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Chapter 513 An Ambush

“Young man, are you… sure?” The old man looked at Chen Hao in disbelief with his bulging eyes.

Chen Hao smiled and nodded. He asked for the old man’s account number and credited five million

into the latter’s account with a brief phone call of no more than 5 minutes.

“T-T-Thank you, young man!” The old man smiled happily.

He never dreamt that he could sell his metal tablet at a high price of five million.

On the other hand, Chen Hao bought the metal tablet at such a high price because he could sense an

unusual spiritual energy surrounding it. The energy was almost the same as the one emitted from the

Sun Totem that he first saw about six months ago. So, Chen Hao was certain that the item was


“My dear friend, I’m wondering if you could be so kind as to allow me to have a look at that metal tablet

of yours.” At the same time, a group of people walked toward Chen Hao from his back. The group

consisted of several well-dressed foreigners and people from China. An elderly man in a Chinese attire

from the group smiled at Chen Hao and asked the latter to show him the metal tablet.

The old man—who sold the metal tablet to Chen Hao—was worried of getting robbed after obtaining so

much money, thus he dared not stay any longer and left in haste.

“Sure, of course!” Chen Hao did not reject his request. He passed the metal tablet to the elderly man.

When the elderly man in the Chinese attire touched the metal tablet, his expression changed abruptly.

“Mr. Shen, what did you see?” the leading foreigner asked.

“This metal tablet is extraordinary. There’s an immense spiritual energy lingering on it. It’s magical!” Mr.

Shen was stunned by the aura and his hands were still trembling from excitement.

The foreigner was very pleased to hear that. He turned toward Chen Hao and asked, “How much did

you pay for it? I’m willing to pay you 50 times more than the price you paid for the metal tablet!”

Chen Hao gazed at Mr. Shen. It’s unbelievable that this old man can sense the spiritual energy on the

metal tablet and know it’s magical! But, Chen Hao would not be bothered about the amount of money

offered by the foreigner, whether it was 50 times or 5,000 times.

“Thanks! But, I do not wish to resell it!” Chen Hao took the metal tablet from Mr. Shen.

The foreigner frowned and looked at a well-dressed young man beside him, who seemed to be about

twenty-six years old. He shook his head and smiled. “Excuse me, Mister. I’m Lu Zhongxuan. I’m the

organizer of this event and also the Young Master of the Lu Family. My advice to you is to sell the metal

tablet, take the money and you don’t have to worry about expenses anymore for the rest of your life!”

Lu Zhongxuan suggested with a faint smile on his face.

“Thanks again, but I’m not selling it!” Chen Hao kept the metal tablet, nodded at Lu Zhongxuan, and got

ready to leave.

“Eh?” A white-haired elderly man who stood behind Lu Zhongxuan suddenly stepped forward and

blocked Chen Hao’s way. The man had a pair of small and stone-cold eyes. He narrowed his eyes,

which looked like the eyes of cobra. Chen Hao studied him and noticed the elderly man was

surrounded by an unusual aura—he had Inner Energy! It seemed that the Lu Family had some

incredible background which enabled them to survive in Long Jiang Province for so many years.

“Young Master Lu, what’s the meaning of this?” Chen Hao turned to look at Lu Zhongxuan, while the

latter simply looked away.


Suddenly, the elderly man grabbed Chen Hao’s wrist with his hand, all the while exerting his Inner


“We’re offering 50 times the price you paid. Shouldn’t you be content with our offer?” the man asked

emotionlessly. As soon as he finished his sentence, an invisible energy flowed into Chen Hao’s body.

Such a weak Qi!

Chen Hao thought to himself in disdain.

He then waved his hand lightly, directly incapacitating the elderly man’s Inner Energy.

Unable to balance himself due to the sudden disruption of Inner Energy flow, the elderly man staggered

a few steps backward; he goggled at Chen Hao in total shock.

“I said I don’t want to sell it! Why won’t you leave me alone?” Chen Hao left quickly after he finished his


“Mr. Shen, are you sure that thing is a magical item? It definitely doesn’t look like one to me!” The

foreigner frowned.

Mr. Shen took out a compass. “According to the compass, the thing that leads us here is the metal

tablet. Now, the pointer of the compass is still pointing in the direction of the metal tablet. This shows

that I was right about the metal tablet!”

“If Mr. Shen is right, then, by hook or by crook, we need to get our hands on the metal tablet!” Lu

Zhongxuan announced with his hands behind his back.

Then, he noticed the surprised elderly man beside him. “Uncle Kang, what’s wrong?”

“Why?” Meng Kang murmured while staring at his own hands, completely dazed.

“What do you mean, why?”

“Just now, I used Inner Energy to grasp his wrist tightly. But, why was my Inner Energy dissipated so

suddenly?” Meng Kang kept thinking about the strange sensation he experienced just now, totally

puzzled by it.

“Perhaps you were overthinking about it?” Meng Kang was a mysterious guest invited by Lu

Zhongxuan’s father. So, he treated the elderly man with great respect.

“No… The young man, he did something!” Meng Kang turned around and looked at Chen Hao’s back

with his cold eyes.

Meanwhile, after Chen Hao left, he came directly to a place beside the moat outside.

He took out the black metal tablet and broke it with his internal energy.


The metal tablet was shattered into pieces and a quaint dagger appeared before Chen Hao’s eyes.

“I’ve guessed correctly. There’s something hidden within it!”

The dagger had a dark shine around it; its edge was sharp and there were some mysterious designs

carved on its surface. Since it was a magic tool, it was surrounded by an immense spiritual energy.

When Chen Hao held it in his hands, he was greatly affected by the dagger. He could feel an

involuntary quiver from deep within his heart.

Chen Hao saw a huge rock standing a hundred meter away from the moat. He twisted his wrist fiercely

and the dagger was shot out of his hand at a high speed.


With a strange whistle, the dagger hit the rock after it flew through the air.


The rock broke into pieces while dirt particles and shattered stones exploded and scattered in every


The black dagger flew back into Chen Hao’s hand at a high speed.

The dagger, however, was intact and without a scratch. Chen Hao was ecstatic. “I’ve found a true piece

of treasure!”

When Chen Hao was about to leave, the bushes beside the moat rustled and eight shadowy figures

moved closer toward Chen Hao slowly. Finally, they cornered Chen Hao and glared at him coldly. “Hey

punk, where’s the metal tablet? Hand it over if you want to live!” A bald man stepped forward and

warned Chen Hao.

“I told you guys before. I won’t sell it. Why do you guys have to force me to do something that I don’t

want to do? Won’t it be nice if you guys leave me alone and we can just part ways nicely?” Chen Hao


“Punk, you are dreaming, aren’t you? Mr. Shen had confirmed that the metal tablet is a magical item.

So, it’s the metal tablet that we want, not you. Don’t you understand? You’ll be free if you just give us

what we want! But, you refuse to sell us the item when we offer you money earlier. Well, I guess you

won’t be so lucky now!” the bald man remarked coldly.

“It will be great if we can settle this in peace. I don’t want to kill anyone again during this period of time.”

Chen Hao was in a dilemma.

During this short period of time, Chen Hao had been living a normal life. His sanity was recovering

rapidly at a stable pace.

He finally managed to return to his good old plain and carefree life.

Chen Hao cherished those normal days even though he knew that those days probably would not last


“Hahaha!” The eight men burst into laughter when they heard those words come out of Chen Hao’s


“Is the guy a retard? He doesn't want to kill anyone?”

“For all my life, I’ve seen people wet their pants when they’re about to die but I’ve never seen a person

who has gone completely stupid out of fear of death!”

“The eight of us had carried out many missions when we worked as mercenaries back then but we’d

never seen anything like this before!”

All the eight men laughed raucously.

“I’m not joking. I’m dead serious. Let me go and everyone will be safe. That will be good.” Chen Hao

took a deep breath and pleaded.

“Ha! Enough nonsense! Kill him, take the metal tablet, then we’ll have our mission accomplished!”

The bald man waved his hand; suddenly, his face became twisted with sadism.novelbin

Apparently, the eight men were used to killing people. Their eyes filled with a murderous look as they

advanced toward Chen Hao…

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