stare was fixed on Levi.

“Levi, are you aware of your crimes?” he rumbled.

“What crimes? Who are you to interrogate me in this manner?” Levi asked with a polite smile.

“Listen very carefully and remember this until your dying day: I am Albus Whittaker of the Great Familyof Frostford. Do you dare question my authority again?”

“You have murdered Sampson, harmed my disciples, and murdered members of the Great Familiesrampantly! Do you deny it?” Albus fixed him with a death stare.

“Are you all here to watch me confess as well?” Levi looked around as he addressed the crowd.

“Yes, we are! You’ve killed so many of our brothers. Today, we will not rest until you have paid yourdebt blood for blood!” Dragonus roared in a fury.

“Why do you seem so sure that it was by my hand that they have been killed?” Levi asked.

“There is evidence!”

“Don’t you think that the evidence is too obvious?” Levi argued. “If I was really the one to have done it,why would I leave so many traces of myself behind? Are you all fools?”

“Stop denying it, Levi! Are you going to confess or not?” Albus shouted in a panic.

“I was the one who killed Sampson and four of his disciples because they were traitors to Erudia! As foryour men, they were killed for attempting to ambush me.”

“As for the recent…” Levi continued, only to be cut off by Albus.

“There, he confessed to the killings!” Albus shouted as he turned to face the crowd. “You’ve all heard it,I’m sure. His confession is even more damning than the evidence!”

“Eh?” Levi was taken aback.

“Now that he had confessed, it’s time to pay! Blood for blood!”

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