The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 476 Saving Both Of You
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Chapter 476 Saving Both Of You

After an hour.

Chen Hao came out from the valley and quickly changed back to his normal attire.

The trench coat he wore was specially designed for the Toxic Mosquito Valley.

He then recalled Mo Jian’s gruesome expression when he met his demise earlier.

Even then, Chen Hao felt the adrenaline rush of sweet revenge. It looked like even if Mo Changkong’s

people were to track them down to this place, they wouldn’t be able to find Mo Jian’s whereabouts in a

short while.

If Chen Hao’s guesses were right, Mo Changkong would continue his search party like a mad man.

Then, the Chen family and himself would get the chance to wind down a little.

As for China, Chen Hao was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to go back just yet.

He had to find himself a new place to settle down.

Carrying his backpack, Chen Hao gave off a vibe as if he had just graduated from college.

His looks were also restored to when he always had a modest and naive expression.

Buzz! Buzz!

Right at the moment.

A loud motor sound rang throughout the wasteland.

What Chen Hao saw following was two people running for their lives while being chased by an SUV.

A guy and a girl.

They were running toward his direction.

Immediately, Chen Hao recognized that they were none other than the chubby man who was selling

biscuits on the bus and the beauty that was clad in black leather clothes.

“It’s them?”

Chen Hao wore his cap and lowered the brim of it.

“Help! Please help us! Someone wants to murder us!” the chubby man shrieked for help.

On the other hand, the beauty in black looked like she was suffering from a serious injury, with fresh

blood dripping down from her leg.

The white case that she carried earlier had turned murky black.

“Hey, man! Please save us! T-They’ve got guns with them!” the chubby man cried out.

The girl’s face was as pale as a sheet.

The SUV was going to catch up any time soon.

Moreover, the girl killed four robbers in one go earlier on.

From her looks however, she didn’t seem like someone who was evil and calculating.

On the contrary, those few in the SUV that were heading over their direction were bald and had tattoos

all over their bodies.

“Follow me into the valley!” Chen Hao urged.

He brought along the two of them and rushed into the valley.

Right at that moment.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The loud noise of guns shooting echoed from behind, the bullets shot were all over the place as they

were deflected by the stone walls of the valley.


The SUV finally stopped.

Five men with loaded guns came out from the car.

“Sh*t! They ran pretty fast! But, don’t worry. I shot the girl just now, so she won’t be able to run that far!

Brothers, load up your guns and catch up to them!” the head of the men ordered.

“Hey boss, I don’t think we should do that. This valley is called the Toxic Mosquito Valley. If we were

attacked by the toxic mosquitoes, we would be reduced to dust in no time! Neither our skin nor our

bones would be left! We shouldn’t enter the valley!” one of the followers warned.

“But, the case with the money…” the head of the men hesitated.

“Whatever. Even if they went in, I’m sure it won’t be long before they rush out by themselves again. I

want you guys to contact the others to come over and surround every entry of the valley! Ask them to

bring their guns too!” the head of the men added on.

“Yes, boss!”

“Sh*t! Why are there so many mosquitoes here?! Hey, man! What kind of place is this?”

Back in the valley, the chubby man inquired anxiously as he carried the girl who was on the brink of

passing out.

“This is the Toxic Mosquito Valley. Naturally, there will be a lot of mosquitoes!”

“T-Toxic Mosquito Valley? Are you saying that this is one of the deadly zones, the Toxic Mosquito

Valley?!” the chubby men exclaimed in shock. Clearly, he was a knowledgeable man and had learnt a

thing or two about this place.

“Yep!” Chen Hao nodded his head.

“What the f*ck? Hey, man! Let’s stop going further, this isn’t any better than going back out and getting

shot dead by those men! I heard that once you’re attacked by these toxic mosquitoes, you will be

reduced to nothing!”

The chubby man was terrified.

“Then why did both of you run toward my direction? Aren’t you guys just dragging me along with you?”

Chen Hao chuckled bitterly.

If it was a short distance, Chen Hao might have been able to avoid the bullets.

However, within such a long distance, when hit with a row of bullets, even if Chen Hao managed to

avoid them, he would end up with some sort of injuries too!

He saw the chubby man’s facial expression of shock and chuckled. “Follow me, there is a cave in the

valley that we can hide in temporarily! She has lost too much blood already, there is a high chance that

she might die if we don’t treat her soon!”


The chubby man was surprised.

Chen Hao shook his head and headed forward.

He brought them into a cave.

Around this area, the toxic mosquitoes were almost zero to none.

“Wow! Is this a miracle? There are no toxic mosquitoes here at all!” the chubby man laid the

unconscious girl down and exclaimed.

“The plants you see outside the cave right there are repellents for the toxic mosquitoes! With the plants

around, the toxic mosquitoes would not dare to show up!”

Chen Hao was rather familiar with herbal medicines, so naturally he knew the properties of the plants.

“Who are you? How do you know so much?”

Chen Hao walked over to examine the girl’s condition.

However, the girl frowned and questioned him instead.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. If we don’t attend to your injuries soon, you'll be dead in no time! What

exactly happened to you guys? Why were they chasing after the both of you?”

Chen Hao felt like he overheard that the girl was on a mission to assassinate someone.

However, by the looks of it right now, the mission was a failure.

“Yeah! If only I knew about this earlier, I wouldn’t have followed you in the first place! You’ve really

caused me so much trouble, do you know that?” the chubby man asked the girl in infuriation.

“Haha! Well, since we don’t have much time to live anymore, I suppose it doesn’t matter if I tell you

guys the truth!”

The girl continued, “The person that I wanted to assasinate is a powerful man from the Southwest

Region. He entrapped my friends and only I managed to escape!”

“Well, it looks like you were trained since birth to assassinate, weren't you?”

Chen Hao probed further as he tore the gauze to bandage her injuries.

His questions made the girl view him in a different light.

She continued staring at Chen Hao.

“Hey, hey, hey! I’m not interested to know about your personal vendetta with those people! What I want

to know is, what did you mean when you said that we don’t have much time to live anymore?!” The

chubby man urged.

“Haha! Well, according to Li Hu’s usual modus operandi, they would most likely have surrounded all the

entrances of the valley with his people by now. Although we are hidden in here, even if we weren’t

bitten to death by the toxic mosquitoes, we would eventually starve to death! However, with the three of

us dying together, I guess that would make my journey to death less lonely!” the girl explained.novelbin

“What the hell! Y-You’re terrible! How dare you drag us along with you!”

The chubby man’s eyes widened.

“Even with your serious injuries, you still have the mood to scare him, huh? Well, just like what you’ve

said, since we are all dying here anyway, it doesn’t matter if we were to do anything bad to you! After

all, this fatty here looks like he is still a virgin!” Chen Hao shook his head and snickered.

“D-D-Don’t you dare!”

The girl glared at him.

Then, Chen Hao turned his gaze to the chubby man, “Hey, fatty! Could you go deeper inside and

retrieve some water back? There is a stream with an undercurrent further inside. I need to help her

clean her wounds!”


The chubby man nodded and left with a bottle.

“You only have light scratches around your arm. However, the injury on your thigh seems pretty bad

and it might get infected easily. I’ll have to suck the blood clottings out from the under layer surface of

your skin!” Chen Hao informed the girl after the chubby man left.

“How are you going to suck the blood out?” she asked.

“With my mouth, of course!”

Chen Hao couldn’t help but blushed in embarrassment. “Have you removed your clothes?”


However, he did not expect the girl to slap him.

“You bastard! Don’t you dare do it!” her face was flushed all over as she protested shyly.

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