The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 587 Spirit Flower
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Chapter 587 Spirit Flower

While both of them were still stunned, Chen Hao leaped and landed on the wooden boat in the blink of

an eye.

When Chen Hao stepped forcefully on the boat, huge waves tossed and turned around the wooden

boat and ceased after a short while.

It was an average-sized boat. Looking at the aesthetics, it seemed to have a history of its own. The

cabin could accommodate around forty to fifty people.

There was an old curtain outside of the cabin. Even though it was a bright and sunny day outside, the

interior of the cabin was quite dark.

Chen Hao focused and sensed the surroundings around him. This is weird. The Inner Energy that I felt

just now disappeared.

Chen Hao opened the curtains slowly and walked into the cabin.

The insides of the cabin were made up of a few partitions, with a corridor in the middle and two small

guest rooms at each side.


Just then, the sound of some faint footsteps traveled from the control room, which was at the bottom of

the boat, to the cabin.

Someone was walking to the cabin from the lower cabin.

Chen Hao stood still and looked intently at the approaching figure.

It was a hunched-back, old lady with grey hair, swaying her body sideways as she walked up to the


The clothes that she wore were old, and she had messy hair.

Her face, especially, was covered with scars. In the dark surroundings, she looked extremely eerie.

“May I know who you are?” Chen Hao asked.

“Spirit Flower!” She smiled faintly. However, the combination of her smile and her scarred face sent

shivers down Chen Hao’s spine.

“What is Spirit Flower? Is that your name?” Chen Hao asked.

“Spirit Flower—it blooms in two petals, and each petal represents a world!” the old lady continued in a

sinister tone.

She seems to be talking about some peculiar plant. Blooms in two petals? Hmph, why does the flower

sound familiar to me? Have I seen it somewhere?

After all, it was very rare for a plant to bloom in just two petals.

The more Chen Hao looked at her, the more he found her strange.

“Mr. Chen! Mr. Chen!” Just then, Tie Cheng and Gu Yuxiao boarded the boat.

“Why are you guys here?” Chen Hao asked, shocked.

“You left for quite a while without any feedback. We were worried!” Tie Cheng explained.

Together with Gu Yuxiao, Tie Cheng then appraised the old lady at the end of the corridor.

Tie Cheng frowned, while Gu Yuxiao raised her hands and smoothed her hair, breathing raggedly at

the same time.

“Don’t worry about me. You guys go back first,” Chen Hao ordered.

The old lady was extremely creepy, and even Chen Hao couldn’t figure out her true identity. He was

worried that Gu Yuxiao and Tie Cheng would be in danger if they stayed here.

Suddenly, the old lady chortled coldly.

Her laughter was like a raven squawking. It was extremely unsettling.

As goosebumps appeared on Chen Hao’s skin, the corridor was suddenly full of purple flowers floating

around. The flowers were very eerie-looking as they only had two petals, with each of them looking likenovelbin

a human’s face.

Looking at the petals, Chen Hao suddenly remembered where he had seen these flowers.

It was at the Soul Palace!

On his grandfather’s island, there was a big garden where these flowers were specifically planted. He

found it peculiar at that time, and he even asked Uncle Wen about it.

Uncle Wen explained that the flowers were known as Nameless Flowers. The seeds were the

remnants of the history left behind in the ancient Western Region. In the end, they even managed to

survive and bloom.

His grandfather planted them as a piece of art because this breed of Nameless Flowers only had two


So its name is actually ‘Spirit Flower’.

Suddenly, tiny pollen particles leaked from the top of the Spirit Flowers, followed by a unique aroma

spreading in the room.

After breathing in the fragrance, Gu Yuxiao and Tie Cheng became dizzy and fainted on the ground


“The pollen is poisonous!” Chen Hao was shocked and braced himself to attack the old lady.

However, he then felt his limbs becoming weak and his mind getting light-headed.

“How is this possible? I’m already immune to all poisons in the world!” Chen Hao hesitated as he

kneeled on the ground with one knee.

His dizziness was getting stronger.

The old lady, however, walked slowly toward Chen Hao with a sinister smile on her face.

“It’s obvious that your physique is different from the ordinary person, but the Spirit Flower itself is also

out of the ordinary. It’s the perfect weapon against you!” the old lady laughed.

Chen Hao knew he couldn’t hold out any longer as he was about to faint.

He then focused all his willpower and shouted ‘Breaching Army! Breaching Army!’ in his head.

In an instant, Breaching Army flew from his sleeves and left with a streak of white flash.


The old lady had never expected that Chen Hao still had a trump card up his sleeves.

When she recovered herself, it was too late for her to avoid it. Breaching Army scratch one of her arms

and pinned her down to the ground.

As she hit the ground, the strong queasiness that the pollen brought Chen Hao suddenly disappeared.

I-It’s not a poison after all!

Chen Hao finally regained his strength and returned to his senses.

It seemed like a form of psychological attack, with the pollen acting as the medium.

He realized that his mind was controlled by the old lady just now.

Surprised, the old lady crawled straight to the nearest window in the room and slammed into it.

The window broke, then she jumped into the sea.

When Chen Hao chased after her, she was nowhere to be found.

Tie Cheng and Gu Yuxiao then stirred and slowly regained their consciousness.

The bodyguards of the Chen Family boarded the boat as well.

“Bring Tie Cheng and Gu Yuxiao away from here. Also, search the sea beds and look for the old lady’s

whereabouts. She’s injured, so she will definitely leave some trails behind!” Chen Hao said with a pale

face as he had suffered from a psychological attack recently.

The bodyguards took his commands and immediately started the investigation.

Looking at the sea, Chen Hao thought, Who is that woman? It seems like she is waiting for us again

near the Sea Palace!

But I can confirm that she wants to stop everyone from entering the Sea Palace.

Or, should I say that she wants to stop me from entering the Sea Palace?

Apart from that, she actually used flowers as her weapons.

When I saw the flowers at grandfather’s place, I thought they were just a special plant. I never would

have thought that they have such effects on us!

Suddenly, the alarm rang in the cabin of the Chen Family’s boat.

A few dozen of huge ships of the Chen Family were searching for her on the sea.

Finally, they found the whereabouts of the old lady.

“Young Master Chen, the old lady dived to the bottom of the sea, and our sonar system detected a

huge metal building at the deepest part of the sea! It looks like the old lady is heading toward the huge

building,” one of Chen Hao’s bodyguards ran up to him and reported excitedly.

“If there’re no further mistakes, it should be the Sea Palace! You guys are in charge of the interception

on the surface on the sea, while we head toward the bottom of the sea. By the way, are you two

alright?” Chen Hao looked at Gu Yuxiao and Tie Cheng.

“We’re fine!” Tie Cheng said.

“Good. Put the Water Elusive Stone in your mouths. We’re going down now. Both of you, stay right

behind me and follow me!”

The three of them plunged into the sea and swam toward the bottom of the sea.

As they brought top-notch scientific equipment with them, the data that were transmitted showed the

location of the old lady and the location of the Sea Palace accurately.

Hence, it wasn’t difficult for Chen Hao to find them.

With the help of the Water Elusive Stone, their speed was very fast.

Not long after, a pitch-black cave entrance, which was only at half a human’s height, appeared in front

of them.

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