The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 641 I Could Cure Them
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Chapter 641 I Could Cure Them

Moreover, they wouldn’t dare to voice out their ideas even if they had one.

If their ideas worked and the babies were cured, no doubt they would receive their share of

compliments and awards.

However, if their ideas didn’t work out and the babies could not be cured, they would become the


Who would be willing to shoulder such a big responsibility?

“Does anyone have something to say?” Lin Zhonghua gave a glance at every single doctor who was

present and urged.

None of them answered his question. Whoever that had caught his glance unconsciously looked away.

They let out a sigh inwardly.

It seemed like their medical careers were going to come to an end.

“I have an idea.” Someone spoke up suddenly, breaking the deadly silence in the conference room.

Upon listening to that voice, over twenty doctors who were present all focused their eyes on the person

who was speaking.

That person was sitting at the most secluded corner of the conference room. His presence would have

gone unnoticed if he hadn’t spoken.

Some of them who caught sight of him assumed he was either one of Master Ma Jin’s disciples or his

driver or secretary.

“Who’s that?”

“Is he one of Master Ma’s disciples?”

“It can’t be. Master Ma only has two disciples!”

Everyone started discussing heatedly while staring at Chen Hao.

However, Chen Hao did not pay any attention to them. He had already seen the image of the babies

from the screen just now.

On top of that, multiple organ failures were involved.

Obviously, it was the aftermath of being attacked by his Soul Devouring Technique.

The babies were faring better than Tie Hongxiang and the gang, whose souls were devoured alive by

him, turning into a pile of ash in the end.

After going through the training with Uncle Qin, Chen Hao had turned into a fast learner. Now, he had

already fully mastered the Soul Devouring Technique.

His attacks had become very powerful because of that.

Clearly, someone had started using the technique after having barely learned the skeleton of the skill.

Who was that wicked perpetrator?

Chen Hao looked extremely furious.

However, after he spoke about having an idea, everyone else reacted to it angrily and disdainfully.

“Mr. Chen Hao, do you have any thoughts on this bizarre disease?” Ma Jin bowed as he said to Chen

Hao, his face filled with surprise.

Judging from Master Ma Jin’s respectful attitude toward that young man, he was clearly not his driver.

What was happening?

As a wise man, Director Lin Zhonghua understood something from the situation.

He looked at Chen Hao and asked, “Chen Hao, do you have anything to share with us?”

“Yes,” said Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was unruffled by what the others thought of him. The main purpose of him being here was to

rescue over one hundred babies who were dying.

At that moment, he declared calmly, “This is not a kind of disease. Instead, the vital energy and blood

of the babies were sucked out by someone, causing multiple organ infection and failures!”


Everyone was stunned.

If it weren’t for the seriousness of the meeting, someone might have burst out laughing.

“Young man, is your name Chen Hao? Have you watched too many movies? It is better for you to just

keep quiet if you don’t have a clear idea. What’s that about the vital energy and blood being sucked

out? Are you telling me that vampires exist? Moreover, the babies have always been kept in the NICU,

and they have never left. Do you have any idea what the NICU is? It’s the neonatal intensive care unit

where newborns are kept. The interior’s air circulation is completely separated from the outside.”

“You’re just an immature kid. At first, I really believed you had some good suggestions. If news about

this was leaked out, it would cause panic in the society.”

“Master Ma Jin, who is he?”

Some of them could not help glaring at Chen Hao angrily. At the same time, they asked Master Ma Jin

about his identity inquisitively.

“Everyone, please stay calm!” urged Ma Jin anxiously.

In fact, Chen Hao’s allegation that the vital energy and blood of the babies were being sucked out was

unheard of. Even Ma Jin was taken aback by it.

However, he had witnessed Chen Hao’s shrewdness before. Therefore, he had a rather high

endurance level to what he had said.

“Hmph, Master, I’ve said before that he is just a lucky man without any real talent. That kid is just too

young to know anything. Is he here to shoot a movie?” muttered Liu Wang. Although his voice was soft,

it was heard clearly by everyone else in the conference room.

He was jealous of Chen Hao. When he saw the way that Zhao Bailing, the junior who he had been

crushing on, was looking at Chen Hao, he was overwhelmed by fury.

He couldn’t wait for Chen Hao to get humiliated in public.

Ma Jin’s face turned grim at once. After giving Liu Wang a glance, he said, “Shut up. Mr. Chen Hao

must have his reasons for saying so. Let’s hear him out because what he said might just turn out to be

the truth.”

Chen Hao’s face darkened immediately. Anyone would feel awkward under such criticisms.

“There are a great deal of things unknown to all of you in this world!” exclaimed Chen Hao frigidly.

“Mr. Chen Hao, do you have any idea how to treat the babies?” Ma Jin decided to trust Chen Hao.

“Yes, by using acupuncture with the help of traditional medicine. Of course, we need to act fast. Once

all the organs in the babies fail, there will be no other way out.”

“It’s outrageous,” someone said furiously. “Master Ma, the lives of the babies are no joke. He is just a

young kid. Does he even know what he’s doing?”

“Can you come up with a better idea?” retorted Master Ma Jin while staring coldly at the person.

“I can’t, but we shouldn’t act too rashly all the same. What if the condition of the babies worsen after

being fed with traditional medicine? You should know very well that the babies can’t withstand anymore

suffering,” that person argued.novelbin

In his perception, allowing Chen Hao to carry out his treatment was deemed as a suffering to the


Looking at Chen Hao, Lin Zhonghua was unsure whether to believe him or not. However, the sheer

determination in his eyes was very persuasive.

Was his suggestion based on something legit?

“Let him try.” Finally, Lin Zhonghua made up his mind. Of course, he did not have a better option too.

“Try? It’s easier said than done. Who would be responsible if something went wrong?”

“I will bear the responsibility.”

“I will bear the responsibility!”

“I will bear the responsibility!”

Ma Jin, Lin Zhonghua and Chen Hao spoke at the same time.

The three of them could not help but exchange glances among themselves.

“Well, since the three of you have already agreed to the idea, just do it.” The rest of them found it hard

to make any more comments.

Since there were idiots who were willing to shoulder the responsibility, they welcomed their attempts.

The rest of them could not be bothered by the babies’ survival. All they cared about was keeping their

positions in the hospital.

“Master? Aren’t you going to think it through? Over a hundred lives are at stake and it’s not child’s play.

This time, it doesn’t just concern Madam Su alone!”

At the sight of the director showing support for Chen Hao, Liu Wang was consumed by jealousy.

How was that possible?

Had his Master become an old and muddy-headed man? Why would he believe such an outrageous


“Liu Wang, you’ve let me down!”

Ma Jin cast a sideway glance at Liu Wang, looking furious.

Liu Wang was stunned.

“Master, I just didn’t want your reputation to be tarnished by that kid! You’re the genius doctor in the

army!” exclaimed Liu Wang.

“I have never seen myself as a genius doctor. This was just a label given to me by the patients. If my

reputation could save lives, I would not hesitate to use up all of it! Liu Wang, you’re already thirty years

old. After studying and practicing medicine for so many years, you’ve got it all wrong. You will never

achieve anything in the medical field!”

Ma Jin let out a long sigh.

His words had turned Liu Wang’s face pale.

“He won’t be able to cure the babies, trust me!”

“What if I could?”

Chen Hao glared at him icily. That man had been picking on him non-stop all along the journey. What a

nasty piece of work…

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