The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 559 Don’t Play Tricks With Me
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Chapter 559 Don’t Play Tricks With Me

“Something’s wrong. It’s unlikely that this matter happened by chance! I don’t know what trick Zhao

Yifan is trying to play. I’ve given her a few ten million to live her life lavishly!” Chen Hao frowned.

To be honest, he felt extremely uneasy.

Ever since he meddled with the Mo Family, he had spent all his time practicing martial arts. He even

stayed away from the city life.

Now that he had returned to the city, he was met with a problem: he had a daughter?

Chen Hao found it unacceptable, not to mention that this daughter belonged to Zhao Yifan and him!

On top of that, Qin Ya and Shen Lan were here. This caused Chen Hao to be extremely frustrated.

He decided that he would wait for the result of the paternity test before taking the next step.

Chen Hao followed his grandfather and father to wait outside the door, while Zhao Yifan was in the

room with Mi Fan in her arms, conducting the paternity test.

“I think it’s best for Miss Zhao to remove this jade charm from the child. It’s dangerous for such a young

child to wear it on her neck!”

There was a chance that this little girl could be the daughter of Young Master Chen, so they were

extremely careful with her.

They looked at the jade charm around the little girl’s neck, and noticed that Zhao Yifan had the same

one around her neck.

“I won’t remove it! What do you know? Hurry up and conduct the test!” Zhao Yifan said.

The doctor did not dare to say more.

Soon, the test result was out.

“What does it say?” Chen Jindong and Chen Diancang asked anxiously.

“Congratulations, Great Old Master, Old Master and Young Master Chen. According to the test result,

this child is definitely Young Master Chen and Miss Zhao Yifan’s daughter. She has the blood of the

Chen Family!” the doctor congratulated them reverently with a smile.

“Ah! I-Is this really my great granddaughter?” Chen Diancang’s hoary face was lightened with a glimpse

of a smile.

However, Chen Xiao and Yang Yuping did not look happy with the outcome.

To put it bluntly, both of them held Zhao Yifan in extreme contempt.

How could someone like her become part of the Chen Family?

Especially Zhao Yifan, who was calculative. She even waited for the child to be born before showing up

in front of them.

Since she bore the child of the Chen Family, Chen Hao was forced to marry her regardless of whether

he wanted it or not.

But what about Shen Lan?

Chen Xiao and Yang Yuping had the same thought. They did not know what explanation they should

give to Shen Lan.

“Chen Hao, look! You have a daughter!” On the other hand, Chen Jindong held the child in his arms

affectionately and showed her to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao had been keeping his eyebrows tightly furrowed from the beginning.novelbin

“Chen Hao, you have to be responsible!” Zhao Yifan shouted at Chen Hao behind him after the elders



To her despair, Chen Hao grabbed Zhao Yifan’s collar and dragged her to the side.

“Tell me the truth. What happened exactly? How would I have a child with you? This child is definitely

not mine. You may have deceived others, but not me!”

Chen Hao’s eyes were like those of a hawk, causing Zhao Yifan to freeze under his gaze. His eyes

seemed to have seen through everything.

This made Zhao Yifan gulp nervously.

“A-Are you even a man? The blood test result is out and it shows that this child is ours! Yet, you still

deny it. Since you want to be this way, I won’t live any longer. It’s not the first time I’ve been humiliated

by you anyway!” Zhao Yifan cried desperately.

“Are you still going to quibble in sophistry? Although I don’t know how you manipulated the equipment

to give such a result, I can see that this child is not your biological child either. Zhao Yifan, if you are

willing to tell the truth, I will let you off due to our friendship in the past!” Chen Hao warned her coldly.

At once, Zhao Yifan was stunned. A tinge of panic appeared in her eyes.

When did Chen Hao become so incredible?

“What are your intentions?” Chen Hao asked again.

He was haunted by his death prophecy all the time now, causing him to be extra prudent and careful in


“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about! Let me go!” Zhao Yifan quibbled stubbornly.

“Still not willing to tell the truth? Fine, I’ll take this child as my own and I’ll nurture her. As for you, I will

throw you into the ocean to the sharks!”

Chen Hao lifted Zhao Yifan off the floor.

Zhao Yifan was terrified now. In the past, Chen Hao was a coward and he had a weak personality. On

top of that, he could not withstand the tears of a girl. Once a girl cried, Chen Hao would succumb to


But now, he was still steaming with rage even though she was crying pitifully.

He had changed. Utterly changed. His words did not sound like a joke.

“Alright, alright. I’ll tell you. Just put me down!” Zhao Yifan gave in and said in fear.

Chen Hao then threw her onto the bed.

“You’re right. The child isn’t ours!” Zhao Yifan revealed the truth morosely.

At the same time, she felt regretful.

“Did you steal that child? Zhao Yifan, I’ve given you such a large sum of money. Are you still not

satisfied?” Chen Hao asked in a cold voice.

“No! I didn’t steal her. Chen Hao, don’t look down on me. Although I’m not a kind woman, I would never

carry out heartless crimes. I adopted the child from an orphanage!”

“Then why did the doctor of the Chen Family say that it was our child?” Chen Hao asked callously.

“I-I don’t know. An old alchemist told me the method!” Zhao Yifan touched her neck and stepped

backward as she answered.

“If that’s the case, explain it clearly to both my father and grandfather. I’ll give you another large sum of

money. This money will ensure you three lives of lavish living!” Chen Hao said.

Zhao Yifan stood up anxiously. “I don’t want money! Chen Hao, do you think I did so much just to get

your money? Yes, indeed, I looked down upon your poverty in the past, but that was the past! Chen

Hao, do you know that I fell in love with you a long time ago? I want to be with you. Even if you were

poor, I still want to be with you!” As Zhao Yifan was speaking, she tried to hug Chen Hao.

“I won’t believe your nonsense! Tell me, what do you want exactly?”

However, Chen Hao pushed her away as soon as she approached him.

His expression was still calm.

“You!” Zhao Yifan stamped her foot furiously.

“You can’t chase me away, Chen Hao. Please, let me stay. Look outside. Your grandfather and father

are holding Mi Fan gleefully. They have taken Mi Fan as their granddaughter!” Zhao Yifan pointed

outside the window.

“Besides, I heard that your grandfather and you will be going on a long journey and won’t be back for a

long time. Some even say that your grandfather will never come back. Now, he has ignited a new hope

and met his great-granddaughter. Even if this is just a lie, it’s still a beautiful lie, isn’t it?” Zhao Yifan


“Cut your slick crap. You must have planned something. I warn you to speak the truth now, or else I

won’t let you off!” Chen Hao rebuked coldly.

Just when he was about to lift Zhao Yifan up and throw her out, Shen Lan’s voice came from the

outside. “Father, grandfather. Whose child is this? She’s adorable. Oh, I heard that Chen Hao is back.

Where is he? I need to talk to him about something!”

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