The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 748 Salvaged Dragon Villa
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Chapter 748 Salvaged Dragon Villa

“In fact, the Underground Ceremony has been running for quite some time. Usually, precious resources

can be found in such ceremonies!” said Lin Jiu.

“Precious resources? Are those the resources required by the Cultivators for their cultivations?” Chen

Hao nodded his head in recognition.

“Yes, sir. Not only can precious resources be found, some rare magical tools might be present too. To

lay people, they are just mere valuables. However, they are priceless treasures to the Cultivators.”

“Where there are resources, there will be competition. Therefore, at this time of the year, some

Cultivators would always break into the city regardless of their agreement to join the fight over the


“Of course, there are lay people who have managed to obtain the magical tools. I’m not sure if you

have noticed, Sir, but Cultivator families will usually back up those lay people families who manage to

get hold of the magical tools, and keep them and everything else under their control!” said Lin Jiu.

After listening to him, Chen Hao nodded.

Indeed. His own family possessed magical tools. Everything looked normal and peaceful on the outside

despite the fact that his family too was supported by another Chen Family.

If lay people families received a magical tool, they ran the risk of being reduced to a puppet.

“Did you go undercover into the city in order to look for the many Cultivators here with concealed

identities who might be all around us?” asked Chen Hao.

“Sir, you’re right. If I don’t lie low and am discovered by other concealed Cultivators, I will definitely be

ambushed and attacked by them,” said Lin Jiu.

“In this case, is the Wan Family from the Ji Province trying to provide a platform for the fighters, so that

the resources can be distributed in a reasonable manner in advance through certain means?” asked

Chen Hao.

“That’s right, Sir. The Underground Ceremony is similar to the Martial Arts Ceremony. Numerous

Cultivators will attend the ceremony under the disguise of wealthy businessmen or lay people. They will

join the fight by joining forces with some big families.”

“According to rumours, the fighter or the family who wins the fight will be entitled to become the leader

of everyone else. The excavation of the magical cave at Mount Taiwu will be led by the family who

wins, and they will take a role akin to the leader of the martial arts world.”

“Has a magical cave already been found in Mount Taiwu?” asked Chen Hao.

“Yes, it has been found!”

“So what you’re saying is, the Wan Family is the organizer of the fight, but is one of the participants at

the same time?” asked Chen Hao.

“Exactly. However, the organizer does not automatically become the leader. This year, I decided to just

join the Duan Family in order to better examine the situation, unlike the rest of the Cultivators who have

joined forces with some other large families.”

With his explanation, Chen Hao finally understood how everything went.

He thought about that letter from Master Ghost.

He supposed the reason Master Ghost was urging him to participate in the Underground Ceremony

organized by the Wan Family was because he himself was interested to join.

Could the secret regarding his diaphragm be found in the magical cave in Mount Taiwu?

The more Chen Hao thought about it, the more likely it became.

Also, he finally understood the reason why Master Ghost was still lying low up until now.

As it turned out, although the Ji Province still looked calm on the outside, an unseen turbulence was in

fact surging underneath the guise.

It was unknown as to how many Cultivators had blended into the city.

Since Master Ghost had already given him hints that the treasure hidden inside the magical cave would

come in handy for him, Chen Hao was determined to procure it.

Although he was already a very strong fighter now with extraordinary skills and confidence, he always

remembered that there would always be someone better than him ever since the incident involving the

King of Nine Doors.

Because of that, Chen Hao preferred to keep a low profile.

On the other hand, his conversation with Lin Jiu had enlightened him the possibility of going

undercover into a large family in order to better observe the Cultivators who were joining the fight. He

could then gauge their skills before forming a plan.

“Where is the Underground Ceremony going to be held?” inquired Chen Hao after some thought.

“The Salvaged Dragon Villa in the city centre of the Ji Province. In my opinion, some cultivators might

have already reached there,” answered Lin Jiu.

“Great, I will head there and take a look at the surroundings!” Chen Hao nodded.

“Sir, let me go along with you!” suggested Lin Jiu anxiously.

“It’s unnecessary. You’re too obvious a target, and you will be easily discovered by those Cultivators. Inovelbin

can turn myself into a lay person by using Breathholding Skill. So, just let Piaopiao go with me,” said

Chen Hao.

After he finished saying that, he turned to look at Shen Tiangang beside him and said, “Mr. Shen, I

need a favor from you.”

“Sir, anything you like.”

“I would like to take part in the Underground Ceremony. Please do me a favor and get a ticket for me.”

“No problem!” replied Shen Tiangang immediately.

Up until now, both Shen Tiangang and Lin Jiu were being very submissive and respectful to Chen Hao.

It was because the two of them could sense the possibility of having a bright future by being Chen

Hao’s followers. What was more, they might even achieve success beyond their imaginations.

Such faith was the firmest in Lin Jiu’s mind.

After giving out all the appropriate instructions, Chen Hao was ready to go to the Salvaged Dragon Villa

together with Shen Piaopiao.

“Master, I received a text message from Xiao Yan asking for my help. He is waiting by the door now,”

said Shen Piaopiao smilingly with her phone in her hand when the two of them were ready to go.

“Really? In that case, let’s meet with him!”

In fact, Chen Hao had a great impression of his student.

Everytime he looked at him, he felt as though he was staring at his old self.


At this thought, Chen Hao could not help but laugh out loud in self-mockery.

It was commonly thought that two brilliant people might possibly befriend one another, but two people

having similar difficult lives would definitely be friends.

Being able to go through hardships with the company of someone having similar experiences was a

very blissful experience.

Perhaps the two of them had gotten closer to each other because of that.

As soon as they walked out of the door, they saw Xiao Yan walking to and fro while checking on his


Despite being extremely wealthy now, he still dressed in a very simple way.

At the sight of Chen Hao and Shen Piaopiao, Xiao Yan immediately scurried over and greeted them,

“Chen Hao, Piaopiao!”

“Xiaoyan, you sent me a text asking for my help. What’s the matter?” asked Shen Piaopiao.

“It’s regarding my grandfather. The grave of my grandfather was built on the top of Mount Xiaowei.

However, a developer has taken over the mountain for Salvaged Dragon Villa to organize an event that

is happening soon. Moreover, they are going to remove my grandfather’s grave!”

“I tried to plead for leniency but I was chased out by them. I would like to ask whether Piaopiao has

friends over there who could help me ask for some time to move my grandfather’s grave,” said Xiao

Yan, his eyes welling up with tears.


Shen Piaopiao was in a dilemma. After all, the Shen Family had long lost its former glory. They were no

longer on good terms with the people from the Salvaged Dragon Villa.

“Don’t worry too much. Let’s head to the Salvaged Dragon Villa first, and we will come up with a

solution thereafter!” suggested Chen Hao with a smile as he noticed the dilemma Shen Piaopiao was

in, and Xiao Yan’s state of anxiety.

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