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Chapter 771 A Nobody

The lackey was pulled into an unknown location by the strong force. When he woke up, a young man

stood before him with his hands behind his back. “Who are you?” the Daoist asked.

“Who I am is not important. What’s important is that you tell me who you all are, and what are you

planning in Xuanyang Mountain?” Chen Hao slowly turned around to look at him coldly.

The moment the lackey saw Chen Hao, he froze and said, “Wait, you’re... the Young Master?”

Following that, he fell to his knees with an audible thud.

“Young Master?” Chen Hao frowned curiously.

“When did you get here, Young Master?” the lackey asked.

“Hehe, I come and go as I wish!” Chen Hao scoffed. He had no idea why this lackey was calling him

Young Master, but he might as well take advantage of it and get some information out from him.

“Alright, answer me!” Chen Hao commanded.

The lackey kowtowed in fear. “Have you forgotten, Young Master? We’ve received your family’s secret

orders to excavate the magical stones! There’s an underground vein here in Xuanyang Mountain called

the Xuanyang Vein, which is why we’ve been trying to excavate the Xuanyang Stone for over a month!”

he said truthfully.

“The Xuanyang Stone?” Chen Hao nodded, having grasped the gist of it. “Does that mean the original

Daoists of Xuanyang Temple are…?” he asked.

“Those who resisted were killed, and the rest are being held in a prison!” the lackey replied. “Young

Master, is Master Chen Haotian aware of your arrival? I’ll report to him at once!”

“There’s no rush for that. Tell me, have you heard of an elder called Master Ghost?’ Chen Hao asked.

He felt that Xuanyang Mountain held countless secrets.

“Master Ghost? Of course, Young Master. Weren’t you the one who ordered us to hunt him down? He

has been captured and Master Chen Haotian is watching over him, just as you commanded!” he


“Ah, so it was you lot who took Master Ghost!” Chen Hao raised an eyebrow.

“Young Master?” The Daoist suddenly looked up and realized that this young man was acting

completely unlike his young master; not to mention the way he kept asking questions was very


Not bad, it seems like I’ve saved quite a bit of effort, Chen Hao thought to himself. Come to think of it, it

might’ve been months since Master Ghost escaped to Xuanyang Mountain and hid himself in the

temple, which explained how he had made the prediction for Wan Xue. Soon after that, these people

had turned the place upside down in an effort to capture Master Ghost and excavate the Vein.

That explains why I haven’t been able to secure any leads on Master Ghost! Chen Hao realized.

“Who’s this Chen Haotian you speak of? And who’s your young master?” Chen Hao asked with a smile.

“What? You’re not my master?” The man stood up abruptly and looked at Chen Hao warily.

“Have you only just noticed?” Chen Hao smiled faintly. The man tried to run, but another pulling force

instantly sent him airborne, tearing at his insides so violently that it felt like torture.

“Mercy! Please, have mercy!” he screeched.

“Answer me, how did you mistake me for your young master?” Chen Hao asked.

“Y-You look at least 80% to 90% percent like my young master, that’s why. Are you a member of our

Chen family? How else can there be such a resemblance?” the man asked, still in pain.

“The Chen Family?” Chen Hao’s eyes lit up.

This lackey had some cultivation in him, but he was merely on the path of becoming a cultivator; even

then, he still had much to learn. Could this Chen Family possibly be the other family that Uncle Pingan

had heard of? What relations did they have with his grandfather, Chen Diancang? Chen Hao

contemplated all of this with surprise.

“Where is your Chen Family?” Chen Hao asked.

“Hidden Dragon Island! Are you a member of the family, sir?” the man replied fearfully. “I know! Are you

a member of the Nanyang Chen family?” he then added on as if he’d just remembered something.

“Yes. Is Chen Diancang the patriarch of your family?” Chen Hao dropped the man with a wave of his

hand, then asked monotonously.

“Yes!” the man kowtowed.

“It seems that two Chen families do exist! Does that prove Uncle Pingan’s findings? Is grandpa still

alive? But why would he do this?” Chen Hao frowned. He was so confused, but he also had a feeling

that his parents and sister’s disappearances had something to do with this Chen family.

What was more, this family seemed to have a member who looked so much like him, and this Daoist

lackey had managed to confuse the two of them. That was the only lead Chen Hao had so far.

Just as Chen Hao was deep in thought, the lackey suddenly looked up and grabbed a fistful of dirt from

the ground, his murderous intent bursting forth as he waved his hand to produce a dazzling, colorful

light which shot toward Chen Hao’s head in the form of golden needles.

However, these golden needles merely turned to dust the moment they came into contact with Chen

Hao’s vital energy, a full 50 centimeters away from Chen Hao himself without him lifting a finger.

Meanwhile, the man was shocked to see this.

“Since you already know who I am, we’re technically distant relatives. Why would you want to kill me?”

Chen Hao asked, surprised.

“There’s a big bounty for your head!” the Daoist lackey replied alarmingly.

“Who put it on me?” Chen Hao still couldn't figure out the reason behind all of this, so he continued to

ask confusedly, “Also, did you take my family?”

“About all of that, you should ask Master Chen Haotian yourself.” As he spoke, the man quietly ignited

a talisman, which soon dissolved into colorful smoke that clearly indicated a signal.

“Hahaha! I know, you must be one of those lowly Chen people we missed. I bet you didn’t notice me

sending the emergency signal while I was answering your questions. You’re dead, kid!” The man


Chen Hao felt even more confused. “What are you so excited about? I did actually notice you sending

the signal, but it’s not like I’d simply walk away now that I’m here, right? Why are you so happy?” he


“Haha, since you look so similar to my young master, I figured that you might be a big deal to the lowly

Chen family. If I capture you, I might even be promoted to Deputy Master. In a while, this place will be

surrounded by experts and you’ll be dead meat. How can I not be happy?” The man laughed


“I see. You’re being proud of your wit and your achievement in capturing me!” Chen Hao smiled. “You

claim that my family is the lowly one, but do you know you lot are mere nobodies in my eyes?”novelbin

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