The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 638 The Old Lady’s Illness
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Chapter 638 The Old Lady’s Illness

Shen Yanli had always been arrogant as she depended on her family background.

Now that she met Chen Hao, she didn’t dare to think about how she would end up. Chen Hao told her

the last line to deliberately let her know that she was not the best in the world and there were so many

people better than her.

The entire Xiao Family, including Wei Guifang, were so shocked that they did not dare to utter a single


The rest of the birthday party had lost its meaning.

Hence, Chen Hao and everyone from the Su Family left shortly after.

Even though what happened this afternoon only took a short while, it was as if the ups and downs in

life for Old Lady Su.

It made her blood and breath circulation uneven. Halfway home, she felt her limbs suddenly turn numb

and her head spinning. With a strong headache, she fainted.

This made everyone in the Su Family freak out.

Chen Hao went to the Cloud Hill Mansion to check the progress before heading to the Su Family.

The exploration of the mountain was faster than expected. It was predicted that the Sky Stone could be

found the next day.

As Chen Hao wasn’t by their side, the Su Family was in a disarray.

It was lucky that they were reaching their house soon. As this wasn’t the first occurence over the past

few years, there were oxygen supplies and certain medical equipment in their house. However, her

condition was more serious this time.

They called their doctor, Ma Jin, to come over and proceed with the emergency treatment immediately.

Ma Jin was once a renowned doctor in the army with great medicinal knowledge and skills.

In his sixties, he only came back to his hometown this year and became a professor in one of the

hospitals. Not just that, he was also the deputy chairman of the medicinal association.

When he brought two of his disciples—one male and one female—to the Su Family, he met Chen Hao

who was also on his way there.

They nodded to each other as greetings.

When Chen Hao entered the Su Family, he saw Su Guoqiang and the others panicking.

After asking them, only then he knew that Madam Su’s old problems had acted up when they were on

the way back.

The three people who entered after him were doctors who came to treat her.

“Is Madam Su in her room? I’ll go have a look. I don’t expect that her illness is this serious!” Chen Haonovelbin


Truth be told, when Chen Hao saw Madam Su just now, he already knew that she had some health

problems, but he didn’t point it out.

After all, he knew how to cure her.

When he mentioned that he would be back after going to Cloud Hill for a while, he wasn’t going to

come back to continue chatting, but to treat her symptoms.

“Wait, what are you doing here? Where’s your manners? My master is here. Who needs you here?” at

this moment, a young man in his thirties who was standing behind Ma Jin said.

“Come on, don’t be like this. I assume this young man is just here to have a look.”

The girl standing behind Ma Jin smiled at Chen Hao slightly before speaking.

Chen Hao smiled back, but he was worried about Madam Su’s illness.

Without speaking much, he asked Su Guoqiang, “Mr. Su, how long has Madam Su been ill?”

At that instant, Su Guoqiang told him Madam Su’s illness at once.

It turned out that she had been ill for quite some time.

And her illness would relapse after a certain period. Once it relapsed, there would be a few repetitions

of the same symptoms until a few more times before completing its turn.

They also did some checkups to find the root of the problem, but they found nothing.

During this period, they found Dr. Ma Jin and asked him to come over to cure her.

The young man and woman behind him were his disciples—the young man was in his thirties, and his

name was Liu Wang; the girl was around twenty-three years old, and her name was Zhao Bailing.

After some time, the Su Family got more familiar with them.

However, even though Doctor Ma Jin came, he couldn’t diagnose the problem until now either.

“Madam Su’s illness is not too much of a problem. But I’ll go in and have a look first!” Chen Hao was

quite confident.

However, Liu Wang’s face darkened at once. After he heard Zhao Bailing said Chen Hao might be

another doctor, Liu Wang felt defensive toward him. Could he be here to take over our jobs? He is so

much younger than me! Even Dr. Ma Jin couldn’t diagnose the problem, but he said it is not much of a



“Young man, it’s better not to be too confident of yourself.” Liu Wang frowned, obviously dissatisfied.

“Yeah, Chen Hao. I've never heard that you know how to treat patients. I don’t mean anything, but

when did you learn medicine?”

Wang Huimin didn’t mean to look down on Chen Hao, but treating patients was not something to be

taken lightly.

Chen Hao was a literature student. Even though he was a Young Master, he was not expert in

everything. Hence, when Chen Hao said he wanted to diagnose the problem and cure Madam Su, they

were quite worried even though they trusted Chen Hao.

Apart from that, they didn’t mean anything else.

Chen Hao shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was even familiar with the three religions and nine

schools of philosophy, let alone simple medical skills like such.

However, he didn’t blame Mrs. Su and the rest as they didn’t know the changes he had been through

over the past two years. It was natural for them to have their doubts.

Without further chatting, they headed toward Madam Su’s room.

“Doctor Ma, grandmother is already up. Chen Hao, you’re also here!”

Tang Ran had been in her room serving her needs, without even leaving her side. She smiled after

seeing Chen Hao enter the room.

“Dr. Ma, Dr. Liu, Dr. Zhao, and Hao, you guys are here!” In the room, Madam Su greeted them weakly.

“Dr. Ma, this has been going on for almost two years, and it comes in bouts. Each time was even more

intense than the last, and the frequency of the symptoms flaring up was getting more frequent!” Madam

Su said.

She had never expected Chen Hao to be here to treat her illness, hence she only described her latest

symptoms to Ma Jin.

“Everytime the illness strikes, I would wake up in an hour. But after that, it keeps happening for four to

five times before it completely stops. I almost can’t take it anymore!” Madam Su sighed.

“Madam Su, don’t worry! Dr. Ma has been researching your illness during this period. It was weird, but

he has some results. I’ll show them to you now as this is better than someone else who doesn’t know

better spouting nonsense,” Liu Wang explained and smiled, but he glanced at Chen Hao at the same


“Ha! If you run checkups on me now, I’m afraid you won’t get anything.” Madam Su smiled helplessly.

“We’ve hired some other doctors before, but the results of the checkups were all normal. They couldn’t

diagnose the problem at all. Only when my head hurts that they could find where the problem arises.”

“Oh, right!” Liu Wang said awkwardly and stood back.

“Dr. Ma, if you’ve found the root of the problem, can you treat me right now? I really don’t want to suffer

anymore,” Madam Su pleaded.

Ma Jin, however, kept quiet.

“Madam Su, don’t worry. The next bout of your illness should happen in one hour and five minutes.

When your head really hurts, I’m sure Dr. Ma will do his best to treat you then!” Chen Hao said,

glancing at the clock on the wall.

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