The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 626 Shen Nan’s Family
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Chapter 626 Shen Nan’s Family

The next day.

Shen Nan’s twentieth birthday party was very important to her family even though they were in a

business crisis recently.

It was because they planned to organize the party as an auspicious event to bring good luck to their


Hence, an originally small birthday party was held like a big family gathering.

Shen Nan’s parents booked a private compartment in Long Teng Hotel that could accommodate

around thirty people.

Not just Shen Nan’s immediate family and classmates were invited, even her uncles and cousins

brought everyone in their families to attend her party.

As their family business was not doing very well, they hoped that participating in such events would

wash the bad luck away.

“Zhonghua, Guifang, you guys are so fortunate to have such an elegant and beautiful daughter like

Shen Nan. You just have to prepare to enjoy your lives together with Shen Nan from now onwards!”

Aunt Shifang, the wife of Shen Nan’s Uncle Zhongye, smiled at Shen Nan’s parents.

“Enjoy our lives? Come on, Zhongye. You know what’s going on in our family right now. Everything’s a

mess. We have to think about the other half of our lives!” Shen Zhonghua shook his head and laughed


As their situation was mentioned, Shen Zhongsheng and Shen Zhongye also sighed heavily.

“But let’s not be too anxious right now. Our business is doing much better than we thought. If we could

get some funds, there’s a big possibility that the problems that we’re facing right now will be solved. I

heard that Young Master Wang Peng was trying to court Shen Nan. Do you guys know the strength of

Young Master Wang’s family?”

Just then, Aunt Shifang suddenly changed the topic and pulled their attention back to Shen Nan.

After all, the families of Shen Zhongsheng and Sheng Zhongye were all materialistic. A birthday party

for a young girl like Shen Nan wasn’t enough for them to bring their families to attend.

To be frank, all of them came because Shen Nan was able to bring such benefits to them.

However, what Aunt Shifang said was quite true as well.

Shen Zhonghua and Wang Guifang had heard all about Young Master Wang Peng chasing after Shen


The Wang Family was a big deal right now, being a listed company and even had the background of

Jin Ling Commercial Group.

As they were one of Jin Ling’s popular businesses right now, everyone had to treat them with respect

and honor.

If Shen Nan could be together with Wang Peng, the crisis that the Shen Family was in could be solved

as long as Wang Peng was willing to speak to his father on their behalf.

Because of this, Uncle Zhongsheng and Uncle Zhongye came to celebrate her birthday with her.

“I also heard that Shen Nan invited Wang Peng today?” Aunt Shihua asked, smiling.

Wang Guifang sneered, “Shifang, seems like you’re even more well-informed than me! How did you

know that Shen Nan invited Young Master Wang Peng over?”

Upon hearing that, Aunt Shifang cracked an awkward smile.

“Well, I’ve just heard not long ago!”

“That’s good. People who have no idea about that might think that you’re putting a lot of attention in

Young Master Wang Peng! But your daughter, Fangfang, doesn’t seem to have such good luck to be

acquainted with people like Young Master Wang Peng. Even though Fangfang is quite brilliant, she still

needs to work hard to impress people like Young Master Wang. Don’t you think so too, Fangfang?”

Wang Guifang looked at the daughter of Aunt Shihua who was at the same age as Shen Nan.

As Aunt Shifang mentioned Young Master Wang Peng a lot, and she knew a lot about him, Wang

Guifang had gotten rather suspicious of her.

She was worried that Aunt Shifang wanted to promote her daughter in front of Young Master Wang to

take away their prospective son-in-law.

Hmph! Don’t even dare to think about that. With this thought in her mind, Wang Guifang continued to

strike at Aunt Shifang.

“By the way, Shifang, you might not know about this—yesterday before Shen Nan got into trouble,

Young Master Wang confessed his love affectionately to Shen Nan, and even kneeled to her in front of

everyone! It was such a pity that Shen Nan was stubborn and didn’t agree to his proposal!”

“Oh, really? Shen Nan is quite something indeed!”

Embarrassment flitted across Aunt Shifang’s face as she praised Shen Nan bitterly.

“Young Master Wang, welcome!”

Just then, a waiter opened the door of their compartment.

A dashing young man, who was wearing a white suit and a tie, held a bouquet of flowers in his hands

as he entered the room.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Shen!”

Looking extraordinarily handsome, he greeted everyone respectfully.

This young man was Wang Peng indeed.

He was over the moon when Shen Nan invited him to her party last night, hence he put a lot of effort in

his attire today to show the flair of a rich Young Master.

The people in the Shen Family started praising him continuously, which resulted in the smugness on

his face, and seated him at the most important spot.

At this moment, Wang Guifang suddenly remembered that her daughter was not here!

”By the way, where’s Shen Nan and Yuanyuan? They don’t seem to be here since just now!”

While chatting with Wang Peng, Wang Guifang asked Shen Nan’s four remaining flatmates.

“Shen Nan went downstairs with Yuanyuan to fetch someone in!” her flatmates said while taking a sip

of some juice.

“Fetch someone? Who is there to be fetched by her? Young Master Wang is already here! Didn’t you

guys meet just now?” Wang Guifang was confused.

After all, Young Master Wang was the main focus of today.

“No, we didn’t. Long Teng Hotel belongs to one of my uncles, so I always take the VIP entrance

everytime I come to this hotel. If I knew that Shen Nan would be waiting for me downstairs, I would take

the main entrance!” An excited and joyful expression flitted across Wang Peng’s face.

He had heard from his father last night that Shen Nan’s family encountered some business crisis, so

this might be the reason the Shen Family was trying to please him.

After all, their family—the Wang Family—had Jin Ling Commercial Group’s background in their


It was not necessary to comment on the status of anyone in Jin Ling who had connections with Jin Ling

Commercial Group as it was rather self-explanatory.

All in all, Wang Peng understood that it was sooner or later that Shen Nan would be together with him.

Probably, it would even happen tonight.

“Oh, that’s why! If you took the VIP entrance, then Shen Nan is waiting downstairs for nothing! Give me

a minute, I’m calling her to ask her to come here this instant,” Wang Guifang said, laughing.

“Mrs. Shen, that’s fine. To be honest, I feel very bad for making Shen Nan wait downstairs for so long.

I’m going down now to look for her and pick her up to come back here.” Wang Peng shook his head

slightly and smiled.

Just yesterday, he still needed to kneel to confess his love to her. But now that he knew the Shen

Family’s background, Wang Peng gained a lot of confidence.

He then stood up and walked downstairs.

“Young Master Wang, let me accompany you to go downstairs!”

Wang Guifang seemed to never get enough of Wang Peng and treated him as her son-in-law.

“Let’s go and find Yuanyuan and Shen Nan too!” the four girls chimed in as well. Hence, all of them

also went downstairs to take a breather.

On the side of the street of the hotel, two girls were waiting for someone anxiously.

“Boy, Shen Nan, can we stop waiting here? I assume that he got scared right after you told him the

venue was Long Teng Hotel yesterday. I’m sure he already understands the difference between you

guys. Moreover, for such a high-class venue like Long Teng Hotel, he probably has never been here

before and bailed out. He doesn’t dare to come here!” Yao Yuanyuan said exasperatedly as she

wrapped her arms around her shoulder.

To be honest, in the beginning, her impression toward Chen Hao was pretty good. But after the

incidents, Yao Yuanyuan’s impression of Chen Hao was extremely bad.

Even though he saved her yesterday, Yao Yuanyuan still looked down on him from the bottom of her


Don’t blame me for being too materialistic. You’re just not good enough… Hmph!

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