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Chapter 506 Return

Although winter had already passed in Kongming Island, the place was freezing and heavy snow had

been falling non-stop for three days and three nights before stopping.

The place was freezing and the whole island was covered in a layer of silver.

Yet, in front of the entrance of a stone cave, there were many men dressed in black standing there

respectfully, and they were all high-ranking officials of the Soul Palace.

“According to my estimation, it’s almost time,” Uncle Wen said to a few other fellow leaders.

As he spoke, a shower of snowflakes stirred up and fell on their faces.

Next, there was a loud booming noise as the thick stone door opened slowly.

Everybody looked over and saw an old man and a youth walk out.

“Congratulations, Young Lord Palace, for the completion of your training!” everybody stood up straight

and shouted.

Chen Diancang laughed loudly. “Alright, go and get ready for the feast. Today, in the Soul Palace, I

won’t leave until I’m drunk.”

Obviously, his mood was very good.

When Uncle Wen nodded his head, his gaze stopped on Chen Hao.

The Chen Hao today was completely different from Chen Hao half a year ago.

His clothes were torn and his torso was bare.

His torso was full of powerful muscles and his hair was a mess; he had grown a beard on his face too.

But Uncle Wen’s gaze was sharp because he discovered that although the snowflakes that fell on their

bodies would quickly melt away, nothing happened to those that fell on Chen Hao’s body.

Uncle Wen’s eyes twitched.

He was a member of the Chen Family himself, and had started following Chen Diancang a long time


He was very familiar with the time when Chen Diancang was freed upon completing his training

However, this time, Chen Hao gave him a different feeling.

The feeling was that… he was even more powerful than the Lord of the Palace.

Especially that pair of eyes that were serene, but gave one the impression of a tough and cold killer.

This caused Uncle Wen to feel a shiver down his spine.

“Chen Hao, come over after you wash up.” Chen Diancang patted Chen Hao’s shoulder.

“Oh!” Chen Hao nodded and left.

As they passed, the palace’s leaders would all bow down.

In the room’s big bathroom, there was a lot of steam.

At one side, more than ten girls of different ages were working around the area.

Chen Hao closed both his eyes and raised his arms horizontally.

A few girls helped him massage his shoulders and loosen his joints, as well cutting his hair and giving

him a clean shave to his beard.

Only then did the few girls realize that this Palace Lord was handsome and his body exuded a

masculine aura. The few girls couldn’t help but blush.

After cleaning up, the girls took out a hair dryer to help Chen Hao dry his body, and then helped him to

put on a bathrobe.

“ Young Palace Lord, the clothes are ready. It is the suit that you requested,” a girl said shyly.

“Okay, you may leave now,” Chen Hao said faintly.

Chen Hao changed his clothes and took a long breath.

Half a year of pain, and half a year of torture; this day, it was finally over.

As he was fixing his necktie, he heard a voice saying, “Young Palace Lord, let me help you!”

The sudden gentle voice rang by ears and a pair of fair, slender hands gently extended over and

touched Chen Hao’s body.

Chen Hao turned around and looked at the well-dressed girl, then, he pinched her chin lightly.

The girl urgently wanted to be of service, because if the Young Palace Lord fancied and favored her,

her position in the Soul Palace would be elevated; she would distinguish herself from the sea of pretty


“Get lost!”

However, she never thought that the Young Palace Lord was colder than she imagined.

When he told her to get lost, it was as if the girl was being striked by lightning and her whole bodynovelbin


“Yes! Young Palace Lord!”

The girl retreated awkwardly.

The feast at the Soul Palace lasted for three whole days.

This morning, all the palace staff gathered at the island’s square.

“Chen Hao, now that you have successfully completed the training, the results you got would have way

surpassed my expectations. However, although you have self-control, the extent of it is not stable

enough. If you want to be able to fully control the Dragon Energy, you must drink the holy blood of the

Spiritual Fox. It will help you control your temperament. When you go back this time, I’ll let Uncle Wen

stay by your side and help you.”

“I understand, grandpa. Grandpa, when are you going back to visit? Actually, my dad really misses

you,” Chen Hao said casually.

Chen Diancang nodded his head. “When the time is right, naturally, I will go back.”

Then, he patted Chen Hao’s shoulder.

Chen Diancang had high hopes for Chen Hao.

More than thirty big black helicopters were already starting up at the base.

“Grandpa, take care. We are leaving.”

Chen Hao looked at grandpa with a meaningful look in his eyes, then turned around.

Uncle Wen and three hundred of the island’s masters followed after Chen Hao.

With a buzzing noise, the helicopter flew from the northern skies toward the south.

The night was getting darker.

At that moment at the outskirts of Tian City Triangle Zone, a flustered girl hugged a document folder

and was running for her life.

Her face was pale and her body had scars.

But the document folder appeared to be very important, even more important than her life.

Behind her, more than ten cars were driving slowly and chasing after her.

The people in the car stuck their heads out and shone their torchlights at the girl.

“Haha, run, run faster. We’re going to catch you soon,” shouted the people, who were very excited.

She ran and ran; then, she suddenly tripped over.

She gnashed her teeth, got off the ground, and continued to run.

“We’re about to catch up!” shouted the people in a car who stopped in front of her and took out a

torchlight to shine it at her eyes.

“I’m telling you, you’d better run. If Wentao catches you, you are finished. Hahaha!”

“Yes, our young master is a monster.”

The people there laughed; obviously, they wanted to toy with this little girl.

In the end, after falling again, the girl didn’t get up anymore.

She desperately tore the document folder open and attempted to stuff the documents into her mouth.

“F*ck. D*mn you, woman! You really think we won’t kill you?”

Wentao jumped out of the car with his men and hurriedly stopped her. With one tight slap, he hit the

girl, who soon became a mess.

He picked up the document folder.

Wentao smiled coldly. “Hehehe, such a pretty girl, what a pity that you have to die this way. Brothers,

bring her back. I want a meal tonight. After I’ve enjoyed myself, I’ll give her to you all!”

“Hahaha, sounds good!”

As for the girl, she looked at Wentao with a tough gaze and whisked a short blade out of her arms.; she

tried to kill herself with the blade, but Wentao hit the knife off her hands.

“You want to die? Haha, then I won’t let you die. I want to torture you while you are alive. Haha!”

Wentao laughed hideously.

Just as the girl was crying out of desperation, there was a buzzing sound.

Suddenly, there was the sound of helicopters; around thirty helicopters descended slowly and

surrounded Wentao and his men.

“What is happening?” Wentao was dumbstruck.

After the helicopter landed, many men dressed in black came out of the cars; they looked at the

helicopters with indifference.

“My friends, where did you all come from? I don’t think we’ve met. My father is Wen Sen, from Tian

City,” Wentao instantly said hurriedly when he saw that the group of people were not just any common


At this moment, an underling opened the door of the helicopter in the middle.

Only then did Wentao see that seated in the cabin, was a man dressed in a suit, casually sipping his

red wine.

When the girl saw this clearly, she cried out emotionally, “Sir, you have finally arrived!”

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