The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 723 Dear Young Master Chen
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Chapter 723 Dear Young Master Chen

“Wait a second, why are you here? Do you think that this is a place where you can simply enter?”

Just as he expected, Chen Hao was blocked by several security guards as soon as he reached the

entrance of the villa. The guards had stern looks on their faces and electric batons in their hands. They

looked as if they were ready to strike and knock Chen Hao out at any moment.

“Dear, look at this guy. Who does he think he is? Does he really believe that a person like him can

enter such an elite place like the Hot Spring Villa here? That’s really ridiculous! He should take a look

at himself in the mirror!”

A young man and woman, who looked like a couple, were standing beside the entrance. They gazed at

Chen Hao mockingly, but the latter did not even bother acknowledging them. Chen Hao was not in a

hurry as he figured that Li Zhenguo would be on his way to pick him up, so he took a few steps back

and waited quietly.

“Seriously, is your cousin coming or what? Do you know how difficult it is to get into the Hot Spring Villa

and drive around it?” The woman diverted her gaze full of contempt away from Chen Hao and placed it

onto her husband instead. “Did you know how many strings my father had to pull for him to get in here?

And now, he’s using the villa to impress his girlfriend, not to mention that he is late!” she complained.

“But you said that your father could use his connections to get us a retreat here at the Hot Spring Villa

anytime. It just so happened that my cousin asked me about it yesterday, and I certainly can’t refuse

his request, can I?” the husband exclaimed, trying his best to calm the woman down.

Chen Hao was not in the mood to hear them bragging about their so-called connections; he just stood

aside and waited for Li Zhenguo.

“There he is!”

The young man pointed in one direction and exclaimed soon after.

A white BMW drove toward the entrance of the Hot Spring Villa. The driver kept honking loudly non-

stop, as if he was trying to call everyone’s attention to his BMW. As the tires screeched against the

road, the luxury car came to a halt right in front of the entrance.

“Cousin, cousin-in-law, sorry for keeping you waiting!”novelbin

A young man who looked like a student stepped out of the car, wearing a pair of stylish sunglasses. As

he took it off and hung it on the front of his chest, the man looked absolutely chic and fashionable. Two

guys and a girl followed him out of the car. One of the guys had a head full of blonde hair, while the girl

had a pretty face. They were tall, but all of them had a bashful look on their faces as they walked

toward the entrance.

“Why are you late? Eh, who’s this?” the woman asked coldly.

“Cousin-in-law, this is my new girlfriend, Yang Xia. Xia, this my cousin and his wife I was telling you

about.” The leading young man introduced. “Hehe, my cousin-in-law’s family is very rich. We’ve only

gotten together just today, and my cousin-in-law suggested inviting us over to have some fun at the Hot

Spring Villa!” he said.

Throughout the exchange, Chen Hao had not paid much attention to the group, but he was slightly

surprised when he heard some familiar voices in the conversation. He turned around and glanced at

them. Yang Xia! Chen Hao was startled. That’s my girlfriend—no, my ex-girlfriend. What a coincidence

to have bumped into her here! Chen Hao thought to himself in surprise. He recognized the other three

guys as well—Lu Chen, Xu Nan, and Blondie. Wait, something’s not right. From what I remember, Yang

Xia has never been to Hot Spring Villa before. Lu Chen brought her here the first time, but I humiliated

her. Why is she here now? Perhaps this is what Ziyan meant when she said that my arrival will cause

some changes to the past.

Despite that, Chen Hao did not think much about it. Even though he no longer harbored any feelings for

Yang Xia, he could not help but feel slightly uncomfortable when he saw her with another guy so soon

after their breakup. Amid Chen Hao’s daze, Lu Chen and the rest of the group had noticed him

standing at the side. All of a sudden, their eyes met and they were all very surprised to see each other

there. Yang Xia felt particularly embarrassed as her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. All she

wanted to do at the moment was to hide in a hole.

“Chen… Chen Hao?” Yang Xia said nervously.

“Don’t get the wrong idea Chen Hao, we were studying earlier but we decided to have fun out here

spontaneously!” Even though they had broken up, Yang Xia felt slightly awkward in the current


“Oh, yeah, that’s great! Have fun then!” Chen Hao could not help but answer with a bitter smile.

“Hahaha! I can’t believe things are so exciting here! Lu Chen, didn’t I tell you earlier in the car that this

dude looks like Chen Hao? I can’t believe that I was right!” Blondie exclaimed. “I bet this loser is feeling

devastated. Let me tell you the truth—from now on, Yang Xia is Lu Chen’s girlfriend. If you dare mess

with her after knowing whose girlfriend she is, I will beat the living sh*t out of you!” said Blondie


On the other hand, Yang Xia played with her hair, looking up to observe Chen Hao’s expression and

see how he would react to the news. Although it was devastating news to Chen Hao, vain girls like

Yang Xia took great pleasure in watching guys compete with each other in order to win her affection.

However, the only expression on Chen Hao’s face was a bitter smile. He could not help but feel silly

when he thought of how he had reacted in the past.

“What’s that look on your face supposed to mean, Chen Hao?” Yang Xia was, however, slightly

offended by Chen Hao’s reaction. She was extremely annoyed by the indifferent look on his face.

“Nothing!” Chen Hao said.

“Hmph! You idiot! I’ll tell you the truth then! I fell in love with Young Master Chen a long time ago! Only

an idiot would fall for you!” Yang Xia insulted angrily. “Besides, you can’t blame me for breaking up with

you. It’s your own fault for not being capable enough to do anything for me! At least with Young Master

Chen, I get to own branded cosmetics and handbags. Look, I can even have fun here at the Hot Spring

Villa. What did I get when I dated you? Nothing! Because you are a nobody!” Feeling humiliated by

Chen Hao’s reaction, she continued to insult him.

“Lu Chen, who is he? Is he your schoolmate?” the woman at the side asked.

“Hahaha! Him? He’s the poor loser from our school, and also Yang Xia’s ex-boyfriend,” Lu Chen said


“Hmph! I was wondering what on earth he was doing here. Earlier on, he was trying to break into the

villa only to get thrown out by the security guards!” the woman said as her dislike toward Chen Hao


“What? You were thinking of getting into the Hot Spring Villa?” Yang Xia asked in surprise. “Do you

know what this place is? Somewhere you can enter as you please?” Right now, Yang Xia was certain

that Chen Hao was a complete idiot. She could not understand why she had fallen for him in the first


“That’s enough now, let’s not waste any more time talking to him. Lu Chen, Xia, it’s getting late now.

Let’s go inside and have some fun!” said the woman.

“Yeah, Xia, let’s go!” Lu Chen showed off by putting his hand around Yang Xia’s shoulders, all of them

turning around to walk in.

“Sorry, we just received a notice that the villa will be closed today. No one will be allowed to go in!” This

time, it was the group’s turn to be blocked by the security guards.

“What do you mean? We have admission tickets!” the woman asked in confusion.

“From now on, all admission tickets are void and cannot be used anymore. If you are not happy with it,

feel free to file your complaints with the management!” said the security guards duly.

There was nothing the woman could do except to wait there anxiously. Indeed, the tickets were invalid

if they said so. She did not dare make a scene out of it.

“Can I at least ask why?” asked the woman reluctantly one last time.

“The boss of Jin Ling Commercial Group, Young Master Chen, will be coming here today. Thus, the

villa will be temporarily closed to welcome him!” the security guard explained.

“What? The boss of the group, Young Master Chen?” Although the woman did not know who Young

Master Chen was, she knew Jin Ling Commercial Group very well.

The entire commercial street and the villa all belonged to Jin Ling Commercial Group. No one could

imagine what the boss would be like. Evidently, Lu Chen, Yang Xia and the rest of the group all knew

how influential Jin Ling Commercial Group was, and swallowed nervously as they heard the


“People, please make way, our group’s management board is coming! Young Master Chen might be

here any moment now!” Seeing several senior management staff rushing out of the villa, the security

guard anxiously asked the group to make way for their boss.

The woman and Yang Xia stepped aside immediately after hearing the security guard’s instructions.

“Eh? You punk, didn’t you hear what I just said? Hurry up and scram!” the security guard said, agitated

when he saw Chen Hao standing motionlessly at the entrance without moving an inch.

“Damn! Is he dumb or what?” Lu Chen and Xu Nan remarked disdainfully.

“What do we do with this idiot?” said Yang Xia coldly, folding her arms across her chest.

Meanwhile, the security guard realized his words fell on deaf ears. He proceeded to take his baton out

and swing it at Chen Hao’s body. “You’re asking for it!”

However, with a crack, the baton flew out of the security guard’s grip as Chen Hao pointed at it lightly.

At the same time, the security guard fell to the floor in a shock.

“I am your dear Young Master Chen!” Chen Hao looked at him and said tartly.

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