The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 785 A Special Auctioned Item
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Chapter 785 A Special Auctioned Item

“Today’s banquet is organized by Young Master Tuoba Jie. The Tuoba Family is the largest and

wealthiest family that has existed for hundreds of years in South Yue. Their family makes up half of the

country’s total GDP, proving themselves to be extremely rich and powerful. Naturally, his banquet will

attract a lot of celebrities and prominent figures from all over the world!” As he entered the loud and

crowded party with the rest of the guests, Jiang Yong introduced the party to them proudly, acting like

an influential, obnoxious know-it-all local.

Jiang Yong looked at several beautiful girls as he spoke, and was very pleased by the surprised looks

on their faces. He paid the most attention to Long Feifei, who was the most beautiful girl in the room.

He threw a few more glances in her way.

Ma Bing, who was standing beside Jiang Yong, seemed to notice his friend’s unusual stare. He couldn’t

help but feel a pang of jealousy. When compared to Jiang Yong, Ma Bing felt rather inferior to him, and

believed that only Jiang Yong was in the same league as Long Feifei.

Ma Bing attempted to change the topic immediately. “So, Young Master Jiang, it sounds like Tuoba Jie

is a prominent figure in South Yue. Speaking of which, he looks like he is about to auction something

on the stage. Hehe! I suppose a prominent figure like him wouldn’t be facing a financial crisis, would

he?” Ma Bing made small talk.

“Yes, of course he is a prominent figure. However, there are certain things in South Yue which you all

are not familiar with, so you’d better be careful with your words and don’t say things which you’re not

sure of. As for the auction, I don’t suppose Young Master Tuoba has a financial crisis. Haha! Maybe

he’s just doing it for fun!”

“By the way, do you still remember the time when I asked your father to help my family find some

precious treasures a few years back? Hehe! Well, to be honest with you, my father wanted those

treasures to fawn over Young Master Tuoba after he found out about the young master’s hobby of

collecting antiques. Haha! Thanks to that public relation stunt last time, I managed to get my hands on

so many admission tickets for today’s banquet!” Jiang Yong laughed gleefully.

“Haha! I didn’t expect our Ma Family to have made such a great contribution to the Jiang Family! Eh,

what will Young Master Tuoba be auctioning today?”

Ma Bing smiled faintly. However, he was rather upset at the moment. If he had known earlier, he would

have taken up that opportunity to get to know Tuoba Jie himself.

If that was the case, he would’ve been the one showing off instead.

“It is quite a surprise that Young Master Ma did not feel an ounce of shame for giving away precious

treasures of China to these foreigners, yet you feel regret for not being able to do so personally?” Chen

Hao, who stood at the side, frowned and commented plainly.

His words made both Ma Bing and Jiang Yong frown simultaneously. Especially when his words

resonated with the thought in Ma Bing’s mind, it greatly embarrassed him.

“God damn it, you disgusting loser! I’ll do whatever I want to do, and it’s none of your business!” Ma

Bing bellowed. He took his anger out on Chen Hao after seeing Jiang Yong flirt with Long Feifei.

“Hmph! Don’t you agree with Chen Hao? Ma Bing, it’s a shame that you are a gentleman who studied

abroad. You’re being really rude and uncivilized now!” Tian Xiaofan took Chen Hao’s side when she

heard Ma Bing’s words.

It looked like they were about to start a fight. “Okay, okay, can you guys cut it out? We’re here to have

fun at the banquet instead of listening to your arguments. Come on, let’s go, it looks like the auction is

about to begin soon. We need to get closer to the stage!”

Unlike everyone else, Long Feifei put all her attention on Tuoba Jie. He was standing on the stage, withnovelbin

rays of lights in different colors shining on him.

Her grandfather had told her to seize the opportunity. She wondered if her grandfather meant for her to

take the opportunity to be close with Tuoba Jie.

This was because of all the people in the party, in comparison with Jiang Yong, Tuoba Jie possessed a

unique temperament which appealed to her.

As for Ma Bing, he was so inferior that it was pointless to compare him with the others.

Long Feifei had heard about the Tuoba Family from her grandfather before. After all, they were the

most powerful and richest family in their country. Of course, the family was very influential too.

This was one of the reasons why Long Feifei admired Tuoba Jie very much.

She wanted to get closer and have a better view of him.

Ma Bing glared at Chen Hao while the group proceeded to move toward the stage.

Initially, Chen Hao had thought of asking Jiang Yong on matters regarding the Chen Family in South

Yue, but with the current awkward situation and their close approximation to the stage, their

surroundings became too loud for any conversation. In the end, Chen Hao did not manage to open his


At this moment, the sweet voice of a girl whispered in his ear. “Chen Hao, don’t be afraid. I’ll be the first

one to defend you if anyone dares to bully you today. I’m in support for all the things you critiqued just

now!” Tian Xiaofan whispered in Chen Hao’s ear quietly while giving him a victory sign.

Chen Hao could not help but smile and nodded back.

He thought that she was a very nice girl. Although her words were light, they touched Chen Hao


I seldom come across such a kind girl. It’s fate which has brought us together.

Why don’t I take this opportunity to offer her something?

Whether it was money or skills, Chen Hao did not mind granting any of Tian Xiaofan’s wishes. He

thought of it as a token of appreciation for her kindness.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please quiet down!” Tuoba Jie, who stood on the stage with a microphone in

his hand, silenced everyone in the banquet.

Shush! As if it had been perfectly rehearsed before, the noisy crowd fell silent the moment he spoke.

“Everyone knows that I, Tuoba Jie, will organize a large banquet once or twice every year. During each

banquet, there’s an important activity—which is an auction! For the past few years, most of the

auctioned items were either antiques or some rare unique treasures. Hahaha! This year, however, the

item that will be auctioned is a bit different and special!” Tuoba Jie narrowed his eyes.

“Holy smoke! If Young Master Tuoba thinks it’s special, I suppose it must really be special then?”

“Who knows? Perhaps Young Master Tuoba might auction off some kind of magical medicine this


In an instant, Tuoba Jie’s announcement caused a stir at the banquet as the crowd began gossiping

and speculating among themselves.

On stage, a middle-aged man walked toward Tuoba Jie. “Young Master Jie, you sure know how to

make these people anxious!” he whispered into Tuoba Jie’s ear while grinning.

“Hehe! You see, this is the interesting part! Every year, I just love to see this bunch of lowly people

fighting each other over petty stuff! Haha! This is why I enjoy organizing the auction every year!” Tuoba

Jie smirked wickedly.

However, their low whispers did not escape Chen Hao’s ears. He could hear their words clearly. Since

the matter did not concern Chen Hao, he did not bother to teach them a lesson.

“Alright then, I suppose all of you are starting to get really excited about what kind of item I’ve prepared

to be auctioned off to you guys today, am I right? Now, allow me to reveal today’s item!” Tuoba Jie

announced loudly.

Cheer! Cheer! Cheer! The audiences were thrilled as their eyes flickered with excitement. Even the

experienced and knowledgeable Long Feifei could not help but wonder curiously after being teased by

Tuoba Jie’s words.

What could it possibly be? For someone as prominent as Tuoba Jie to be acting so secretive about the

item, it must be really special! Everyone had the same thought on their minds.

“Alright! I will now reveal the item. The thing going for auction today is a lady!” Tuoba Jie beamed. “So,

gentlemen down there, today’s your lucky day because this lady is exquisitely beautiful with an angelic

appearance. She is pure and her beauty is out of this world. But most importantly, she is still a virgin!”

Tuoba Jie announced.

Cheer! Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!

“The beauty favored by Young Master Jie is definitely not any ordinary girl! Young Master Jie, I can’t

stand the suspense any longer, please bring her out and let us have a look!”

Cheer! Cheer! Cheer! The gentlemen were ecstatic, especially several rich young masters.

“Men, bring the auctioned item up here, so that every young master down there can have a look at it!”

Tuoba Jie waved his hand.

Soon, four men carried a cardboard box wrapped in white chiffon cloth and walked toward the stage…

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