The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 745 The Fortune Teller
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Chapter 745 The Fortune Teller

Master Ghost had always been a very resolute and calm man. Besides, he could precisely predict the

future, which meant that he would not have thrown away his trusted magic tool just like that. Perhaps,

he meant something else?

“Chen Hao, do you think that Master Ghost left it behind on purpose for us to find it? Could it be a

signal of distress?” Zhu finally spoke up.

Chen Hao nodded in agreement. “You’ve got a point. Since Master Ghost is able to predict the future,

he must have known that we will come and find him—he might even know when we will come!

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been such a coincidence for us to come across his fly whisk just as it was

about to be auctioned! Let’s not think about this first. We’ll go to Ji Province College and find the

student named Xiao Yan. We’ll find out after we ask him!” said Chen Hao.

“Master, I used to study at Ji Province College. Can I come along with you? It would be easier this way!

No matter what, you’d need someone by your side,” said Shen Piaopiao.

“Good idea! Alright then, you can come along with me!”

Soon, they arrived at Ji Province College.

For some inexplicable reason, the campus surroundings reminded Chen Hao of when he first entered

college. It had been three years since then. He had also been separated from Su Tongxin for almost

three years now. Yet, all the memories were so fresh and clear in his head, as if it had just happened

yesterday. Indeed, time had a knack of slipping away quietly when one was least prepared for it.

Meanwhile, Shen Piaopiao had been walking alongside Chen Hao when she noticed how lost he was

in his thoughts while looking at his surroundings. She did not bother interrupting him. Instead, she went

straight to the School of Business and Administration to look for the student named Xiao Yan. As for

Chen Hao, he wandered around the school campus; he felt that every college looked almost the same.

“Hey! Watch out!” Suddenly, a large kite fell from the sky toward Chen Hao’s direction. The girls flying

the kite were scared out of their wits, and rushed toward Chen Hao while screaming at him. It was

normal to see a kite falling rapidly with nothing stopping it in the absence of the wind. As Chen Haonovelbin

noticed the falling kite, he raised his finger unconsciously and pointed at it. Bam! In an instant, the kite

went up in flames. By the time it fell to the ground, it had turned into a pile of ashes.

“Ah!” The girls ran up to him, only to see their kite completely burned to ashes. They were very

annoyed and furious. “What’s the matter you? It’s not like we did it on purpose! Why did you burn our


There were four girls in total. All of them had slim and slender figures with shoulder-length hair. Each of

them looked pretty in their own unique ways. Three of the girls pointed at Chen Hao and scolded him

angrily. The last girl was quiet and gentle; she merely stared at the kite with slight disappointment on

her face.

Oh god! Chen Hao looked at them apologetically. That was why he preferred to cover up his vital

energy; if he used it by accident, it could potentially hurt someone.

“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean it!” Chen Hao apologized quickly.

“You didn’t mean it? You’re absolutely terrible. Even though the kite almost hit you, you did not have to

set it on fire!” Clearly, the girls had no idea how Chen Hao burned their kite. But of course, that was not

their main point of concern.

“I’ll compensate you for your loss!” Chen Hao said.

At the same time, the elegant girl standing in the middle of the group was trying to coil up the kite

string, but she tripped on a hole in the ground and almost fell down. Just as her face was about to hit

the ground, Chen Hao held out his arm immediately, grabbing the girl’s slim waist and helping her to

her feet.

“Damn you! What the heck do you think you’re doing? How dare you take advantage of Xue?” The

other three girls were already angry with Chen Hao for burning their kite; their anger increased when

they saw him taking advantage of their friend in public.

“Xiuxiu, that’s not true!” The girl named Wan Xue was trying to stop her friends from blaming Chen

Hao. Regardless, her friends were reluctant to let Chen Hao off the hook after they witnessed such

lewd behavior from him.

“Xue, don’t be afraid! You have us here with you. I’ll call someone now—don’t let this dude go so

easily!” The girls came together as they decided to teach Chen Hao a lesson.

“It’s not what you think! I almost fell just now, but he saved me by wrapping his arm around my waist!”

Wan Xue explained immediately.

“What?” The girls were surprised. Their antagonism toward Chen Hao had slightly decreased,

especially Wan Xue. Her beautiful face reddened for seemingly no reason when she looked at Chen


“Hmph! But he did set our kite on fire, and he needs to apologize for that!” said several of them.

“Alright, I’m sorry!” Chen Hao could not help but smile bitterly.

“Do you think that everything is over after you apologize?” The girl named Xiuxiu folded her arms

across her chest.

Wan Xue pulled Xiuxiu’s arm and asked, “Xiuxiu, what are you doing?”

“We’ll do it this way then. Our kite is very expensive. Do you know what kind of material the kite is

made of? The material itself is already worth a few thousand! Judging from your plain clothes, it would

be too much to ask from you if you were to compensate us for the kite, right? Since you saved Xue

earlier, why don’t you buy a cup of milk tea for each of us instead? How’s that for compensation?”

Xiuxiu suggested.

The girls agreed unanimously.

“No problem!” Chen Hao smiled.

Soon, all four girls got their own cup of milk tea.

“By the way, what’s your name? Which department are you from?” Just as the girls were about to

leave, Xiuxiu remembered to ask Chen Hao for his name.

“My name is Chen Hao.” Chen Hao did not hide his name from them.

“Alright then. I’ll remember you. Let me tell you this—a cup of milk tea isn’t enough to pay us back. If

we see you around campus next time, we’ll ask for more milk teas!” Then, Xiuxiu dragged her friends

along and left.

It was only a little incident on campus; Chen Hao did not think that it was troublesome in any way.

Rather, he felt that those young girls were quite interesting. Suddenly, he remembered why he was

there in the first place, and rushed toward the School of Business and Administration building.

On the other hand, the girls had split up and several of them had left. Meanwhile, the girl named Xue

kept turning around to catch a glimpse of Chen Hao’s back until he vanished from her sight.

“Xue!” Xiuxiu yelled at Wan Xue suddenly, startling the girl.

“Ah? What’s the matter?”

“Hmph, I knew something was going on just now. Why were you acting so weird when you saw that

guy? You were so happy and cheerful moments earlier. But the minute you saw him, you became so

shy and blushed without even saying anything. Even now, you have been secretly eyeing him from time

to time. Don’t tell me you developed a crush on him just because he held you lightly? It’s not like that,

right?” Xiuxiu and the other girls asked in disbelief.

“No, no, it’s not like that. To be honest with you, I don’t know why I am feeling this way either. It’s just

that when I saw him, I-I…” Wan Xue stuttered. She did not know how to describe her feelings.

“I what? Just say it, Xue, come on!” Xiuxiu and the girls asked anxiously.

“Oh, I don’t know how to explain myself! Xiuxiu, do you still remember the fortune teller we met about

six months ago?”

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