The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 651 Heading Toward Ancient City
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Chapter 651 Heading Toward Ancient City

Chen Hao could make neither head nor tail of it after he listened to Master Ning Yuan’s story.

But there seemed to be a voice in his mind telling him that there seemed to be some kind of secret

involving spirit flowers.

Yet, he did not plan to voice out all of his doubts to Master Ning Yuan.

Master Ning Yuan was an ambitionless and plain man.

Nowadays, he had parted with the immaturity of his youth and let go of the hatred in his heart, only

pouring his heart and soul into Buddhism.

He greatly respected Chen Hao for his act of saving more than a hundred babies so he would answer

as best as he could should Chen Hao ask him anything.

Not only that, he even decided to write a letter to recommend Chen Hao to the Gu Family!

This saved Chen Hao a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Due to his connection with his teacher, Master Ning Yuan had some history with the Gu Family, even

though they seldom made contact.

Upon receiving Master Ning Yuan’s letter, Chen Hao thanked him again and left.

On the way back, Chen Hao pieced Master Ning Yuan’s story with what happened recently in his head

because he felt that there were too many suspicious points all over the place.

All this thinking made his head feel like it was about to burst.

First off, it was certain that the disappearance of Tongxin was by the hands of the mysterious League of

the Sun.

Tong Xin’s disappearance was exactly the same as Chen Pingan’s disappearance back then.

Without a doubt, The League of the Sun took both Chen Pingan and Su Tongxin.

From here, all the mysteries started.

Putting Tongxin aside, Chen Pingan shouldered the burden of thwarting the prophecy about the Chen

Family’s doom. Back then, he did everything he could to search for the other half of the jade pendant in

the Fang Family but he was taken away by the League of the Sun before he could complete his goal.

As for grandfather, he was also affected by the prophecy about the Chen Family’s doom. Taking the

Sun Totem, he lived a hermit’s life and had lain low since then.

The Sun Totem was tightly connected to the League of the Sun.

As for himself, he was prophesied to die by being ripped apart, hence fulfilling the prophecy of the

Chen Family’s doom.

Until now, there was still a person who hadn’t revealed his identity but had helped him several times—

the “Mystery Guy”!

He had led him to find the longevity coffin where Chen Hao found a God that looked just like him. Then,

he had continued to give him guidance in the search for the lady in white.

Was he trying to tell Chen Hao that he could be saved by the lady in white and that God?

Could they thwart Chen Hao’s deadly prophecy?

Finally, the Holy Water Ritual. This was the last piece of the puzzle of the League of the Sun.

If he was able to attend the Holy Water Ritual, he would be able to attain a lot of information that he

couldn’t access before.

But if he joined the Ritual, he might not be able to return.

Besides, Chen Hao needed an invitation to join.

Now that he had pieced all the puzzles together, Chen Hao discovered that all these events were

closely linked with the League of the Sun!

The disappearance of Chen Pingan and Tongxin, the mystery guy, the Chen Family, the Sun Totem, the

recent appearance of the Gu Family, Yun Qing, that King of Nine Doors who he had never met and the

incident of God descending from the heavens. Also, the missing Uncle Qin.

All were related to the League of the Sun.

As he thought about all this, Chen Hao exhaled heavily.

These things were like thunderclouds, enveloping him and making him unable to breathe.

It was even more like falling into a bottomless abyss where the deeper he fell and the more he

struggled, the more mysteries that had to be solved!

But Chen Hao would not give up, even though he might end up dying.

He needed to give his family, Tongxin and himself an answer!

This League of the Sun seemed like an enormous mouth that devoured humans. With creepy eyes, it

stared at Chen Hao as he walked towards it.

Yet Chen Hao would not be afraid!

Three days later, Chen Hao and Tie Cheng began their journey.

The Ancient City was located inside a mountain and the region that the mountain was located in was a

place named Thai City.

Tie Cheng had almost recovered from his injury.

Letter in hand and Tie Cheng in tow, Chen Hao arrived at Thai City at dusk on the same day .

“The sky is getting dark, are we still going into the mountain?”

Tie Cheng asked.

“Let’s stop at a hotel first and we’ll go into the mountain early next morning!”

Chen Hao gazed at the sky and at Thai City.

The place seemed to be a city built against the mountain and it was surrounded by tall mountains that

reached the sky.

In the city, Tie Cheng found a hotel and got two rooms.

After putting their luggage inside, the two went out to have dinner.

They ordered some local specialty dishes and returned to the hotel after their bellies were full with food

and liquor.

Suddenly, they were stopped by the receptionist.

“Sirs, I’m very sorry!”

The receptionist came over with an apologetic smile.

“What’s the matter?” Tie Cheng asked.

“The hotel is fully booked so we cancelled your rooms. Your luggage is here where they have been

safely kept at the reception desk!”

They had already reserved rooms and had settled down.

But with no notification whatsoever, the hotel had taken the luggage of customers directly from the

hotel room and evicted them from their rooms.

It was completely unreasonable.

The receptionist knew this as well so her face was red.

“What? Cancelled? Where’s your manager?”

Tie Cheng bellowed at the receptionist in anger.

The receptionist was so scared that she took a few steps backwards. Without her realizing, she looked

at a corner of the lobby where there were a few bodyguards and a woman drinking tea.

“No need to yell at her. It was not her idea!”

Chen Hao glanced at the woman who was calmly drinking tea and roughly understood what had


“I have two foreign friends who are coming over. This is the best hotel in Thai City so I made the

receptionist cancel your rooms. If you want to stay in a hotel, go somewhere else!” the woman on the

sofa said coldly.

At the same time, she eyed Chen Hao and Tie Cheng with disdain.

“Who the hell are you? How dare you cancel our rooms? Who do you think you are, canceling our

rooms like that?”

Tie Cheng angrily took a few steps towards the woman.

A smirk appeared on the woman’s face.

Her bodyguards were already standing up and walking toward Tie Cheng.

“You brat, open your eyes wide and see. This is Miss Ximen, the eldest daughter of the Ximen Family.

Do you want to get yourself killed?” one of the bodyguards hollered.

“I don’t care which family you’re from. Without our permission, how dare you enter our rooms?”

Tie Cheng clenched his fists and wanted to fight.

Hearing such insulting words from Tie Cheng, the bodyguards were ready for a fight too.

“Let it go, Tie Cheng. We’re newcomers and it would be best if we don’t cause trouble. Since Miss

Ximen’s friends are coming, we’ll just leave!”

Although Chen Hao was angry, he was in no mood to fuss over such insignificant matters.

He patted Tie Cheng’s shoulder before taking their luggage and turned to leave with Tie Cheng.


Suddenly, a bodyguard kicked Chen Hao’s luggage and it went airborne, crashing into the fish tank in

the lobby.

The sound of glass shattering and water flowing echoed in the lobby.novelbin

“You want to leave?”

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