The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 582 Young Sect Master
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Chapter 582 Young Sect Master

“Young Master Chen?”

The few girls were taken aback.

“I feel like I’ve heard this name somewhere before, but I really can’t remember where from!”

“Hmph! I, on the other hand, have already done some background research on him. Wait until you hear

who he actually is!” Yun Fei said.


“I’ve heard that this Young Master Chen is especially rich. The money he has is beyond anyone’s

comprehension, and basically, however much money you ask him for, he would give it to you within the

blink of an eye!” Yun Fei said admiringly.

“Huh? Are you for real? Is there such a young master in this world?” the few guys said with both

admiration and jealousy evident in their tones.

“Of course! He’s not just rich but very capable as well. He isn't someone that lowly young generations

like you guys can compare to!” Yun Fei couldn't help but shake her head as she looked at the younger


“So what if we can't compare? We don't have the guts to compare with him anyway.” The guys lowered

their heads.

“Well, I think that no matter how rich someone is, it doesn't mean that they live a carefree life! As long

as they're humans, regardless of how rich or poor they are, they would surely have their own set of

problems. Who knows? This Young Master Chen probably has the same problems that we have, so the

few of you don't need to beat yourself up over it!” Yun Qing said with a sweet smile.

Her words were always uplifting to hear, and the boys’ spirits were lifted up almost instantly.

Chen Hao looked over at Yun Qing, liking her more and more. After hanging out with girls like Yang Xia

and Zhao Yifan, girls like Yun Qing were a breath of fresh air and a rare specimen in this world.

Exactly, so what if one owns half of the world's wealth?

I still couldn’t change destiny, neither my own nor my family's. I couldn’t even protect the woman I love.

As long as we’re humans, we would undoubtedly have problems.

Chen Hao was in such deep thought over this phrase that he was slightly distracted.

As he poured drinks for Yun Fei again, he accidentally spilled it onto Yun Fei’s clothes.

“Argh! A**hole! You idiot!” Yun Fei was scalded and quickly stood up as if she were a fox whose tail

had just gotten stepped on.

“You idiot! Are you f*cking blind?!” Yun Fei yelled angrily at Chen Hao.

Her shouts attracted the attention of many people at the scene.

Because of that, Yun Fei felt even more enraged and raised her hand to slap Chen Hao.

In her eyes, this man was just a servant. Now, he even dared to embarrass her in public. When Yun

Fei’s bad temper emerged, things would definitely go south.

However, the moment Yun Fei’s palm came within half a centimeter of Chen Hao's face, a sensation of

thousands of needles piercing through her palm erupted.

In an instant, Yun Fei’s palm was bleeding non-stop.

It was as if she had slapped a cactus.

“Ah! It hurts! My hand!” Yun Fei started crying while holding her palm close to her.

“You little brat! You dare to use needles to hurt Yun Fei? Are you looking for a beating?”

Some of the guys didn't even understand what had happened and immediately assumed that Chen

Hao had schemes up his sleeves. Instantly, their tempers flared up.

They were prepared to start a fight.

“Hold it! You all, what do you think you’re doing?”

Suddenly, a terrified yet enraged voice yelled out and stopped those guys in their tracks.

Everyone in the area quietened down.

Because the person who had just yelled was the leader of the Yun Family, Yun Lin.

When Yun Lin saw the unmoving, expressionless Chen Hao, his face paled and he rushed over.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

One after another, he slapped those three boys, nearly knocking them over.

“Dad, what are you doing?! The three of them were just standing up for me. Look, this dumb slave

caused my hand to bleed!” When Yun Fei saw her three cousins getting slapped, she was so angry that

she started stomping her foot.


Right then, Yun Lin slapped Yun Fei as well, leaving a mark on her face.

“How dare you?! Dumb slave? I guess the four of you must be tired of living!” Yun Lin’s mouth trembled

as he cursed.

Yun Fei broke down in tears after being slapped.

“Dad, what was that for? This dumb slave is the one who hurt me!” Yun Fei said indignantly.


She was met with another slap. “You useless girl! You still dare to say such rude things? Quickly,

apologize to Young Master Chen now!” Yun Lin warned fiercely.

After that, he looked at Chen Hao and bowed respectfully. “Young Master Chen, my daughter was

unaware and nearly offended you. For that, I sincerely apologize!”


Yun Fei didn't think that her father would bow down to this dumb slave!

The other young adults were also taken aback.

They watched the scene before them in disbelief.

“On behalf of Yun Fei, I will not hold this grudge against you. However, please advise your daughter to

refrain herself from simply slapping anyone’s face the next time!” Chen Hao said coldly.novelbin

He then threw a glance at Yun Fei.

Yun Fei’s pretty face reddened. “Y-You are Young Master Chen? The one from the Southern Region,

the mysterious Young Master Chen?”

She nervously gulped.

He is the legendary rich young master?

“Stupid brat! You're lucky that Young Master Chen didn't hold anything against you. The four of you!

What are you waiting for? Quickly apologize to Young Master Chen now!” Yun Lin said hurriedly.

After all, everyone else only saw Chen Hao as a rich young master as his scary side was only seen by

those who had experienced it firsthand.


Although she was still in disbelief, Yun Fei could tell by her father’s behavior that this was all for real.

Immediately, Yun Fei bowed and apologized to Chen Hao, her face all red.

At the same time, those pretty eyes of hers peeped around in an attempt to observe the expression

that Chen Hao looked at her with.

Who knew? Maybe this one simple conflict was enough to spark some romance between her and this

Young Master Chen of infinite wealth?

To her dismay, she was wrong. Chen Hao wasn't even looking at her!

His gaze had wandered elsewhere, causing Yun Fei to feel rather disappointed.

Meanwhile, the rest of the people were silent, none of them dared to speak a word.

As for Yun Qing, she was looking at Chen Hao curiously with her large, bright eyes.

Right at that moment, the crowd outside was causing quite a commotion.

Both Chen Hao and Yun Lin turned their attention to the outside of the gates.

At that moment, they saw around thirty-two oddly dressed people lifting a sedan chair while walking in

their direction.

The sedan chair was rather large.

The size of it resembled a living room.

There was a large seat on the sedan chair, and on top of it sat a young man dressed in a black robe.

On each side of the sedan chair, there were two elderly men.

They were walking alongside the sedan chair the whole way with the passersby bowing to them as they

walked past.

It was indeed Chen Hao's first time witnessing this sort of extravagance. This person was even more

demanding than an Emperor, needing a whopping thirty-two people to lift his sedan chair.

“Is that the Young Sect Master?” Chen Hao asked coldly.

“Yes, Young Master Chen!”

Yun Lin wiped off his sweat as he was feeling very anxious at the moment.

He was caught between a rock and a hard place. Just the slightest wrong move could cause his entire

bloodline to be eliminated, and so, he didn't dare to offend either party.

Right now, he was bowing as well as inviting the Young Sect Master’s arrival while replying to Chen

Hao's question.

As for the other people, they were also bowing respectfully to welcome the Young Sect Master’s arrival.

The two elders by each side of the sedan chair nodded, seemingly satisfied with everyone’s behavior.

However, when they looked over to Chen Hao, their eyebrows furrowed.

Because Chen Hao was staring back at them frostily with both hands in his pockets…

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