The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 781 Third Tier Cultivator of the King of Kings
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Chapter 781 Third Tier Cultivator of the King of Kings

Long Ye’s body started to tremble lightly.

“What does that mean? You mean this guy, Chen Hao, is the King of Kings?” Long Ye was surprised.

“Yeah. He’s way too strong!” the Third Team Sergeant exclaimed in awe. “They had a fight just now, but

the whole body of Zhu Baoqing was crushed into dust completely after not even close to one round of

combat. I finally know what a truly strong expert means. A real strong expert is someone who is

absolutely fearless when it comes to challenges,” the Third Team Sergeant continued with his trembling


“If that’s the case, then it is I, Long Ye, who was being careless. It is indeed our great pleasure to have

such a powerful expert in China as our Chief Military Instructor!” Long Ye said sullenly.

Now, Long Ye could not care less about Zhu Baoqing’s death anymore. After all, was there anythingnovelbin

else more shocking and surprising than the appearance of the King of Kings in the world? No, there


At the same time, Chen Hao walked out slowly through the crowd with his hands in his pockets. Long

Ye stepped forward quickly and greeted Chen Hao when he saw the latter on his way out.

“Mr. Chen, I was being impetuous just now. Please forgive my rudeness and arrogance!” Long Ye

bowed and apologized.

“Oh Mr. Long, that’s an overstatement!” Chen Hao smiled faintly.

Chen Hao did not feel any remorse for killing Zhu Baoqing and Zhu Yunfei; it was their own fault for

being ignorant and messing with the wrong person.

“Mr. Chen, I just heard from Haotian that you wish to borrow our Ashura Compass. To be honest, the

compass is the most precious treasure at the operation base of the Dragon Squad. Normally, we won’t

show it to outsiders without orders from our superiors. But, since Mr. Chen, you are no ordinary man,

you can use the compass!” Long Ye treated Chen Hao with utmost respect.

Indeed, the Mr. Chen standing before him was without mistake, an exceptionally powerful expert

cultivator in the level of the King of Kings. These kinds of experts were extremely rare and hard to

come by in the world. Being acquainted with such a powerful man would be very beneficial in elevating

the status of the Dragon Squad internationally and improving the squad’s abilities. The experienced

and smart Long Ye, of course, would not mind lowering his pride by treating Chen Hao with respect

when he thought of the benefit the squad would gain by being on good terms with Chen Hao.

“Now, the Ashura Compass is very important to us too. Otherwise, I won’t be so impetuous as to make

this request!” Chen Hao smiled faintly.

He immediately had Master Ghost follow Long Ye’s man to a secret room at the operation base to use

the Ashura Compass. Chen Hao believed that Master Ghost would find out the answers to all the

mysteries, including the location of the Hidden Dragon Island and other matters.

Suddenly, Long Ye coughed violently and a mouthful of blood was coughed out. Cough! Cough!

“Excuse me, Mr. Chen. It happens all the time. I’ve gone used to it!” Long Ye shook his head and

smiled bitterly, as if it happened all the time.

“Director Long Ye, apparently this happens because you practiced some incorrect techniques in the

Internal Martial Arts which resulted in internal injuries. You seem to have practiced this technique for

over fifty years.” With just a quick glance, Chen Hao could tell immediately what was wrong with Long

Ye. He pointed out the mistake and smiled at him faintly while Long Ye just stared at him with his

bulging eyes.

“Mr. Chen, you are indeed an extraordinary man with unusual talent. You’re right! I’ve been practicing

this Internal Martial Arts technique since I was twelve years old, so I have practiced it for over fifty

years now. But unfortunately, I’m still not able to reach any level in the realm of cultivation after over

fifty years of hard work and training. How silly I am! But, it was my ancestor who invented this

technique and it was passed down the Long Family generations after generations. Mr. Chen, why

would you say there are some incorrect styles in the technique?” Long Ye asked in surprise. In fact,

Long Ye had always been very confident with the technique invented by his ancestors.

“There are indeed some incorrect styles in the technique. Anyhow, I’ll be staying with the Dragon

Squad for quite some time while giving training to the men on spell formations. If you don’t mind,

Director Long, you can show me your Internal Martial Arts technique and I’ll have a look! Also, I can

help you to treat your internal injuries too!” Chen Hao said.

“Eh? In that case, I’ll have to thank you in advance, Mr. Chen!”

It was a piece of cake for Chen Hao to treat Long Ye’s injuries. To Long Ye’s surprise, not only did Chen

Hao possess excellent medical skills, his brilliant knowledge and achievements in Internal Martial Arts

were really extraordinary and incomparable to anyone in the world. Long Ye tried practicing the

technique again by correcting all the fifteen mistakes pointed out by Chen Hao and it worked

miraculously well. As a result, Long Ye’s respect and admiration for Chen Hao increased greatly.

“Mr. Chen, would you mind if I ask which tier are you in the stage of the King of Kings? Reaching such

an incredible stage at such a young age is truly amazing and admirable!” Long Ye could not help but

ask Chen Hao about it after that.

“Honestly, I don’t really know which stage I am at now. My man told me that I need the Testing Stone

from the People’s Palace to test out my cultivation stage,” Chen Hao said.

“No worries, Mr. Chen. We always have a Testing Stone here in the Dragon Squad. It’s a standardized

device which can indicate the cultivation stage based on the amount of vital energy a cultivator

possesses. Mr. Chen, you can try it out!” Long Ye suggested immediately.

Now, Long Ye basically would not hesitate to fulfill Chen Hao’s request. In fact, he was more worried

about Chen Hao not having any requests for him.

He immediately opened a mechanical switch at the back of the bookshelf in his office; a quaint Testing

Stone appeared before Chen Hao’s eyes.

“Mr. Chen, please place both of your hands on it and channel the vital energy inside your body into it.

You’ll know your cultivation stage very soon,” said Long Ye. He was very eager to know about Chen

Hao’s cultivation stage.

“Alright!” Of course, Chen Hao wanted to know his current cultivation stage too, so he placed his hands

on the stone immediately. The Testing Stone underwent some changes and soon, the result was out.

The stone showed that he was a Third Tier Cultivator of the King of Kings!

Long Ye goggled at the result with his bulging eyes. Oh my god! There’s indeed a miracle in this world!

He’s only in his early twenties!

In fact, Long Ye had some doubts when the Third Team Sergeant said Chen Hao was at the stage of

the King of Kings. But now, he realized what the sergeant said was true. No wonder, Chen Hao could

kill some cultivators so easily like he was just slaughtering some chickens. It was because there was a

huge difference between a cultivator and a King of Kings. Many Ninth Tier Cultivators had been training

for their entire life and yet they failed to attain a higher cultivation stage.

“The stage of the King of Kings? I heard it before from someone else. Director Long, how much do you

know about this stage?” Chen Hao asked.

“I only heard that people who achieve the stage of the King of Kings have a long lifespan extending

over a few thousands years. Not many people in the world can achieve this stage though. But Mr.

Chen, you’re one of those few people who did!” Long Ye’s admiration for Chen Hao grew.

Chen Hao frowned when he heard it. He was thinking about Long Ye’s explanation. According to Long

Ye, I guess my master, Qin Yifan, and grandpa, Chen Diancang, are people who have achieved the

stage of the King of Kings. This is the only possible and logical explanation because Mr. Qin’s ability is

terrifying and grandpa is too good at concealing himself. Even though I’ve achieved such a high level of

cultivation before this, I still can’t see through grandpa’s pretense. This shows that grandpa’s cultivation

level is really high. Besides, only people with a cultivation level of the King of Kings will be able to kill

the giant python that had lived for more than tens of thousands of years!

In fact, Chen Hao could distinctly feel his unusual strength. He noticed those normal cultivators indeed

appeared trivial and insignificant from his point of view, but he never expected that it was due to his

level of cultivation as a Third Tier Cultivator of the King of Kings. Of course, with that level of cultivation,

he was almost at the top of the world. However, Chen Hao did not let his guard down. Although his

cultivation level was at the Third Tier in the realm of the King of Kings, he could not let his guard down

as he did not know the extent of the cultivation level of Qin Yifan, Chen Diancang and the King of Nine

Doors. After all, the King of Kings was not the highest stage a cultivator could achieve in his life; there

were higher stages of cultivation besides the King of Kings.

Soon, a week had passed.

Master Ghost came out of the secret room, bringing a major discovery along with him…

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