The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 694 The Power of Light
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Chapter 694 The Power of Light

The people were advancing at a high speed. Soon, Fang Jiannan could hear their footsteps clearly.

Next, she saw a dozen people leaping out at them from the surrounding bushes.

“We found them! Quick, surround them!” the leader shouted excitedly, for they were the first team to

discover Fang Jiannan; if they could capture her without any accident, they would be rewarded

handsomely. Their eyes flickered with excitement, thinking that victory was on their side.

“Uncle, what should we do now? These men are strong!” Fang Jiannan became worried. She lived with

them for an extended period of time, so she knew their capabilities very well.

“Haha! We’ll keep them here! Jiannan, stay back!” Chen Pingan smiled faintly. He then opened his

backpack and revealed a large black bow that was made of coal in front of Fang Jiannan. Suddenly, an

arrow appeared out of nowhere in Chen Pingan’s hand.

Those people were still about two to three hundred meters away from Chen Pingan but he shot the

arrow in their direction anyway. As soon the arrow escaped from the bow, a ray of blinding light flashed

through the air and hit them in the process; the light bounced forward and backward among the people.

When the scattering dust finally settled, all those people were already lying motionless on the ground.

The travelling light bounced back, turned into a bow and an arrow again before finally returning into

Chen Pingan’s hands.

“Uncle, that was cool!” Fang Jiannan took a deep breath in relief. “Are they all dead?”

“No, I don’t think they mean any harm to you, so I just knocked them out. They will wake up after three

days!” Chen Pingan smiled faintly. “Alright then, let’s go! Hao will be very happy to see you!”

By the time Chen Pingan and Fang Jiannan reached home, it was already night-time. Chen Hao, who

was busy preparing for the necromancy rituals on this night, was ecstatic when he saw his Uncle

bringing Fang Jiannan back.

“Uncle, Jiannan, you guys?” Chen Hao was surprised to see both of them. Chen Hao had been feeling

guilty and uneasy when he was able to escape while Fang Jiannan was taken by those people; he was

in constant worry that something bad might happen to her. He was relieved now that Fang Jiannan was

saved by Chen Pingan.

“I see you are very worried about her, so I thought I’d help you to save her. In that way, you’ll feel

better!” Chen Pingan explained while smiling at Chen Hao.

“Chen Hao!” Fang Jiannan could no longer hold back her feelings when she saw Chen Hao. She threw

herself into Chen Hao’s arms and cried.

“Everything’s alright now. It’s good that you’re okay. I managed to come to an agreement with Yun Qing

to get you out of there but Uncle saved you. Uncle, you’re not only making me feel better but you’ve

helped me a lot!” Chen Hao said with a smile.

“Eh? What’s that sound in the basement?” Chen Pingan exclaimed in surprise and curiosity.

“Li Ba, take Gu Feng up here!” Chen Hao shouted at Li Ba, who was in the basement.

Soon, Li Ba brought the weak Gu Feng up from the basement. Chen Pingan glanced at Li Ba with a

curious look in his eyes before he focused his attention on Gu Feng, who looked weak and half-dead

following the tortures.

“Chen Hao, Grandfather Chen, when will you let me go? Since I’m disabled now, will you please just let

me go like I’m a piece of useless garbage?” Gu Feng pleaded.

“This guy is the young master of the Gu Family. Gu Yuehong loves him very much. Since he’s in our

hands, I plan to use him to get back at the Gu Family!”

“You’re right, Chen Hao. With him, you have another trump card in your hands!”

“And this is Li Ba. He is a friend I met when I was in the Herb King Valley.”

“He seems like a martial arts expert with extraordinary abilities!” Chen Pingan no longer looked at Li Ba

with a strange curiosity in his eyes. He simply nodded and smiled gladly before he continued, “Well, I

see you have benefited a lot from this journey! Hao, what you plan to do with these?” Chen Pingan was

referring to the conjuring altar.

Chen Hao planned to conjure up the lady in white here, so he explained the whole thing to Chen


“Since you’ll only be doing it at midnight, we still have some time before the necromancy. Let’s have

dinner together since all of us are here now!” Chen Pingan was feeling very happy on this day.

“Yeah, let’s have a reunion dinner!” Fang Jiannan suggested with a smile.

“A reunion dinner?” Chen Hao hesitated, slightly worried by the idea.

“Well, you see, Uncle is back, and I’m back too. Also, Hao, you’ve found yourself a capable helper as

well, so why can’t we have a reunion dinner to celebrate it? After all, since Uncle saved me, I’ve treated

him like a family now!” Fang Jiannan realized she almost had a slip of the tongue, so she quickly made

an excuse to cover up her mistakes.

“That’s true! Not just you, Uncle saved my life too. Ha! I’ve treated Uncle as family all along too! Yeah,

that’s right! We’ll have a reunion dinner! I’ll prepare dinner myself tonight!” Chen Hao chuckled.

“Chen Hao, I’ll help you!”

“Chen Hao, I’ll help you!”

As he finished, Li Mumu and Su Ruoxi responded loudly almost at the same time; both girls felt slightly

awkward by this.

In fact, Li Mumu had feelings for Chen Hao; she admired him for his abilities and respected him for

some of his unique temperament. Of course, Chen Hao’s attractive appearance was also one of the

factors for her admiration.

On the other hand, although Su Ruoxi only met Chen Hao for the first time, she was very curious about

him. As the son of one of the wealthiest families in the world, Chen Hao was way too mysterious. If a

girl felt curious about a guy, there was a high possibility that she might fall in love with him.

Well, of course, Chen Hao did not intend to keep Su Ruoxi in the dark about certain things and

pretended to be mysterious just to get her interested in himself; it was because certain things could not

be explained in an understandable way to Su Ruoxi.

Chen Pingan, of course, noticed the girls’ peculiar behavior and Fang Jiannan’s obvious jealousy. He

could not help but thought bitterly to himself, Hao is indeed Jindong’s son. His temperament resembles

that of Jindong when he was young.

They had the dinner in a harmonious atmosphere, but everyone had different thoughts in their mind.

Soon, it was midnight.

“This is my first time trying this method, so I’m not sure whether it’ll work. Miss Su, you may feel some

discomfort for the following two days but I guarantee you that you won’t get hurt in the process!” Chen

Hao comforted Su Ruoxi.

Su Rouxi nodded before she sat on the side and closed her eyes elegantly. Meanwhile, Chen Hao sat

with his legs tucked under him and began using his Heaven Abstruse Skills. With the power of the

Dragon Blood Jade, he started to conjure up the spirit of the lady in white.

At the same time, in the secret room of the Gu Family, a faint light flickered above the crystal longevity

coffin. Then, a faint glow appeared and a shape of a lady in a white dress was formed gradually. The

apparition slowly rose and sat on the crystal coffin. There was a yearning look flashing in her eyes; it

was as if she had been waiting for something for a long time.

“What brings you out here today? Perhaps you’re lonely and need to talk to someone?”

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared and the King of Nine Doors also projected himself in front of the

coffin; he had a smirk on his face.novelbin

“King of Nine Doors, I’ll advise you one last time, don’t do any foolish useless thing again! There are

some people whom you cannot touch and some destiny which you cannot change!” The lady in white

looked at him and shook her head with a bitter smile on her face.

“I really hate it when you put on that expression on your face! I told you before, I can concentrate and

materialize my spirit into a real solid body after tonight. By that time, even without sealing you with a

spell formation, I don’t have to worry about you escaping again!” King of Nine Doors said in a cruel


“King of Nine Doors, you come from the noble family of the Border Realm, yet you have deviated from

the sacred path of Qi cultivation and even used the forbidden technique of cultivating your demonic

body by absorbing other people’s Yang energy! You’re digging your own grave by doing so!” The lady

in white looked at the King of Nine Doors pitifully.

When the King of Nine Doors was about to say something, the lady was suddenly shrouded by a

blanket of blinding light. There was a ray of light that pierced from outside through the stone wall into

the secret room. Both rays of light then combined together.

“What… What is this? It actually broke through my spell formation!” King of Nine Doors was shocked.

“Like I said before, this will be my last advice to you. I hope you’ll remember my words. Don’t do

anymore evils, or else, you’re just digging your own grave!” warned the lady in white.

As she finished, the light surrounding her grew stronger.

King of Nine Doors attempted to reinforce his spell formation but he realized that he could not move

closer to the light.

“What is this power?” King of Nine Doors was utterly surprised and frightened by the power of the light

that his face twisted into a malicious hideous expression.

Next, another strong blinding light flashed through and shrouded the lady in white. As if the spell

formation had lost its power, the lady vanished along with the light.

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