The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 769 Xuanyang Temple
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Chapter 769 Xuanyang Temple

Teaching Li Jiaojiao a lesson was a piece of cake.

Going back to Chen Hao, there were too many people who were trying to get close to him as of late.

They had been using all kinds of excuses available, which started to get really annoying. Luckily for

Chen Hao, he had been staying inside the magical cave of Mount Taiwu in the last few days. The place

was indeed a magical cave as it was full of magic tools.

Chen Hao had been searching for three days before he found the precious magical relics Master Ghost

told him to get hold of. It was a shiny blue-colored crystal about the size of a human nail. However,

Chen Hao was absolutely clueless on how to use it. After studying the item carefully, he noticed a

strong energy belonging to a special kind of element hidden within the crystal.

Why did Master Ghost ask me to get hold of this crystal? Is there any particular use for it? Chen Hao

thought to himself. He did not manage to find more information about the crystal despite days of

extensive research. However, finding Master Ghost was the most important thing at the moment. By

locating Master Ghost, only then would he be able to unravel the mysteries of his parents, Ziyan,

Tongxin, and everything else. Chen Hao was certain that Master Ghost had foreseen everything since

the beginning; it was only natural for him to have predicted every single mystery. However, where was

Master Ghost hiding at?

Just as Chen Hao was pounding on the question, Wan Xue arrived.novelbin

“Mr. Chen, Wan Xue from the Wan Family is here! She has been waiting outside for the whole day and

she said that she wanted to meet you no matter what!” Lin Jiu walked to Chen Hao’s side and said.

“Wan Xue? What is she doing here?”

Naturally, Chen Hao remembered the girl, who was rather cold toward him. They had never been in

contact with each other ever since the birthday party last time. Upon hearing from Lin Jiu that she had

been waiting for the entire day, Chen Hao felt obliged to meet her. After all, he had thought of using her

to get the admission ticket to the Underground Ceremony prior to this.

“Bring her in then!” Chen Hao nodded and replied. With a flick of his wrist, the shiny blue crystal


“Chen Hao—no, I mean—Mr. Chen!” Wan Xue was brought into the backyard. Her heart was pounding

rapidly again when she saw Chen Hao. She remembered how she felt a proud sense of superiority

when she stood before him back when he was still a normal and plain person a few days ago. But now,

she felt really nervous that she could barely look him in the eyes.

“I heard you wished to see me. Is there anything important?” Chen Hao asked Wan Xue with a smile.

“Um, there is something. But, I… I don’t think you will agree to it!” Wan Xue said, slightly disappointed.

Indeed, her request was a little too much to ask for. But judging from her first impression and

understanding of Chen Hao, she thought he would agree to it. However, after discovering Chen Hao’s

true ability, all she could feel was nervousness and inferiority. All of a sudden, she did not know how to

go about her request.

“Well, let’s hear about it,” said Chen Hao, feeling slightly puzzled and confused.

“I was wondering if you could accompany me to Xuanyang Mountain, but you’re such a busy person

nowadays!” An intense, hopeful look flashed through Wan Xue’s eyes.

“Xuanyang Mountain? Why do you need me to go with you?” Chen Hao asked while smiling bitterly.

“I…” Wan Xue did not know how to explain it to Chen Hao. But on second thought, she decided to be

bold and tell him everything.

The main reason why Wan Xue wanted to invite Chen Hao to visit Xuanyang Mountain together was to

look for the fortune teller beside a river at the back of the mountain. She wanted the fortune teller to

confirm their relationship, and if their destiny was as he had predicted earlier. Naturally, Wan Xue had

to admit that her request was rather silly. Furthermore, Chen Hao did not seem like the type of guy who

would meet some fortune teller with a girl who had nothing better to do than think about marriage and

destiny all the time. Therefore, Wan Xue felt embarrassed by her request and had trouble asking Chen

Hao. Nevertheless, she cared a lot about her destiny and marriage, and explained everything about the

fortune teller and his prediction to Chen Hao instantly.

“A fortune teller? What did he look like?” Chen Hao asked. He became attentive to Wan Xue’s


Chen Hao felt excited when he heard her description of the fortune teller. Could he possibly be Master

Ghost? Has he been hiding in Xuanyang Mountain all this while? If so, then it will be easy for me to find

him! Chen Hao thought to himself.

Thus, he agreed to go with Wan Xue since it was an important lead on Master Ghost.

Wan Xue was surprised and excited at the same time when Chen Hao agreed to go with her.

Xuanyang Mountain was located at the southern side of Ji Province. It was a sacred place full of Daoist

temples, including the Daoist Xuanyang Temple. Many devotees visited the temple on a daily basis.

The more he looked at the temple, the more Chen Hao felt that Master Ghost, who he had been

looking for such a long time, was indeed there.

“Greetings, are you two on your way to the temple for prayers?” Chen Hao and Wan Xue were stopped

by two young Daoists when they arrived at the entrance of the temple. They bowed and greeted Chen

Hao and Wan Xue politely while asking with a smile.

“No, master, we just want to have a walk around the back of the mountain. It seems that there are less

devotees here on the mountain today, why is it so?” Wan Xue asked after looking around.

“Oh, we are really sorry, but Xuanyang Mountain closed down a month ago. Outsiders are not allowed

to go to the back of the mountain anymore. I’m afraid the both of you will need to leave if you wish to

walk around at the back of the mountain,” said the two youths.

However, one of the young Daoists was peeking at Wan Xue’s breasts when he lowered his eyes and

talked. He swallowed nervously while holding back his lust.

His lewd behavior, of course, did not escape Chen Hao’s eyes. He noticed that the two Daoists were

not decent men. Moreover, there was a faint trace of murderous aura emitting from them. The hidden

aura did not escape Chen Hao’s eyes as well. He quickly checked their surroundings with his spiritual

sense, and noticed that the entire mountain was indeed empty except for the two Daoists. Chen Hao

just looked at the duo coldly without saying a word.

Wan Xue was extremely disappointed when she heard they were not allowed to walk to the back of the

mountain. Just as they were about to turn and leave, the two Daoists poked each other at the elbows

and exchanged a glance. They then ran toward Wan Xue and said, “Miss, please wait a moment!”

“Master, is there anything else?” Wan Xue asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing much, Miss. It’s just that we noticed you look rather devoted, so we’ve decided to

make an exception by granting your request. You will be allowed to go to the back of the mountain!” a

Daoist said.

“Oh, really? Thank you very much!” Wan Xue exclaimed, feeling surprised and happy.

“However, I’m afraid only one of you is allowed to enter the back of the mountain; the other one will

have to wait and rest in the guest room. Otherwise, it’ll be difficult for us to explain!” the two Daoists


“Is that so? Alright then!” Wan Xue glanced at Chen Hao. When the latter agreed, she nodded as well.

No matter what, as long as she could find that floor-sweeping fortune teller, he would be able to answer

her questions again. Besides, the fortune teller told her the place where she could find him again. Since

Wan Xue was the only one who knew where it was, she was certain that she could find him as long as

she went to the back of the mountain. Hence, Chen Hao and Wan Xue followed the two Daoists into

the temple. As they entered, Chen Hao swiftly injected a ball of vital energy into Wan Xue’s body with a

flick of his finger…

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