The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 540 The Secret Scroll
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Chapter 540 The Secret Scroll


Suddenly, Chen Jindong shouted from outside of the chamber.

“What’s the matter, Jindong?” Chen Diancang asked.

“Earlier, a servant found a strange box with a letter on it and it’s addressed to Chen Hao!”

Chen Jindong came in with the box.

It was a quaint-looking wooden box with a letter stuck on it.

To Chen Hao, was written on the letter.

“Who sent it?” Chen Diancang asked.

Chen Jindong looked nervous. “I don’t know. I heard from the servant that he had discovered it by

accident. I even ordered Wen to check the security cameras but we couldn’t find anything!”

All the guards of the Soul Palace were the cream of the crop. Even then, someone had gone in and out

of the palace right under their noses.

“Huh? Many strange things have been happening recently. Is something major about to happen?” Chen

Diancang murmured worriedly.

“Chen Hao, since this box is addressed to you, you should be the one to open it!” Chen Diancang said

after a pause.


A puzzled Chen Hao then opened the wooden box, only to find a scroll inside.

He took the scroll out and unrolled it. After taking a closer look, it seemed to be a desert war map.

Strangely enough, there even seemed to be some sand on the scroll.

Every dot on the map was clearly marked.

Chen Hao was shocked to see that the final destination seemed to be an underground palace, and in

the center of it was a huge stone coffin!

Though the dots were densely spaced, the coffin was quite noticeable on the map.

“Grandpa, it’s a map!”

After Chen Hao finished looking at it, he felt bewildered.

Who would have sent this?

“According to the coordinates, this should be the Desert of Death in the Northwest. But why is this map

given to Chen Hao? Judging by how the coffin is marked on the map, it should be the Longevity Coffin,”

Chen Diancang said.

“Longevity Coffin?” Chen Jindong repeated in confusion.

Inhaling, Chen Diancang explained, “Yes, I have seen this type of coffin in the Sun Totem. It originated

from a country in the West thousands of years ago. Legend has it that the person buried in the coffin

would be perfectly preserved as the body would never decay.”

“Many people in the past tried to find the Longevity Coffin but no one has ever laid eyes on it,” Chen

Diancang mused, “Strange, who would give us such a present? What does that person want?”

“I heard from Mr. Mo that he had received help when he was chasing a lead on the League of the Sun.

And now, someone even sent us this war map. Would it be the same person? Is someone secretly

helping us?” Chen Jindong said as he and Chen Diancang glanced at Chen Hao.

Evidently, Chen Diancang wouldn’t know such a person.

Let alone Chen Jindong.

The only possibility was Chen Hao.

“My master, Mr. Qin? But it shouldn’t be him. He has no reason to secretly help me. If he wanted to

help me, he would have done it out in the open,” Chen Hao refuted. He couldn’t make anything out of it

as well.

Mr. Qin was the only lead now.

Yet, it was unnecessary for Mr. Qin to help him secretly.

“Let’s skip this question first. Chen Hao, open the letter and read what’s inside,” Chen Diancang said.

Chen Hao opened the letter.

There were only two lines on the letter.

The three of them froze when they read it.

“The moon eclipses and water flows backward on a sunny day. Death comes as the golden flower falls


A lunar eclipse in a sunny sky? How could the moon appear on a sunny day?

And how could water possibly flow backward?

Chen Hao was mystified.

However, the last sentence was easier to understand.

When the golden flower falls to the ground, someone would die.

“Would that be me?” Chen Hao mumbled to himself.

“Looks like the person who wrote this letter possesses unimaginable power. He seems to know

everything like the back of his hand! Is it possible that such a person exists?” Chen Diancang said in


Chen Jindong asked anxiously, “So dad, what should Chen Hao do? It seemed like the prophecy on

the Sun Totem would come true. What else could this message mean?”

“There seemed to be no other way apart from following the map on this scroll. I think this person wants

us to find the Longevity Coffin and preserve Chen Hao’s body if anything happens to him. However,

this doesn’t make sense as the Sun Totem predicted that Chen Hao would be torn to pieces.” Chen

Diancang shook his head.

“But… We don’t have a better plan. From the way I see it, this person bears no ill will. Chen Hao, if this

person wants you to find the Longevity Coffin, he must have his own reasons. What do you think?”

Chen Diancang asked.

Chen Hao replied, “Ha, my life is going to end soon anyway. If he wants me to find it, then I’ll go look

for it. I want to be stronger and become a true Grandmaster. This will be the perfect opportunity for me

to train. If everything goes smoothly, I could even participate in the Holy Water Ritual.”

Chen Hao had a very strong feeling that the Holy Water Ritual was the key to the secret of the League

of the Sun. All the answers seemed to lie in the Holy Water Ritual.

He was only a step away from becoming a true Grandmaster and he had to participate in the ritual!

If he could solve the mystery behind it, then even if the prophecy becomes true, it would be worth it.

“Alright, it seems to be the only way now.” Chen Diancang sighed resignedly.

The three of them discussed until midnight.

The next day, Chen Hao set out to find the coffin.

Everyone in the family gathered to send him off.novelbin

At the moment, the Soul Palace was heavily guarded.

On the shore, Wen Zizai was giving out orders to the guards. “Attention should be paid to everything

that happens on the island. Master said that this is a rocky period for the Chen family so you all have to

be extra careful!”

Then, he ordered them to go to their posts.

Wen Zizai’s hands were folded behind his back. He stood by the shore and stared off at the vast ocean.

He didn’t know why but the current situation seemed like the calm before the storm.

This feeling grew especially stronger when he woke up this morning. He felt restless and worried.


He was looking at the sea.

Suddenly, he heard faint footsteps behind him.

Wen Zizai turned his head slightly. “What is it?”

He thought one of his guards had come.

“Does this island belong to the Chen Family?”

To his surprise, an old and unfamiliar voice rang out behind him.

Wen Zizai’s heart skipped a beat and he immediately whirled around.

He saw a thin old man standing alone, his hair all white and his face full of wrinkles.

He was wearing plain but elegant clothes and one of his arms was missing.

Wen Zizai couldn't help feeling tense.

How did he get here? When did he appear behind me?

“Who are you? Why have you come to this island?” Wen Zizai bowed at him slightly as he looked like

someone of great importance.

“I am Grandmaster Mo Canglong!”

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