The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 471 We May Never Meet Again
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Chapter 471 We May Never Meet Again

The sound of the ambulance came closer and closer. On the other hand, Fang Yi felt herself slipping

away from consciousness.


“What’s wrong?” asked a girl in concern. On an express train, a young man was seen leaning against

the window. He suddenly clutched his chest and shivered.

“Nothing, I felt some palpitations just now. How weird,” said the young man with a bitter smile.

Then, he turned toward the girl and said, “By the way, take this. You can settle down and find a job first

after we return to Jin Ling. The money in this card is enough for you to live a comfortable life.”

The young man gave the girl a bank card.

“Chen Hao, I cannot accept this. You are in need of money now. I can find a job, and life will be good.”

The girl was no other stranger; she was none other than Ma Xiaonan.

She quickly gave the card back to Chen Hao.

“Yes, Chen Hao. You need the money more than us. You saved my life, and we should be the ones to

give you money instead,” said Ma Xiaonan’s mother.

“Ah! It’s nothing. From now on, there are not many places I can spend my money at. I have done so

many things… Haha!” Chen Hao laughed bitterly.

“What’s wrong, Chen Hao? And you haven’t told me why you severed ties with the Chen family yet,”

said Ma Xiaonan worriedly.

“It’s nothing. It would be better if you don’t know about it.”

Chen Hao patted Ma Xiaonan’s head.

Chen Hao returned to Jin Ling this time not only to visit his old friends, but to do something else as


Money was a cumbersome thing to him now.

Thinking about it, life was indeed a wonderful and mysterious thing.

In the past, he also arrived in Jin Ling on a green train[1]. He thought that he could lead a brand new

life at college with a new attitude once he arrived in Jin Ling.

He did not need to lead a penniless, inferior life, just like in his junior and senior high school years.

However, going through to college, he realized that as long as he remained penniless, things would still

turn out the same way.

Back then, he really longed for money. After he obtained the money, he wanted to live out his own life

as he wanted to be spoken highly of no matter where he went.

However, after he suddenly became rich, Chen Hao realized that he could not show off his wealth just

like that.

Because he did not have that desire anymore. He just wanted to lead an ordinary life with Su Tongxin.

Later, he would marry her, and they would have two children together. It would be best if one was a boy

and the other was a girl. Then, they would lead a worry-free life together.

Now, with Tongxin’s departure, the life of a rich second generation heir was gone like a dream.

The weird thing was, Chen Hao did not long for money anymore.

“Chen Hao, you have changed,” said Ma Xiaonan suddenly.

“Huh? What do you mean I have changed?”

Chen Hao withdrew from his thoughts.

“I realized that you were different the moment I saw you. However, one thing remains unchanged, and

that is your attitude toward our friendship. You still treat me well,” said Ma Xiaonan.

“Of course, you are still my best friend. You always will be.”

“Then, Chen Hao, if you still regard me as your friend, can you tell me whether something happened to

you? You have too many secrets. I know that you are not the impressive rich second generation heir

that you used to be anymore. You will feel different after your return to Jin Ling. However, regardless

whether you are a rich second generation heir or not, I will always treat you as my best friend. If you

don’t want to talk about it, then I won’t ask you any further. But, we are still the best of friends, and we

always will be,” said Ma Xiaonan with a smile. “Hence, I cannot accept this money. Take it. You can

make a comeback in Jin Ling, and I will be your assistant.”

Ma Xiaonan slapped the card back into Chen Hao’s hands.

“I really have no use for this money. Besides, from now on, I don’t know whether I will be able to return

here or not,” said Chen Hao with a bitter smile.

“What do you mean? What are you planning?” asked Ma Xiaonan. She was at a loss for words.

“Nothing. If I tell you, you will feel afraid. So, please don’t ask anymore.”

Ma Xiaonan wanted to say something, but she stopped herself. In the end, she did not say anything at


Soon, the train had reached Jin Ling station.

Chen Hao hailed a cab and let Ma Xiaonan climb into it. As for the bank card, Chen Hao had already

stuffed it inside Ma Xiaonan’s pocket without her knowledge. The password for the bank card was his

birthdate. Ma Xiaonan knew about it since their college years.

“Chen Hao, aren’t you coming with us?”

Ma Xiaonan wound down the car window and shouted at Chen Hao.

“No, Xiaonan, farewell.”

Chen Hao waved his hand.

The car started.

Ma Xiaonan poked her head out and shouted, “Chen Hao, let’s get together! I don’t care whether you

are wealthy or not. Let’s get married. We can find a job and live the rest of our lives out in Jin Ling! If

you don’t like Jin Ling, we can find a place in the countryside and build a family there. We can lead an

ordinary life! Do you hear me?!”

“What did you say?” Chen Hao shouted. “Slow down! Lead a happy life!”

Chen Hao waved his hand.

“I said, can we be together? I don’t want anything else!”

“Sir, can you stop the car?” Ma Xiaonan shouted at the driver anxiously.

However, the driver did not heed her words. He felt the cash in his pockets that Chen Hao gave him.

Then, he floored the accelerator and drove far away.

Chen Hao waved.

Obviously, he heard what Ma Xiaonan said just now.

However, he knew that he could not go back to an ordinary life anymore.

As long as the whereabouts of Tongxin remained unclear, he definitely did not have the intention to

start over a new life.

Chen Hao did not know why but he felt a sense of reluctance with this farewell.

Because with this farewell, he might not be able to see many of his friends ever again…

Chen Hao was wearing a black sweatshirt. He then put on a cap and a mask as well.

Then, he flagged down a cab.

“Where are you headed?”

“Let’s go to the hospital first.”

They reached the hospital not long after.

Through the glass window of the ward, Chen Hao saw the pale-faced Han Siyu who was on a ventilator

lying on her bed

Thinking back, Han Siyu was a lively girl.

If it weren’t for him, she might have led a good life. Maybe, with her beautiful face, she would have

become an internet celebrity by now.

She would lead a happy life every day. How great was that?

However, in order to inquire about his whereabouts, she was captured and thrown from a building.

Chen Hao could imagine the scene, where Han Siyu looked worried as she and Ma Xiaonan were

looking for him downstairs.

Originally they thought that they had some hope, alas, it was the start of their ill fate.

Mo Jian was a cruel person.

Chen Hao stood at the entrance. He couldn’t help but grip the door of the ward tightly.

5 fingerprints were deeply imprinted upon the door.

“Hey you, why are you blocking the entrance? Do you want to go in or not?”

The nurse was holding a tray. She couldn’t help but ask angrily.

This young man was really something. He only stood at the door and wept, but he did not enter.

At this moment, the young man turned his head.

The tears in his eyes vanished in an instant.

He was wearing a mask.

However, his eyes seemed to have a spirit of their own, as if they were able to speak. It was indeed


The nurse was terrified by his look and nearly lost her grip on the tray.

“I leave this to you. There are instructions on how to perform the acupuncture treatment on her. There

is a herbal formula here as well. I don't care who it is—whether it's you or the doctor—but please read

this and save her!"

With that, he threw the formula on top of the tray that the nurse was carrying.

Then he stuck his hands in his pockets and left.

[1] The green trains were named after the color of their external paint. It started running in the 1950s

and was used heavily for three decades in China. Traditionally, they were powered by steam engines,

though diesel trains are the norm.

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