The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 467 Beginning of the Revenge
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Chapter 467 Beginning of the Revenge

“Who are you? Did Situ Yang send you?”

Fang Jiannan was confused.

Although it was dark, Fang Jiannan could clearly tell that these people who stood stoically before them

radiated power.

It was obvious that they were well-trained bodyguards for wealthy families.

There were only a few families who were wealthy enough to afford such services.

At this hour with so many guards, who else could they be working for if not Situ Yang?

All of them were nervous and stood close together.

“Haha, Situ Yang? Who is he?”

Unexpectedly, the teenager who appeared to be the leader nonchalantly laughed and said, “Miss Fang,

I was entrusted with the mission to bring you all to safety by my boss. Let’s not waste any time and


“Your boss? Who is he?”

Fang Jiannan could not help but ask.

The teenager did not say another word and got into the car himself.

Two bodyguards came over and said, “Miss Fang, please get into the car. We will bring you all

somewhere safe!”

Fang Jiannan and the others looked at each other.

If they had ill intentions, they would have taken action a long time ago. Furthermore, we are

outnumbered anyway. There is no way I can deal with them.

Thus, Fang Jiannan chose to believe them.

She nodded and their group got into the cars.

The fleet of cars sped along the dark highway and only stopped when they arrived at a big warehouse

in the suburbs.

“It's safe here. Situ Yang’s men won't be able to locate you,” the teenage leader lit a cigarette and said.

He brought them in to see that breakfast had already been prepared.

Thank you for saving us. May I know how to address you?”

The nonchalant and rebellious aura from the teenager made Hu Huimin’s heart skip.

As such, she was grateful and asked the teen.

“Haha, you are welcome. You don't have to thank me, I am merely obeying my boss’ orders. Grab

something to eat and have a rest. I will send you all back to the Fang family tomorrow!”

Fang Jiannan asked, “Mister…”

Just as she was about to ask more questions, the teenager threw the cigarette butt on the floor and

extinguished the flame. Then, he turned around and left.

Only Fang Jiannan and her friends were left behind in the warehouse.

Hu Huimin asked, “Jiannan, do you have any idea who is the one that saved us? Since your family is

so powerful, could they be friends of your family members?”

Fang Jiannan shook her head and said, “No way. All the people close to our family have been captured

by Situ Hong. Even if there were any other wealthy families who did this, they would not be so

mysterious. I really cannot think of any family with such status and power that would do such a thing!”

Fang Jiannan frowned.

Hu Huimin said, “However, by the looks of it, it doesn't look like they have any ill intentions. They are

here to help us!”

The rest of them nodded.

Fang Jiannan then turned to look at Hu Huimin and Shen Junwen. She asked, “Huimin, Junwen,

judging by how you guys did just now, you all were professionally trained as well. I don't think

Hu Huimin smiled and said, “That's right, we are not transfer students. However Jiannan, we cannot

inform you about our actual identity as it needs to be kept a secret! I hope you can understand!”

“Get back home and have a good rest. By the time you wake up tomorrow, everything will be over!”

Chen Hao said to Lin Shengnan who was still startled and yet to get over the shock. Chen Hao helped

her into the car and requested the driver to send her home safely.

Lin Shengnan said worriedly, “Chen Hao, it's too dangerous. Why don't you leave with me and stay

over at my house for one night? They are too scary!”

“It's okay, I still have things to do tonight!”

“But a thunderstorm is coming and it looks like it's going to pour heavily. Now that we are safe, where

else do you have to be?”

Lin Shengnan was still worried.

Chen Hao patted her shoulder and said, “Don't forget about our promise. Keep the fact that you met

me a secret and don't tell anyone about it!”

Chen Hao glanced at the driver and the driver immediately drove off.

Inside the car, Lin Shengnan turned to look at Chen Hao. Through the rear window, she could see

Chen Hao who was still standing in the same spot.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed, illuminating Chen Hao’s face.

From afar, when Lin Shengnan saw the expression on Chen Hao’s face, she could not help but feel a

sense of fear.

At that moment, Chen Hao no longer appeared to be the Chen Hao that she used to know!

It was so scary!

A loud bang could be heard.

Accompanied by the booming sounds of thunder, dark clouds formed and sprawled across the sky.

Powerful gusts of wind blew and torrential rains poured.

Throughout the night, it poured heavily and the roaring sounds of thunder could be heard coupled with

flashes of lightning.

Chen Hao’s silhoutte also disappeared into the dark night...

On the other hand, back at the Situ family mansion.

“What? They all escaped? Not only did we not capture the people who blew up our warehouse, we also

lost the hostages?” Situ Hong furiously shouted at Situ Yang.

At that moment, the representative of the Long and Mo families was present as well.

Situ Yang wiped the droplets of rain off his body and said, “At first I was getting close to capturing Fang

Jiangnan and the others. However, for some reason, they just vanished into thin air. However, don't

worry Father, I will capture them eventually!”

“How could you fail to capture them when they were right in front of your eyes? Yang, how am I

supposed to confidently pass the family business over to you in the future?” Situ Hong snorted


Throughout his life, it was the first time that he was disrespected and messed around by someone else.

He had lost his reputation and pride.

Just then, the representative from the Long and Mo families stood up and said, “Mister Situ, please

don’t reprimand Young Master Yang anymore. It is clear that this time someone was helping out thenovelbin

Fang Family in secret. They coordinated and worked together. However, it is pointless to rescue Fang

Jiannan. We already have Fang Butong in our custody. As long as we increase our manpower, it

doesn't matter how capable they are, for they would not be able to do anything!”

Situ Hong nodded and said, “What all of you said makes sense. Sigh, I am going to need more help

from the Long and Mo families with regards to this event then. Never mind, at the very least, no severe

damages were done this time around. Instead, the few of you didn't manage to enjoy your drinks. Here

you go, I have prepared the dishes and drinks once again! Let's chat over some drinks!”

Just then, a servant, in a hurry, accidentally knocked over a wine glass.


“F*ck! Do you want to die?” Situ Hong was furious and immediately gave him a slap on the face.

“I am sorry Master, I am sorry!”

“This is so infuriating! Oh right, where is my wife? Wasn't she here just now? Since all our important

guests are here, go and get my wife so she can come over and greet our guests!”

Situ Hong shook his head in anger.

The servant covered his face and ran out.

Just as he walked out of the secret room, he spat his saliva onto the door of the secret room and said,

“Old man, I hope you die soon!”

“Hong, go and get the Mistress!”

He angrily shouted for the lady servant, Hong.

After a few times, nobody responded.

Instead, the only response he got was a deafening clap of thunder that erupted from the sky.

He was so shocked that he almost fell on his buttocks.

“What is going on? Where are the people? Why is the living hall empty?”

The servant was curious.

He looked around and there was nobody there.

By then, for some reason, the lights in the courtyard outside were also switched off. As such, the entire

yard was pitch black.

“Damn! What are the bodyguards doing? Were all of them struck by lightning?”

The servant walked out through the entrance of the villa in confusion.


A bolt of lightning flashed by.

It lit up the entire yard in an instant.

Only then did the servant manage to take a clearer look at the situation within the yard.


The servant let out a bloodcurdling scream.

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