The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 534 Who Dares Lay a Finger on the Chen Family?
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Chapter 534 Who Dares Lay a Finger on the Chen Family?

The people of the Mo family radiated ruthlessness as they started the fight.

On the other hand, Chen Jindong’s expression changed abruptly.

Until now, he was unwilling to deal with the people from the Hidden Tribe unless his hand was forced

like this time.

These people from the Hidden Tribe were too wild and domineering.

And now, his thoughts were confirmed.

Could the words that his father said to him be coming true?

That the Chen family was in danger of being wiped out and that day was today?

Were they going to be massacred by the Mo family?

Chen Jindong gulped.novelbin

“Who dares to touch the Chen family?!”

At this moment, a ferocious voice boomed, and the surrounding glass was shattered by this voice.

Suddenly, a gust of strong wind bellowed.

The Mo family’s apprentices, who were preparing to go in for the kill, covered their heads as if a certain

violent energy had exploded within their brains. Then, they spat out some blood and died.

Mo Changkong frowned, but he remained motionless.

Outside the hall, a group of people had materialized out of nowhere.

These people were dressed in full black, with black robes draped across their figures.

They gave off a mysterious air.

They rushed into the hall and surrounded Mo Changkong and his men.

There were nearly one thousand of the black-robed people.

Mo Changkong stared at them. His mind was full of doubts.

“I am not sure who you are, but I came here to the Chen family today to settle a score. It would be

better if you do not intervene in these affairs,” commanded Mo Changkong coldly.

“If I were to intervene, what can you do, you scoundrel?!”

At this moment, an elderly man approached them from outside the hall.

“My Lord!”

Two rows of men in black robes who were standing respectfully outside the door knelt down one after



Mo Changkong frowned and stared at the elderly man.

“Sir, I don’t think we have met before. As I said, I have a score to settle with the Chen family. So, what

kind of relationship do you have with the Chen family?” asked Mo Changkong.


On the other hand, Chen Jindong was dumbfounded, as the person in front of him was none other than

his father, who had disappeared decades ago.

Chen Jindong was excited.


Chen Xiao had not seen Chen Diancang before, but now that she knew that her grandfather was still

alive, she was indeed surprised.

“Son, is this my granddaughter, Chen Xiao?”

Chen Diancang walked in and pulled Chen Xiao up as he gazed at her fondly.

“Yes, father, she is. Wh-Where have you been all these years?”

Chen Jindong was surprised.

“I will tell you all about it later, after I have dealt with this bunch of trash!” Chen Diancang smirked.

“It seems that you are the head of the Chen family, who has been missing for the past few decades. No

wonder, you happened to come here at the right time. Today, I am prepared to bathe the Chen family in

blood. After all, the Chen family can only be complete with you around,” said Mo Changkong with a

cold smile.

“You scoundrel. How dare you try to massacre the Chen family? I am afraid that even if Mo Canglong

was in front of me now, he wouldn’t dare talk big like that,” said Chen Diancang coldly as he crossed

hands behind his back.


Mo Changkong and Mo Weiping were stunned.

“Oh? You are acquainted with the elder of the Mo family, Mo Canglong? Then, why haven’t I heard him

mention your name before?”

Mo Changkong’s heart thumped.

Mo Canglong was akin to the totem of the Mo family. His identity was shrouded in mystery.

Not many of the Hidden Tribe knew about him in detail.

On the other hand, the Chen family were nothing more than wealthy business owners. So, how could

they be acquainted with Mo Canglong?

“I recall that this so-called Hidden Tribe of yours has very strict rules, that is, they cannot enter the

mortal world as they please. On the other hand, not only did you all secretly enter the mortal world and

establish your own family, you all even try to interfere in the affairs of the mortal world as well. Now, you

even threaten to wipe out the Chen family. I don’t think you take the rules of the Mo family that

seriously, huh? You scoundrel.” Chen Diancang laughed heartily.

At that moment, he sat down directly at the seat which was reserved for the leader.

“Mr. Chen, where did you come from? How could you know the matters of the Hidden Tribe like the

back of your hand, although you are only a wealthy businessman?” asked Mo Changkong.

“Haha! Have you heard Mo Canglong mention the Soul Palace before?”

“S-Soul Palace?”

On the other hand, Mo Changkong’s eyelids started to twitch violently.

“He is from the Soul Palace!”

At this moment, several skilled fighters, who were standing beside Mo Changkong, exchanged glances.

They couldn’t help but take a step back.

The people of the Hidden Tribe were quite familiar with the reputation of the Soul Palace. There were

originally several Hidden Tribes in China. However, one of the more flourishing Hidden Tribes was

massacred by the people from the Soul Palace in one night.

The Soul Palace would definitely leave some traces behind after killing off their targets so that the

others could seek their revenge. However, who dared to do that?

Hence, when they heard the words ‘Soul Palace’, even Mo Changkong couldn’t help but feel terrified.

“I did not expect that Chen Diancang of the Chen family who had disappeared for several decades is

actually the Lord of the Soul Palace. I really did not know this… However, with the way things are right

now, I finally understand something,” said Mo Changkong.

“What did you understand?”

“6 months ago, my third son, Mo Jian, was captured by a mysterious skilled fighter from Jin Ling. Until

now, there has been no news of him at all. Not to mention the massacre of the Mo family. All these

were your doing, right? ”

Mo Changkong’s eyes were bloodshot, and they were filled with hatred.

“You b*stard!”

Slap! Slap!

Chen Diancang was pissed. Although Chen Diancang’s figure remained motionless, Mo Changkong’s

face endured two vicious slaps.

He simply did not have the ability to fight back.

“Your so-called third son and your so-called family are the scum amongst the scumbags. Throughout

my life, I have never wasted any effort to deal with scraps like you all! This is an absolute disgrace!”

On the other hand, Mo Changkong covered his face and did not dare to utter a single word.

Chen Jindong and the people from the Chen family were extremely excited at this moment.

“Father, I did not know that you have such a powerful force behind you. By the way, the massacre of

the Mo family wasn’t done by our men, right?”

With his father here, Chen Jindong had an endless amount of confidence.

At that moment, he sat beside his father and asked.

"Sigh! Where do I begin? It is not my doing. However, it is the act of someone from the Chen family.

However, the Mo family had the idea of annexing the Chen family as early as 20 years ago. These past

few years, they have been carrying out their evil schemes in secret. Speaking of it, if it weren’t for the

fact that I had to take into consideration my seniority, I would have slaughtered them a long time ago.

These b*stards are no different from bandits as they had already slaughtered the Murong family, and

they are still not satisfied,” said Chen Diancang angrily.

His words struck a chord with Mo Changkong as his face began to twitch.

“Huh? So, it really is the doing of the Chen family! But, other than you, who has the ability to stand up

against the Mo family?” asked Chen Jindong in surprise.

“Yes, grandfather, you are so powerful. Why didn’t you appear earlier? That way, we could have

averted the crisis today. You should have killed them all and not leave a single man behind,” said Chen


“Haha! I never thought that my granddaughter would have the same temper as me. You are even more

of a delight than that softie grandson of mine.” Chen Diancang laughed heartily.

“I did not appear as I have my own reasons for it. However, my dear granddaughter, I don’t need to

deal with these scoundrels personally. Come my men…” said Chen Diancang. “Go and see if the

Young Palace Lord has returned.”

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