The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 522 Everyone Is Here
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Chapter 522 Everyone Is Here

“I heard Master Lu got Chen Hao? We, the Mo Family, honestly don’t know how to repay you!”

The laughter of the people from the Mo Family could be heard even before they arrived.

This time, a group of eight came from the Mo Family. They were led by a middle-age man.

“Mr. Mo Yunhai, you’re too humble! Technically speaking, the Lu Family and the Mo Family at Long

Jiang are one big family. As for Chen Hao, he is just an outsider! We had no reason to help him!” A

faint smile appeared on Lu Zongyuan’s face.

“It actually is him! It took us so much effort to look for him!” Mo Yunhai focused on Chen Hao as he

walked closer, and his face lit up immediately.

Mo Yunhai was the top elder in the Mo Family. He was the one taking charge of the entire family.

It was a great accomplishment that they caught Chen Hao. Now, he wondered how Mo Changkong

would reward him.

“He’s consumed the Bo Ling Poison and lost his consciousness. Hmph! This brat can’t escape from us,

even if he is as slippery as an eel!” Mo Yunhai said cold-heartedly.

“Master Lu, you mentioned that Chen Hao is very strong. But I feel like he’s just average…” Mo Yunhai

was obviously in a good mood today.

“Uncle Mo, you’re mistaken. My father was telling the truth—everyone in the Lu Family saw Chen

Hao’s extraordinary strength. We could capture him this time easily because of my younger sister and

the poison you’ve supplied us. Otherwise, it would’ve been tough!” Lu Xue tidied her strands of hair

while she spoke.

“Lu Xue is very eloquent indeed. This time, Lu Xue has performed exceptionally well. The Mo Family

would never forget what you did for us! People who take the Bo Ling Poison will pass out cold and

never be awakened, regardless of how strong they are, or how hard others try to wake him up,” Mo

Yunhai said.

He waved his hand and commanded, “Bring Chen Hao back to the Mo Family. We’ll wait for Mo

Changkong to return from the Southern Region to give instructions!”

“Yes, sir!” his servants replied.

“Wait a minute, who are you? How dare you harm Mr. Chen!”novelbin

A loud voice bellowed behind them.

As the crowd looked to the source of the voice, they saw an elderly man standing behind them. They

had no idea when he arrived.

“Oh, Master Meng Kang is here! Master Meng Kang, this is your map of An Ling. It’s been passed

down from the ancestors of the Meng Family, so how can you simply hand it to this brat? Chen Hao

was not satisfied with it, and even wanted to take our Scripture of Beasts away. He really is looking for

trouble!” Lu Zongyuan was shocked to see Meng Kang.

Lu Zongyuan had been observing Meng Kang and Chen Hao furtively during the past few days, and he

found out that they were quite close.

Meng Kang looked as if he wanted to recruit Chen Hao.

Initially, Lu Zongyuan didn’t think much into it. After all, he had known Meng Kang for many years. He

believed that if anything happened to him, Meng Kang would stand by him.

Apparently, he was wrong.

When Lu Zongyuan knew that Meng Kang told Chen Hao the secrets of the Lu Family last night, Lu

Zongyuan became defensive toward him.

He tried to cover up what they had done.

“Hmph! Lu Zongyuan, do you think I'm a three-year-old? I’ve heard everything just now—it was clear as

day that you worked together with the Mo Family and Long Family to betray Mr. Chen! Lu Zongyuan,

Mr. Chen just saved the entire Lu Family from a massive massacre; if you refuse to give any credits to

him, at least acknowledge the effort he put! Instead, you bit the hand that fed you. Where did your

conscience go?” Meng Kang pointed at Lu Zongyuan and bellowed.

Lu Zongyuan’s hands froze and his eyes turned cold.

“He’s digging his own grave by attempting to take away the Scripture of Beasts from our family. Master

Meng, we had a good and long standing relationship. Please take my kind advice—with the Mo Family

helping us, it’s better for you to go home and take a good rest!” Lu Zongyuan said, trying to suppress

his emotions.

“Go back? With me here, don’t even think of hurting even a strand of Mr. Chen’s hair!”

Lu Zongyuan swallowed and nodded curtly. “Fine. Since you don’t know any better, don’t blame me for

being rude!”

With the Mo Family here with us, show us what you can do! He looked at Mo Yunhai.

Mo Yunhai understood him naturally.

“It’s all your own fault! You meddle in others’ affairs too much!” Mo Yunhai shouted.

A few of the servants from the Mo Family charged toward Meng Kang.

Meng Kang was highly skilled and also an Inner Energy practitioner.

Normal people were nothing to him.

But this time around, the opponent was the Mo Family

During the fight with Wang Dahai the night before, Chen Hao killed the enemy and saved Meng Kang’s


Meng Kang knew it all along.

Chen Hao gave him respect that he had never experienced else, and ensured that Meng Kang was not

humiliated anymore.

Those two reasons were enough for Meng Kang to be loyal to Chen Hao.

Hence, Meng Kang fought hard and put his life on the line.

When he was serious, a few of the people from the Mo Family couldn’t take it.

“He actually practises Inner Energy! Seems like the VIP of the Lu Family is not simple!” Mo Yunhai

laughed bitterly at a side.

“That’s because Mr. Mo hasn't joined the fight. Everyone in Long Jiang knows that Mr. Mo is a skilled

fighter in all of China!” Lu Zongyuan laughed.

Ha! It’s just Meng Kang! We don’t need so many rounds. The rest of you, stand aside!”

Everyone retreated.

After that, Mo Yunhai suddenly moved with a huge momentum and hit straight at one of his weak points



Meng Kang, after all, was quite old. In addition, his wounds from fighting with Wang Dahai the night

before had not recovered.

He couldn’t take the blow, and was sent flying backwards, causing blood to flow out from his mouth.

“Hmph! I thought this old fellow had some tricks up his sleeves. Who knows he’s just useless! Since

you seek for death, I shall kill you!” Mo Yunhai walked to Meng Kang calmly and said.

“Lu Zongyuan, you will receive your retribution soon! The Meng Family has done so many favors for

you, yet you treat us this way! Even if I go to hell and become a spirit, I would never let you go!” Meng

Kang gritted his teeth furiously.

“No matter how much you say right now, it won’t save your life. You only have yourself to blame for

your bad luck and timing. You’ve trained so hard all your life for nothing! Ha-ha!” Mo Yunhai walked

toward him.

Just when he was about to give Meng Kang the final strike on his head and end his life, a voice rang

throughout the room just in time.

“Stop fighting! I haven’t slept for the entire night. Let me sleep more!”

The entire room went dead quiet and everyone turned to look at Chen Hao who was lying on the bed.

Lu Xue, especially, was flushed red with her heart thumping wildly.

“W-Who’s speaking?”

Lu Zongyuan jumped and took a few steps back.

“Is it possible that he hasn’t passed out yet?”

“Miss Lu Xue, are you sure he was poisoned?”

“Yes, I am very sure about that!”

“That’s weird. Was it our hallucination?”

As everyone was panicking, Chen Hao yawned loudly on the bed and stretched. He looked like he was

taking a long, sweet nap.

Not long after, he rubbed his eyes and slowly opened them, before scanning the entire room.

“I see that everyone is finally here?” Chen Hao asked stonily while flexing his neck and sitting up.

“What? Y-You are not poisoned!” the crowd gasped.

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