The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 568 The Mysterious Girl
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Chapter 568 The Mysterious Girl

“We’ll give it. We’ll give it to you!” The Master of the Ming Family’s heart was in incredible pain, but

there was no other solution.

“Someone! Bring out the map to the Sea Palace!” He waved his hand at his servants.

Very quickly, the map to the Sea Palace was brought over.

“Bring me the medicinal materials that I gave you earlier tonight as well!” Chen Hao spoke again.

“Yes!” the Master of the Ming Family said bitterly.

They had just cheated 2 billion from this man, and some medicinal materials along with it. However,

this person had taken everything from the Ming family.

Everyone in the Ming Family stared at him with a face full of hatred, but none of them dared to speak

out against him.

Chen Hao took the things he had asked for and turned to leave.

“Motherf*cker! Who do you think you are? Die, you son of a b*tch!” Suddenly, a young son from the

Ming Family jumped out.

He had taken out a gun and was pointing it at the back of Chen Hao’s head. He pulled the trigger.


However, after the gunshot, Chen Hao did not collapse.

That was because he had raised his hand and caught the bullet in midair.


Everyone was stunned once again.

That young son of the Ming Family was flabbergasted, and his eyes widened in shock.

After that, Chen Hao flicked his wristly lightly.


A nauseating sound emanated through the room.

Blood splashed everywhere, and that young man’s skull had been blown wide open.

The Ming Family were terrified and traumatized. Their hearts almost stopped beating.

Chen Hao didn’t speak and continued to make his way out.

Those masters were still keeping their hands in the air, not daring to move a muscle.

Chen Hao then walked to a middle-aged master and looked at his palm.

He probably wanted to strike this very palm on Chen Hao’s head from the side just now.

“Is this the Iron Palm?” Chen Hao asked curiously.

“Yes, Grandmaster!”

“How long have you trained for? How good is it?” Chen Hao asked.

“I trained hard for twenty years, and now I can split apart any hard rock!” the master said after gulping,

his head drenched in cold sweat.

“Not bad!”

Chen Hao seemed to show a hint of admiration before patting that master on the shoulder and leaving.


After Chen Hao left, everyone in the room sighed in relief.

However, the Old Master of the Ming Family was in tears, collapsing onto the floor.

“Grandpa!” Ming Zhu was scared for her life.


The Old Master of the Ming Family slapped his most beloved granddaughter across the face.

“This is all your fault! You brought all of this upon our Ming Family! Plus, he is completely rational! He’s

absolutely reasonable!” the Old Master of the Ming Family cried out.

“No wonder Master Ghost predicted three years ago that our Ming Family would face a calamity!”

Chen Hao was walking back to the Yang Family’s manor.

Today, he had finally gotten the map to the Sea Palace. He just had to wait for his family’s team to

arrive before heading off.

That white-shirted girl, as well as the God Knight in the ancient tomb… Chen Hao believed that these

mysteries would be solved soon!

Also, Chen Hao would finally be able to meet that Master Ghost, who everyone made out to be an

extremely powerful character! When he saw this Master Ghost tomorrow, Chen Hao had to find out for

himself if this person was really as incredible as the myths had claimed!

Chen Hao was extremely fired up.

Right as he was walking, he heard a weak sound coming from the forest by the roadside.

It sounded like a girl.

“Hm?” Chen Hao couldn’t help but frown.

He walked toward the source of the noise.

Just as he expected, there was a girl lying in the forest, dressed in all-black.

Her stomach looked to be extremely injured, and it was bleeding profusely.

What shocked Chen Hao even more was this girl’s face.

Her skin was like white jade, and her features were beautiful.

Her eyes were lightly shut, causing her to look calm and graceful.novelbin

She looked like the epitome of the Eastern beauty standard.

“A-Are you alright?” Chen Hao asked.

He felt her pulse. It seemed like she had fainted because of high amounts of blood loss.

If she had stayed here like this, she would have gotten into some real trouble. Luckily, you met me!

Chen Hao picked the girl up and ran toward the Yang Family’s manor.

At dawn the next day, Gu Yuxiao opened her eyes slowly. She could smell medicinal herbs wafting

around her, and from what she could see, she was lying in a grandly-decorated room.


When Gu Yuxiao tried to sit up slowly, she realized that she had already been changed into a pyjama

top. What was more, the injury on her stomach had been bandaged by someone.

Her bottoms had also been changed.

Girls were especially sensitive toward things like this.

Especially the extremely traditional Gu Yuxiao.

She dragged her body upright and opened the door, only to see a courtyard before her.

A young man was standing in the courtyard, looking at something.

There was a clothes rack at one side, and her clothes were drying on it.

“You’re finally awake,” the young man said as he drank his tea while looking at a map.

“Did you change my clothes?” Gu Yuxiao looked at Chen Hao coldly, biting her red lips.

“Yeah!” Chen Hao nodded.

“How dare you? Who gave you the permission to touch me?!” Gu Yuxiao’s stare was frosty.

“If I didn’t touch you, you would have been dead by now! You’re lucky that I came across you last night.

You were almost dead!” Chen Hao replied.

“Then my clothes, and my undergarments…”

“If they weren’t taken off, how would your wounds be treated?” Chen Hao said.


Chen Hao had just finished replying when he felt a cold breeze behind him.

Then, a flowerpot was thrown in his direction.

Chen Hao reached out and caught it.

“I just made some tea! Could you just calm down for one second?” Chen Hao said helplessly.

This girl was pretty, her beauty matching that of Shen Lan, but her temper was way too nasty.

Just then, the door by Chen Hao’s side opened.

A few female maids walked in.

“Sir, President Yang asked to meet you in the hall to discuss some matters!” the maids said.

The place Chen Hao was staying in was a separate area that Yang Wei had arranged for him. No

outsiders came to bother him.

Chen Hao replied, “Got it.”

Then, the maids looked at Gu Yuxiao. “Ah, Miss! Why did you get out of bed? We just helped you

bandage your injuries. You aren’t supposed to get up yet!” the maids said.

“You were the ones who helped me bandage my injury? Then… what about my clothes?” Gu Yuxiao


“Of course we were the ones who changed it! Mister Chen Hao was the one who saved you and

brought you here!” the maids replied.

This means… I accused him wrongly! Gu Yuxiao thought, then glanced at Chen Hao unwittingly.

“If it wasn’t you, why did you own up to it?”

“I didn’t own up to it. You were the one who assumed it was me!” Chen Hao smiled bitterly, shaking his


“You all, help her change her bandages one more time. Remember, this medicine cannot be left on for

more than three hours. The whole point of this medicine is to ensure that the injury on her stomach will

not leave any scars after healing completely!” Chen Hao smiled as he spoke.

“Yes, sir!”

After that, Chen Hao smiled and nodded at Gu Yuxiao before leaving.

Why do I feel such a strange sense of familiarity toward this person? Could it be because he saved

me? Gu Yuxiao thought as she looked at Chen Hao’s retreating figure.

“Miss, you’re so pretty! You’re the prettiest girl we have ever seen!” the maids praised sincerely.

Gu Yuxiao bowed her head lightly, a hint of red tinting her pretty face. “Thank you for the compliments! I

must also thank you all for saving me!”

“Oh, right, miss! How did you get injured? You were heavily injured yesterday, and Mister Chen Hao

said that the injury on your stomach wasn’t caused by any regular blade,” the maids asked curiously as

they helped Gu Yuxiao into the room.

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