The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 549 Qin Ya in A Dilemma
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Chapter 549 Qin Ya in A Dilemma

A gust of dust and debris surged toward them.

Both Shen Mengxue and Qin Ya walked over to the box and looked inside.

They saw a sword resting peacefully there.

Although the surface of the sword was covered by a layer of dust, it didn’t prevent the sword from

emitting a luminous glow.

From afar, they were able to sense the formidable chills of the sword.

“Although the sword was made thousands of years ago, it still appears to be very sharp!” Shen

Mengxue commented.

Grinning, she was about to pick the sword up.

As for Qin Ya, she wasn't all that interested. She then turned around and continued staring at the


“It’s so heavy!”

Shen Mengxue was trying to pick up the sword. However, the sword would not budge. It was as though

it had grown onto the box.

“Let me try!”

Chen Hao reached out and gently lifted the sword, which came into his hands easily.

“It’s not heavy at all!” Chen Hao sneered.

He swayed his wrist to shake off the dust on the surface. It seemed to be quite a light sword.

Even so, the sword was extremely sharp.

A few characters were engraved on the surface of the sword, which spelled ‘Feather Sword’.

For some unknown reason, an unusual feeling crept up his body once he got hold of the sword.

“Could this Feather Sword be a magic tool as well?” said Chen Hao out of curiosity.

However, I didn’t sense any special aura from the sword!

Nonetheless, Chen Hao was slightly excited deep down.

I just happened to have mastered three moves of using swords from the Breaching Army. Now, such a

brilliant sword came into my possession. What a coincidence!

“You guys, come take a look at this! Something is not right with this mural!” said Qin Ya suddenly.

“Hey, stop studying the deified murals, Qin Ya. We should spend our time studying the sword instead!”

Shen Mengxue couldn’t help but comment.

“That’s not the case. I saw the contents in the final part of the murals. It seems like they were not

deified at all! Guys, come and take a look at this!”

At this moment, Qin Ya pointed to the final part of the murals.

“I am just stating a possibility. If the person who had drawn the huge structure did imagine it to be a

huge ship capable of flying and burrowing into the ground, everything seems to make sense! Because

the final part seems to be talking about what happened during the night before the burial of the

mysterious Celestial Soldier. On that night, the huge ship appeared and brought away three hundred

young boys and girls from the town. The King and the rest of the people sent them off respectfully by

getting down to their knees. In the end, the huge ship disappeared into the underground! Everyone

knelt down. However, this painting deliberately emphasized the presence of the old beggar. He was the

only one holding his head up while grinning. His face was somewhat hideous and it seems like the

paintings are trying to show that he had an eerie smile! If that's the case, the whole story could be

pieced together!” said Qin Ya.

“Pfft, Qin Ya, I noticed that you’re the only one here with the best imagination. No wonder even

Professor Yang would like to have you as his disciple. The paintings were drawn at least ten thousands

years ago. Since it was almost the Paleolithic age, it’s impossible that a huge ship would have existed

during that time! However, the people during that era were really impressive to be able to come up with

such an imagination!”

“I know that. However, this mural just gives me an odd feeling!”

“I feel the same way!” said Chen Hao while staring at the mural.

Turning around, Qin Ya displayed a subtle grin at Chen Hao.

“Oh yeah, Qin Ya, where did the body of the lady end up in the end?”

At the sight of Qin Ya and Chen Hao exchanging glances, Shen Mengxue was suddenly distressed.

Hastily, she put herself between the two of them and said, “Nothing is mentioned about the

whereabouts of the lady. The paintings only depict that the lady and the mysterious soldier were

separated from each other in the end.”

“Chen Xuan, do you think the murals are deified?” asked Qin Ya while staring at Chen Hao.

“Hey, we should leave the discussion after we return to the ground. Chen Xuan, I am feeling hard to

breath. Why don’t you bring us back up to the ground now?” Shen Mengxue said in an attempt to

interrupt Chen Hao and Qin Ya’s conversation.

“Okay then!” Chen Hao nodded his head.

By the time the three of them got out of the ancient well, it was already late at night, with the moon

hanging high up in the sky.

Together with the two girls, Chen Hao returned to the dilapidated building.

As Professor Yang and the rest of the team could not catch up with Chen Hao earlier, they had already


Once again, everyone got together.

Other than the two members who had died, Li Wanhao was suffering from serious injuries as well as a

high fever. Several members were even feeling unwell out of fear.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team was fine.

Everyone had gone through a lot in a night. With Chen Hao there, the tension in everyone was finally

released and they were able to take a good rest.

Chen Hao did not sleep. Instead, he started a bonfire and guarded the team.

Naturally, the two girls could not fall asleep as well.

Both girls kept their eyes wide open as they stared at Chen Hao who was sitting by the entrance of the


Under the moonlight, he appeared to be very stocky. His physique made one feel secured and safe.

“Qin Ya, are you awake too?” looking at Qin Ya who was lying beside her, Shen Mengxue could not

help but ask in a soft voice.

“Y-Yes!” replied Qin Ya in a low voice.

“I kinda noticed that ever since we regained our consciousness back there, your eyes have never left

Chen Xuan. Do you like him?” asked Shen Mengxue in a voice tinged with jealousy.

“W-Why would I?” said Qin Ya in denial.

Indeed, the man she was in love with was Chen Hao whom she realized that she could never let go of

no matter how hard she tried.

Although Chen Xuan looked very much like Chen Hao, he was not Chen Hao whom she was in love


Qin Ya kept reminding herself in her mind.

However, she was unable to move her eyes away from Chen Xuan as he looked too similar to Chen


“It’s only because Chen Xuan looked slightly similar to Chen Hao!” said Qin Ya in a soft voice.

“He may look like him, but he is not him!” said Shen Mengxue.

Listening to Shen Mengxue’s words, Qin Ya turned her side and asked, “How about you? I can tell that

you have a crush on Chen Xuan, am I right?” asked Qin Ya with some bitterness deep down.

“Yes. Although I have come across numerous dashing and brilliant rich guys, no one could touch me as

deeply as Chen Xuan does. I have been waiting for my dream guy for so many years, and now, I’ve

finally found him!” said Shen Mengxue.


Qin Ya was experiencing an emotional turbulence inside her. She felt uncomfortable and restless at the

same time.

“Therefore, I would like to confirm with you first, Qin Ya. After all, we are besties. Since you have

already said that you are not interested in Chen Xuan, I would like to make my move on him, is that

okay? My dream man is finally here after such a long wait. This is the first time that I’ve fallen for


Shen Mengxue held onto Qin Ya’s hands softly as she implored.

Qin Ya was unsure of her own feelings.

I love Chen Hao. But Chen Xuan looks very much like Chen Hao. He’s exactly like Chen Hao who I

have missed terribly all this while.

Why is that?

It was because some of Chen Xuan’s gestures were so similar to Chen Hao’s.

She thought so especially at the moment when she had just regained her consciousness.

She had heard Chen Hao calling out her name.

Although she was unsure whether she was imagining things, she was certain that it was Chen Hao’s


Moreover, when Chen Xuan blushed, Qin Ya noticed that he looked exactly like Chen Hao since the

latter, too, blushed when they first met each other.

That was not all.

Earlier in the stone cave, the way Chen Xuan pursed his lips looked oddly similar to Chen Hao.

Could he be Chen Hao? Is he trying to conceal something from me?

He may be lying to me, but as I was staring at him, the longing look in his eyes says it all.

After all, most girls were usually good at observing and taking in details, Qin Ya being one of them.novelbin

An instinct started to grow inside her and it was a very strong one!

Therefore, she had no idea how to respond to Shen Mengxue…

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