The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 552 The Underground Palace
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Chapter 552 The Underground Palace

As he was harboring the thought, Mo Canglong was ready to go into the burrow.

He paused in his strides when he was halfway through.

He then stroked his grazed chin.

His face was full of wariness.

“Stupid boy, I advise you to be a good boy and come out now. No matter how strong you are now, you

will never be able to come out of the burrow alive!” Mo Canglong shouted by the entrance of the


Before long, a weak voice was heard from the inside. “Old man, that’s better than getting killed by you


“Scoundrel, if you’re going to go deeper into the burrow, don’t say that I didn't warn you of the dangers

inside!” exclaimed Mo Canglong with a crease formed between his brows.

Indeed, the inside of the burrow was extremely dangerous. Being a Grandmaster, Mo Canglong was

invincible and unstoppable in this world. However, lingering fear still persisted in him when he thought

about the large creature he had met inside the burrow just now.

He wanted to get to the bottom of the secret so that he would be able to evaluate whether it was going

to worth risking his life for the thing hidden inside.

If it was unworthy of his effort, Mo Canglong would not run the risk of going into the cave himself!

Because of that, Mo Canglong waited patiently for Chen Hao’s arrival.

I bet the stupid boy can’t get too far. By that time, he would either run out for his life or get killed. I

would not risk my life just for that stupid boy. I might as well just wait for him here. Regardless of the

outcome, I would be benefitted! Mo Canglong uttered to himself inside.

At that moment, he sat down on the ground beside the entrance of the burrow, listening to the sounds

and movements inside.

As for Chen Hao, he believed Mo Canglong, that sly old fox, was trying to scare him so that he would

run out.

However, as he was getting deeper into the cave, a strong stench came from inside of it.

Chen Hao felt that something was not right.

Only then did he think about Mo Canglong’s haggard state when he met him earlier.

There were even some scratches on his face.novelbin

Since the old man knew this ancient tomb was extraordinary, he would never miss the chance to take a

look inside according to his character.

Is it possible that he was injured by something inside this cave, which is why he’s not coming after me

here? Chen Hao thought about the possibility.

He carried on his way into the cave.

The passageway inside was an even one with a low ceiling.

After walking further inside for quite some time, the space finally widened.

A spacious and towering stone cave appeared before him.

It was pitch black inside.

On top of that, it seemed like there were two other caves at the deepest end.

The height of the two caves were similar to one of a human.

What made Chen Hao even more puzzled was that it seemed as though a different realm was

contained inside the caves.

Intense green light was glowing in the space within them.

Under the glow of the green light, Chen Hao was able to see the conditions inside the two caves.

Stone sculptures of warriors were placed at both sides.

Every single one of them looked valiant and heroic, exuding a solemn and icy aura.

There were around a dozen of them.

Could they be the Celestial Army who had fallen from the sky as depicted in the murals?

Their looks and attire looked very similar to what was drawn in the murals.

In that case, was that mysterious Celestial Soldier buried inside the Longevity Coffin? Chen Hao made

a guess in his mind.

He noticed there were candlesticks around him. He then walked over and lit them up.

The space inside the cave finally brightened up.

Only then did Chen Hao manage to get a clear and full view of the insides of the cave.

Numerous bones were found scattered on the ground. Judging from the armories they brought, it

seemed like they were tomb raiders.

However, the moment Chen Hao lifted his head and looked toward the two caves with green light, he

was dumbfounded at once.

Those are not caves at all!

They are… They are…

Suddenly, Chen Hao’s legs felt like jelly.

The corners of his mouth started to tremble.

It was the head of a giant python. The python was of an unworldly size. Those two caves with green

light were actually the eyes of the python!

At that moment, the giant python was staring at Chen Hao icily with its head held high.

“Damn it!”

Chen Hao sucked in a breath of cold air.

His skin started to crawl.

Immediately, he ran for his life.


The sound of the python sticking out its tongue echoed behind him.

Even then, Chen Hao paused in his strides.

If he got out of the cave, he would definitely get killed by Mo Canglong.

No wonder that old man looked so haggard. As it turned out, such a huge creature was hidden inside

the cave.

Chen Hao then took out the Feather Sword.

Cold sweat was flowing profusely from his head as he was forced into a difficult position.

The giant python was not mentioned at all on the map.

Chen Hao gulped down his saliva.

However, Chen Hao quickly noticed that the giant python was not being hostile toward him.

All it did was stare at him. It did not get aggressive nor did it attack him.

Later on, the python even lowered its head.

It behaved as meekly as a puppy meeting its owner.

“You’re not going to kill me?”

Chen Hao’s wobbly legs finally felt slightly better.

He probed out of curiosity.

Out of his expectation, the python nodded its head.

Thereafter, it rested its temple-like head on the ground once again.

The body of the python had almost taken up the entire space of the way ahead.

It seemed like it was deliberately placed here to stop intruders from going further.

Taking light steps, Chen Hao walked over to the python’s body.

For some reason, a unique feeling grew in Chen Hao’s heart. It seemed like he was able to understand

the emotions of the python through its eyes.

It was exactly through its eyes that Chen Hao started to develop strange feelings toward the python.

It was an indescribable yet familiar feeling. He felt as though he had bumped into an old friend.

Chen Hao was no longer afraid of it. Instead, he tried to give a few gentle strokes on its head.

Behaving very obediently, it didn’t resist his actions.

“Have you always been here guarding the cave? It seems like you've never got out of here before, am I

right?” asked Chen Hao.

Again, the giant python nodded its head.

After that, it started to move.

With just a single movement from its body, Chen Hao could feel that the ground was shaking and the

walls were swaying. It was as though the cave was going to crumble at any minute.

The python was retreating into the cave.

It appeared that it was trying to make way for Chen Hao.

By now, Chen Hao had stopped thinking about his safety. At that moment, he mustered up all the

courage in him and made his way inside the cave.

The deeper he went, the space eventually turned into a place unlike any other ordinary caves.

The space looked more like a palace-style structure.

It is way too spacious!

Chen Hao exclaimed in wonder. The place looked just like an underground celestial palace!

It must have taken an inestimable amount of resources and manpower to build such a magnificent

structure. It was rather impossible to build such a structure in this age even with the current modern


Inside the underground palace, numerous celestial soldiers looking similar to those standing outside

could be seen.

There were thirty-six huge stone pillars with the width of at least seven to eight people’s wide-stretched


A platform made of colorful rocks was placed in the middle of the palace. A jade-like, huge coffin was

seen floating atop of the platform.

Is that the Longevity Coffin? Chen Hao was shocked.

He then looked around his surroundings. The walls of the palace were filled with murals with great



At that moment, the giant python stuck out its tongue. It was looking toward the murals.

“Do you want me to go through these murals?” asked Chen Hao in consternation.

The giant python nodded its head.


After gulping and taking a glance at the Longevity Coffin, Chen Hao strolled toward the murals.

Thanks to the explanation provided by Qin Ya, Chen Hao could now understand more or less what the

murals meant.

The murals depicted a very detailed story.

This place was where the mysterious Celestial Soldier was buried. For such a God that came from

another realm, the King of this country held a reputable national burial for him; he expended immense

manpower and resources to build this underground palace. Only a God was worthy of such a grand


It was built for the folks to pay their respects to the God for generations after generations.

Such was explained by the murals.

Chen Hao got even more interested in the final part of the murals.

Because that part provided a detailed description of the incidents that happened after the tree fell from

the sky…

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