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Chapter 671 Attack

In the beginning, Yao Ming thought that Mr. Chen was just a common young man.

That his benefactor was a doctor, and this young man was just his student.

He had never expected that Mr. Chen would have such strong abilities.

As the saying went, only an expert would know the true ability of oneself and others once displayed.

The ability that Mr. Chen exhibited just now was extraordinarily strong, even stronger than some of the

experts of Herb King Valley.

Yao Ming was utterly shocked.

“Mr. Chen, I didn’t know that you were so highly skilled!” complimented Yao Ming with sincerity.

He even forgot the fact that Chen Hao had just injured the main butler of Herb King Valley severely.

“Mister Yao, you’re flattering me. I just couldn’t stand the way he was treating you.” Chen Hao smiled


“Mister Yao, does the Valley Master know that I need the three herbs? I would like to meet your Valley

Master.” Chen Hao went straight to the point.

After he came here, he first met the pair of Yao sisters, who were the girls who trifled with the life of


It was absolutely ridiculous, causing Chen Hao’s respect toward Herb King Valley to be worn out at


Chen Hao also felt furious at the ungrateful attitude of the Herb King Valley’s Valley Master, because he

had long forgotten about the fact that Uncle saved him years ago. This was in itself unforgivable.

Of course, Uncle did not expect anything in return for saving his life.

But what Chen Hao wanted was just an explanation.

“Frankly speaking, Mr. Chen, if it was earlier, the Valley Master would surely refuse to meet you even if

I introduced you to him, and it would be impossible to obtain the three herbs. But that was before I

knew that you were equipped with such strong ability. Why didn’t you tell me about that in the

beginning? The Valley Master respects and cherishes martial arts experts the most. Most importantly,

Herb King Valley might appear peaceful now on the surface, but it’s actually treacherous and full of

danger, so the Valley Master is now taking in experts from all over the world,” Yao Ming said with a


“Let’s go, Mr. Chen. I’ll bring you to meet the Valley Master!”

Chen Hao did not say anything and just went with Yao Ming.

He was also keen to meet the Valley Master of Herb King Valley, Yao Yigu, to know who this

extraordinary person was.

On the way there, Yao Ming related some of his experience and story to Chen Hao.

In the early years, he was once Yao Yigu’s driver, but was later promoted to a butler.

That time, he had taken Yao San as his brother, and had always supported and promoted him.

Unexpectedly, the previous Valley Master of Herb King Valley, Madam Yao, had fallen critically ill, and

Yao San was the one who took care of her.

Due to his negligence, he had prescribed the wrong medicine once, and it almost cost the life of

Madam Yao.

However, Yao Ming did not expect that Yao San would use his trust and shift the blame onto him just to

shirk his responsibility.

From that day onward, Yao Ming became a factotum with the lowest status, while Yao San got


While they were chatting, they arrived at the discussion hall.

Usually, the Master Valley would host guests from other places here.

But today, they saw that the discussion hall was crowded as soon as they entered.

Many core members of Herb King Valley were present too, as if they were having a meeting.

No one noticed or hosted them even though they had arrived at the entrance, because all of them were

all ears listening to a girl relating an incident.

“Father, we are telling the truth. That savage is beyond strong. Over hundreds of spectators were killed

by him in just a flash. Fortunately, my sister and I have solid skills in martial arts, so we managed to

escape!” a girl was explaining the incident in fear even though it was over.

Chen Hao looked carefully, and realized that it was none other than Yao Mengyao.

“It’s unexpected that Zhuang Valley has such an expert. Luckily, this expert escaped. Otherwise, our

Herb King Valley will be in trouble if he obeys the command of Zhuang Valley!” said a middle-aged mannovelbin

in a flat tone. He was sitting on the sofa with a stern face.

He then averted his eyes to a side where Yao Mengfei was.

“How many times have I told you? Don’t ever come in contact with members of the Zhuang Family

unless needed, especially Zhuang Shisan. I’m sure you understand the motive he has for you. He was

obviously trying to trick you this time. If that savage hadn’t gone berserk with his barbarity, you would

have definitely lost the bet!” reprimanded the middle-aged man.

He was the Valley Master of Herb King Valley, Yao Guyi, and he had two daughters.

The younger daughter, Yao Mengyao, was eccentric, lively and frivolous, while the elder daughter was

more matured and steadier.

However, Yao Guyi was enraged this time. No matter what, this bet had caused Herb King Valley to

lose seven experts at once.

“The Zhuang Family has always been targeting Herb King Valley. Therefore, everyone must be more

cautious in everything for this period of time, and don’t ever fall into their trap again!” he urged.

Then, he casted an annoyed glance at his two daughters. “Alright. Both of you shall go back to your

room. Don’t ever go out again!” he reprimanded.

The two girls pursed their lips and walked back to their rooms.

“Valley Master, I have an urgent matter!” Yao Ming stepped forward and said with a bow after the Valley

Master finished his sentence.


Yao Yigu frowned and asked in a low tone, “What issue to do you have?”

“Valley Master, you have been gathering martial arts experts from all over the world, and I have met

one today. He’s the one behind me, and his name is Mr. Chen. He’s also the apprentice of our

benefactor!” Yao Ming introduced Chen Hao to him.

Yao Guyi raised his head slightly to look at Chen Hao.

Then, he said nonchalantly, “Benefactor? What benefactor?”

“That year, when we were at the shanty town of Thai City…” Yao Ming briefly explained.

“Oh, you’re talking about that. He even got himself an apprentice? Is he an expert in martial arts?” Yao

Guyi shook his head.

As an experienced man, he knew at first glance that this person was here to ask for a repayment of the

gratitude for saving his life that year.

In the beginning, the farmer had refused to accept the money that he offered him.

That time, he had mocked him inwardly, thinking that he was pretending to be a man with integrity.

But now, it seemed like he was just saving his debt of gratitude to use it at times like this, where he had

a favor to ask.

“Yao Ming, take 50 thousand, I mean, take 100 thousand for him from the accountant, and send him

away. This matter shall end here.”

Yao Guyi rubbed the space between his eyebrows and waved his hands.

“Did he boast that he’s an expert in martial arts?”

“He’s obviously just an immature brat!”

“How dare he barge into Herb King Valley, swaggering and swindling? Did he think that this was a

place for refugees, and that it was opened to everyone?”

At a side, a few elderlies with extraordinary complexions could not help but shake their heads and taunt

with a bitter smile.

Chen Hao furrowed his eyebrows, and he felt a gush of killing intent bubbling in his heart. If he hadn’t

suppressed it, he would have attacked and snatched the medicine.

“But Valley Master, Mr. Chen wants three precious herbs!” said Yao Ming anxiously after a sigh.

“What kind of debt of gratitude is worth three precious herbs? I’m very frustrated now. If he doesn’t

leave now, he won’t even get 100 thousand!” Yao Guyi said in a flat tone.

Right at this moment, a servant staggered in from outside.

“Bad news, bad news!”

He then tripped and fell onto the ground.

Yao Guyi frowned deeply. “What’s the matter? Why are you so panicked?”

“I-It’s the Valley Master of Zhuang Valley. He has brought many people here to attack us, and chided

that the Herb King Valley’s people have let something called the Invincible God of War out, causing

them to suffer a great loss. Now, they want us to compensate them. We refused to let them in, but they

fought their way in!” informed the servant.

“What! Bastards! This is ridiculous!” Yao Guyi was extremely furious.

He then slammed the table. “Someone, gather manpower immediately. How can we, the honorable

Herb King Valley, allow the people of Zhuang Valley to act imprudently here?!”

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