The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 544 Get on the Carriage
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Chapter 544 Get on the Carriage

“Young Master Li, this man has rescued us!”

Slowly, Qin Ya got down from Chen Hao’s back and said to the guy.

“Why are you still calling me Young Master Li? Qin Ya, I’ve repeated myself many times. Just address

me as Wanhao. Calling me Young Master Li would put a distance between the two of us!” said Li


Qin Ya did not say anything.

Instead, she stared at Chen Hao and asked, “Sir, I haven't got your name yet!”

Unbeknownst to her why, Qin Ya felt a closeness and intimacy deep down at the sight of Chen Hao.

She felt it hard to believe that she was feeling this way.

For quite some time, she had not been developing feelings for guys.

Except for him.

She felt very close to him as though he was her old friend whom she had bumped into.

“Exactly. Sir, you saved our lives today, yet we still don't know your name!” said the bespectacled girl

with a subtle grin.

“Forget about it, it’s just a small favor!”

Pulling his cap down, Chen Hao turned around and took the stairs.

A tinge of disappointment flashed across the eyes of the bespectacled girl and she pursed her lips


“Mengxue, who is this guy? He wears a mask and a cap even in broad daylight. What a pretentious

person!” said Li Wanhao in an icy tone.

He was especially annoyed after listening to Shen Mengxue’s comment just now. Obviously, that guy

emerged as their hero who saved the damsels in distress.

As someone who had been desperately waiting for such an opportunity, Li Wanhao tensed up at once.

He was consumed by jealousy and envy.

“Li Wanhao, how could you say something like that about our benefactor!” Shen Mengxue accused in


“I'm just pointing out the truth. Just by one look at him, I'm certain that he is a pretentious guy!” said Li


“Enough, stop fighting! Anyway, thank god you two are all right. Please eat something first. When Mr.

Pang arrives, we will begin our journey to the desert!” said the elderly man in an attempt to clear the air.

Only then did everyone stop arguing.

Qin Ya was part of the team consisting of over twenty members. Thirteen of them were men and the

rest of them were girls.

They were going to carry out an inspection and study in the desert. Qin Ya and Shen Mengxue were

reporters following them into the desert.

As for Li Wanhao, he was the son of the boss who sponsored the inspection.

He was both powerful and influential. He started to become interested in Qin Ya after meeting her at a

social event. Thereafter, things started to get out of hand as he began a fervent pursuit of Qin Ya.

Therefore, he was tagging along with the team to the desert.

“Mr. Pang grew up in the desert. As foreigners, we are fully dependent on him to get our bearings in the

desert. That's weird, why is he taking so long to get here?”

After the elderly man sat down, he chatted with some of the group members.

As he was talking, a camel bell rang from outside.

Over twenty camels carrying a carriage on their backs pulled to a stop in front of the inn.

“Let’s go!”

An elderly man with tanned skin was controlling the convoy of carriages. He had a silvery beard on his

wrinkled face.

He shouted toward the entrance of the inn.

With that, everyone in the inn walked out.

It seemed like the inspection team was not the only one who had hired Mr. Pang’s carriages. There

were around ten to twenty tourists who came along with the convoy.

They were placing their baggage on the camels and drinking water on their carriages.

After everything was set, the team was ready to begin their journey.

“Let’s go, Qin Ya. As you’re injured, I have paid extra money for us to travel in the carriage together

with Professor Yang, so you don’t have to walk!”

Li Wanhao noticed that Qin Ya was acting hesitantly. From time to time, she would look in the direction

of the second floor of the inn.

He was consumed by jealousy at once. “Qin Ya, are you waiting for that pretentious guy?”

“W-Why would I wait for him? We don’t even know each other!” said Qin Ya.

“Great then. Let’s go now. I will support you!”

“You don’t have to. Mengxue can support me!”

After getting their preparations done, they left for the desert.

Only then did Chen Hao step out of the inn.

To be honest, he did not expect to bump into Qin Ya whom he had not seen in more than a year.

As she had started working, she had an aura more charming than before.

In fact, Chen Hao would have liked to have a reunion with her.

After all, they had not seen each other for more than a year.

However, when Chen Hao tested her earlier, it seemed like she had not let him go yet.

He felt sorry for what he had done to her back then. Due to that, Chen Hao would not like to impede

her future as there was no way that they would ever work out.

Looking at the guy who treated her so well just now, though Chen Hao was slightly uncomfortable by

the sight, he genuinely wished happiness for Qin Ya.

Therefore, he stopped tending to her injury as he believed that she would be well taken care of by

someone else.

With his baggage on his back, Chen Hao was ready to leave.

The Holy Water Ritual was three months away.

Hence, Chen Hao was very anxious and worried throughout this trip.

Not only did he aspire to become a true Grandmaster along his journey, he was on a mission to search

for the Longevity Coffin.

He could not afford any delay.

However, before he could go any deeper into the desert, he saw a crowd gathered ahead of him.

Moreover, there was a police cordon around that area.

Several volunteers wearing a red armband were trying to stop the crowd from going further into the


“Why are you stopping us from entering? Does the desert belong to you guys?” some of the tourists

were chastising the volunteers.

“We apologize for the inconvenience. A few days ago, several corpses were found in the desert. All of

them died in a very terrible way. Therefore, the desert is currently in a very dangerous state. We advise

all of you against entering the desert for the time being. It’s not worthwhile to risk your life just to have

fun!” said one of the volunteers.

“Are you trying to scare us off? We know very well that the desert is a life-threatening place. We’re here

exactly for the thrill and excitement. Don’t bother them. Let’s head inside!” Some tourists directly broke

through the cordon.

The volunteers did not try to stop them. Like what the lady said, everyone was here for the fun and


“Boy, thank you for doing this. However, we’re not here to have fun. We’re here to do an inspection and

study. Please let our camels and carriages in!” Professor Yang was there too. At that moment, he

walked over and said to the volunteers.

“I can see that all of your carriages fulfilled the standard requirements. Well, I am not going to stop you

guys. I wish you guys all the best!”

The volunteer gave them the green light to enter the desert.

Professor Yang and the rest of them walked further into the desert.

On the other hand, many of the tourists chose to retreat from the desert out of fear.

“Eh? Sir, you’re here too?”

At that moment, Shen Mengxue caught sight of a familiar figure. Immediately, she waved her hands at

him excitedly.

Chen Hao responded to her with merely a nod before continuing his journey.

As for Qin Ya, she kept on staring at Chen Hao in the carriage. Why does he look more and more


However, it's impossible that he would have that kind of physique.

“Just join our convoy of carriages. I heard somebody saying that it’s going to be dangerous in the

desert. There are a lot of other tourists in our convoy. Many hands make light work. Perhaps you could

join us?” asked Shen Mengxue, who was sitting in the carriage.

“Hehe, is that guy traveling on a budget? He doesn't have a camel carrying water for him. With just that

bottle of water with him, I bet he is going to die of thirst before he could even make it halfway into the


Li Wanhao sneered.

“Sir, I think you should just join our convoy of carriages. I will pay for your fees!” said Shen Mengxue


Chen Hao shook his head.

“Thanks, but it’s not necessary,” said Chen Hao indifferently.

“Hehe, you’re being too naive and reckless! Nine out of ten would not be able to make it out of the

desert alive without me! You don’t think you need us, huh? Well, I hope you don’t regret your decision.

Even if someone is willing to pay for you later on, I would not allow you to join us!”

As Mr. Pang was downing some liquor, he stared at Chen Hao icily. Within this region, no one was bold

enough to claim that he was redundant. It appeared that Mr. Pang was someone with a huge ego and

his temper was easily triggered.


With a whip on the camel, the convoy of carriages sped up and left.

Both Shen Mengxue and Qin Ya were staring worriedly at Chen Hao who was walking alone at thenovelbin


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