The Protector

Chapter 1029
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Chapter 1029

Levi couldn’t stand xenophiles.

They were living in Erudia, the most secured and prosperous place in the world.

Yet, all they did was complain about it.

In their eyes, as long as something was from a foreign country, it was better than that of Erudia.

Even the air overseas smelled sweeter and the moon over there was brighter.

Those people who had lived abroad always felt a sense of superiority over Erudians, as if the latterwere peasants.

Wasn’t this exactly the case for Zoey’s two friends?

It was then Zara and Yvette’s turn to get upset after hearing Levi’s chastise.

“It is much better to live overseas. That’s the harsh truth! Do you foolish people seriously think thatErudia is the best place in the world? Let me tell you, Erudia is worthless compared to other countries!”

“You’re asking if I’m Erudian? Well, I don’t want to be one anymore! I’ve been working on getting animmigration permit. The moment the permit is approved, I’ll immigrate immediately! Why would anyonewant to be Erudian? Staying abroad is amazing!”

Zara and Yvette retorted disdainfully.

It was their instinct to reject everything that was Erudian.

From the moment they got off the plane, even the air seemed contaminated to them.

If not for Zoey’s current status, there was no way she could have convinced them to come back and beher bridesmaids.

They looked at her and said, “Zoey, why don’t you immigrate too? With your wealth, it’ll be blissful tolive overseas!”

“Yeah! Everything abroad is so much better compared to Erudia! Hurry up and immigrate! The momentyou obtain overseas citizenship, you’ll get great opportunities everywhere you go!”

However, Zoey rebuked, “I was born and raised in Erudia. There is no way that I’ll immigrate anywhereelse. I’ve only gone overseas for the sake of broadening my horizons.”

Zoey strongly disagreed with the views of her friends.novelbin

But since she was the one who had requested them to be her bridesmaids, she couldn’t be too blunt.

“Sigh… Zoey, that’s such a pity! It’ll be a waste for a genius like you to remain in Erudia!” both of themlamented.

Zara and Yvette were only two out of countless people who shared the same opinion.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t uncommon to find xenophiles among the younger generation nowadays, andthey fought tooth and nail for an immigration permit.

In their opinion, everything foreign were better.

Levi sneered, “You two had better give up on that thought. There’s no way my wife would want toimmigrate! Not only is Erudia a prosperous country, but it also has a rich history dating back thousandsof years. It’s perfect! Why would anyone be envious of those staying abroad! Haha!”

“Haha! What’s so good about Erudia? Look at Zoey! She must have gotten used to the old-fashionedway of living here! That’s why she chose you to be her husband! This would never have happened ifZoey went overseas! She definitely would have chosen a husband a hundred times better than you!How good can life even get here?” Zara mocked.

Zoey made an effort to stop their bantering. “Alright! All that matters is that we’re compatible with eachother!”

Zara shot a last glare at Levi before she shut her mouth.

“Zoey, have you chosen the groomsmen? I’ve heard that Erudian groomsmen have a terrible practiceof bullying the bridesmaids at the wedding!” Yvette asked.

“Yeah! I’ve seen so many videos of groomsmen harassing bridesmaids at Erudian weddings! Everyoneoverseas thought that all Erudians acted this way. It’s so embarrassing for us!”

Zara frowned as she queried.

Zoey smiled. “Levi has already chosen the groomsmen! Don’t worry. They’re all morally upright andgentlemanly. There is no way such a situation will happen at our wedding!”

“He was the one who chose the groomsmen?”

Zara and Yvette cast their looks of doubt at Levi.

“Won’t they be like him then? In fact, they could be worse than him! I can’t stand Erudian men. They’reinferior to foreign guys!”

“That won’t do. We want to be the ones to choose the groomsmen!”

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