The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 773 What We Want
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Chapter 773 What We Want

“Hmph! You talk big, Chen Hao, but it seems to me that you won’t be able to comprehend the

difference in our skills until you see it!” Chen Lianhu laughed maniacally again.

“You’re a Second Tier Cultivator, right?” Chen Hao asked.

“Not bad, kid. You know what a cultivator is!” Something changed in Chen Lianhu’s gaze.

“What tier is that Chen Haotian?” Chen Hao asked.

“Haha! Master Haotian is a legendary Fifth Tier Cultivator, a level beyond a mortal’s understanding!”

Chen Lianhu was full of respect toward Chen Haotian.

“It seems that your family is quite talented. You even have a Fifth Tier Cultivator among your ranks!”

Chen Hao clasped his hands behind his back.

“Why are you asking so many questions, Chen Hao? Once I capture you, my master will be the one

dealing with you!” Chen Lianhu made a gesture and in an instant, he was surrounded by a pillar of fiery


Except for his body, the pillar of flames expanded everywhere else and quickly advanced toward Chen

Hao, as if it meant to turn him to ashes the moment Chen Hao touched it.

Everyone was astounded by the sheer heat that the fire was giving off. It was the Demonic Armor of

Fire, which was capable of surrounding the body with a fire that burned everything it touched and

incinerated the organs of those who became poisoned by its flames!

“Chen Lianhu is so aggressive. If he is already like this on his own, how powerful is Chen Haotian

himself?” Yun Haotian said worriedly. It didn’t take long for Chen Lianhu to walk right in front of Chen

Hao, but the latter still had both of his hands in his pockets and seemed to be completely unaffected by

the flames.

“Watch out, Chen Hao!” Wan Xue reminded him hastily.

At that very moment, Chen Hao turned slightly toward Wan Xue and nodded at her before saying,

“Relax, I’m alright!” Then, he held out a hand and snapped his finger.


A blinding golden light shot out and hit Chen Lianhu, going straight through him as thick smoke rose allnovelbin

around them.

“What?!” Chen Lianhu was shocked, but it was too late to dodge when the golden light pierced through


Instantly, blood spurted out for a few feet and he was sent flying; his whole body burned while he fell to

the ground with blood all over his face. His eyes were wide open; they were the only sign of him being

alive, albeit in shock. “You! You?!” said Chen Lianhu in utter disbelief.

Behind him, the Chen people all gulped and took two steps backward in fear. How did he decimate

Chen Lianhu with such a light attack? How terrifying could he be?

Yun Haotian’s face was full of shock. Oh my god, who is this man?

Chen Hao walked up to Chen Lianhu with one hand in his pocket. He then placed a foot on Chen

Lianhu’s head and pinned him to the ground before saying, “You piece of trash. I was just warming up,

and you’re already like this. How are you going to capture me?”

“You!” All the color drained from Chen Lianhu’s face and he said, “I didn’t expect you to be this strong,

but you can’t kill me! I was only following orders. If you had the guts, you’d take this up with Master

Chen Haotian and not me!”

“Of course, but I can still fight him after killing you. I, Chen Hao, have always been a man of my word.

When I said that I will kill you all, how can I go back on my word?” With that, Chen Hao stomped on his

head. Bang! Chen Lianhu’s skull burst open like a big watermelon as it crushed before he could even

scream, leaving behind a mess of flesh and blood.

“Get Master Chen Haotian for backup!” The remaining hundred or so men felt their hairs stand on their

ends and immediately scattered in every direction.

“Thinking of escaping?” Chen Hao smiled and slowly closed his eyes in response. Immediately after, a

golden eye appeared on his forehead, which started shooting a bright beam of light that enveloped

these men.

With several loud booms, the golden light pierced through their bodies, killing them instantly as they

imploded from inside out.

Behind Chen Hao, the faint-hearted ones started screaming. After all, the scene before them was too

gory for some.

“Master, are you sure that Master Ghost is in Chen Haotian’s hands?” Chen Hao asked casually after

putting away his golden eye.

“Y-Yes, Master Chen!” The elder might be more experienced in life, but he too was shaken by the

bloodshed before him. At the same time, he grew slightly more fearful of Chen Hao’s cruelty.

“Alright. Please take my friends down the mountain and help them to settle down. Do not come back up

until I meet you all at the bottom!” Chen Hao instructed them before disappearing immediately.

The elderly man and Yun Haotian wanted to say something else, but Chen Hao’s words seemed to

compel them as if by magic, and so they all retreated downhill.

Meanwhile, in a secret chamber within Xuanyang Mountain, a group of people sat in two rows. Their

leader, who was a middle-aged man with a square face, sat at the front with a large pot of boiling oil in

the center of them all. Beside the pot, there was an old man tied next to it.

“Master Ghost, you promised us that we will have our answers after you have your month of

purification. One month has passed, but you have lied to all of us when we trusted you. As such, we

have no choice but to leave you with two options: cooperate with us, or, as you can clearly see, my

subordinates have no issue frying you to a crisp!” The middle-aged man calmly took a sip of wine and

smiled coldly.

“Hehe. I am old, Master Chen, so I may have forgotten what I promised you. Could you kindly help

refresh my memory?” The old man, who was clearly Master Ghost in the flesh, retained the fire in his

eyes despite being tortured to the point of being skin and bones.

“Firstly, I want you to tell me where Chen Hao is. You know how hard we’ve worked to get him all these

years. Secondly, I want you to find out where the Heaven and Earth Stone is. Are you playing a senile

fool with us now, Master Ghost?” Chen Haotian said coldly.

“Hehe, I think I’ve already told you, but you must be getting impatient, so I’ll say it again. Take Chen

Hao’s family, and he’ll come to you eventually! As for the second question, I think we’ll discuss it after

you meet Chen Hao, shall we? Of course, that’s assuming all of you live to discuss that!” Master Ghost


Bang! A plump, Japanese-looking middle-aged man with a samurai knife slammed his hand on the

table. “You’re an old geezer! I guess you won’t fear death until it stares at you in the face! Who do you

think Chen Hao is? I’ll kill him like how I kill a lowly ant!” he bellowed.

“Be tactful and tell us where he is. Otherwise, death would be a mercy compared to what we’re about

to do!” shouted another man impatiently.

Just then, everyone heard the sound of slow footsteps outside at the same time. It was faint, but so

crisp that everyone could hear it clearly. “Hmm? Who is that?”

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