The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 458 Who Is He? Part 2
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Chapter 458 Who Is He? Part 2

After finishing her sentence, she gave a sideways glance at Ma Xiaonan and the others.

The worker immediately caught on. “Could you please show me your registration number?”

“I’m sorry, we do not have a registration number!”

Ma Xiaonan shook her head in embarrassment.

“Then go over and register for one!” the worker’s gaze hardened as he barked.

“We do not have the money.” Ma Xiaonan bit her lips and faltered.

“Wait, what? How did they even manage to get here?”

“Hah! Don’t they know what place this is? How dare they try to come in?! If you don’t have the money

then don’t come!”

“Exactly! So what if she’s a pretty girl?”

Some of the merchants shook their heads and chuckled bitterly.

“Chen Hao, Xiaonan, why don’t we just leave?”

Xiaonan’s mother knew she had caused trouble for Chen Hao and her daughter. She pulled on her

daughter’s arm anxiously.

“It’s okay, aunty. Just leave it to me!” Chen Hao assured.

Then, he turned around and looked at the worker coldly.

“Looks like you’re new here? Ask Zuo Zhongtao to come out now. Tell him that a young man with the

surname Chen is looking for him!”

“What? You… How dare you call Master Zuo by his full name?! Your first name is Chen? Why does that

matter?! H-H-How ignorant you must be!” the worker stammered in shock.

All the rich merchants at the hall stared at Chen Hao dumbfoundedly too.

“Damn, look at that guy! If his rudeness makes Master Zuo angry, he won’t see any of us!” Liu Mo

commented, watching the scene.

“Exactly! Where did this brat come from? He’s too impolite!”

The merchants broke into fits of rage.

Even the cold-looking girl and the ill-looking old man gave Chen Hao the side-eye.

“He’s so going to get it from me!”

The young man named Qingshu grunted and went up to them.

Although they knew he was going to pick a fight with Chen Hao, the old man and the cold-looking girl

did not bother to hold him back.

It might even serve the ignorant guy a lesson.

“Hey hey hey! You’re the guy who rode an electric trike! If you have no money just piss off! Stop holding

up the others who paid to get their treatment!” Qingshu smirked.

At the same time, he held onto Chen Hao’s shoulders forcefully.

Chen Hao glanced at the young man’s hands on his shoulders.

“You better move your hands before I make you regret putting your hands on me!”

Chen Hao’s quiet demeanour disappeared and was replaced with a hint of hostility.

“Regret? Haha, I’m sure you don’t know who I am, right?” The young man snorted.

He tried to apply more force.

Unexpectedly, all Chen Hao did was shake his shoulder slightly.

A loud bang echoed in the hall.

If you listened closely, you could vaguely hear the sound of something breaking.

It was followed by the young man’s blood-curdling scream.

He held his palm and took a few steps back.

“Ah! My hand!”

The young man was in so much pain, cold sweat started dripping from his forehead. When he looked at

the back of his hand, he saw red veins popping out angrily like worms crawling all over his hand.novelbin

“I will f*cking end you!”

The young man was humiliated. He roared and moved to lunge at Chen Hao.

“Qingshu, stop it!”

He was stopped by the ill-looking elderly man.

However, he did not notice the old man’s eye twitch when he saw the back of Qingshu’s hand.

The old man looked scared.

Yes, Qingshu was strong.

Put it like this, even if he stood alone against three men from the special forces who attacked him

together, Qingshu would easily win.

However, defeating Qingshu with just a simple shake of the shoulder... the strength of the man standing

in front of them was unimaginable!

“Stay back!” the old man warned again.

The cold-looking girl was also looking at Chen Hao, her eyebrows knitted.

“Hey, young man! I apologize for my grandson's impoliteness just now. I hope he did not offend you—


The elderly man apologized before he started coughing vigorously.

“Grandfather!” Qingshu and the cold-looking girl called out anxiously.

“It’s okay. Young man, if it is possible, I’m willing to give you my position of being the first in the queue

to let Master Zuo have a look at your family first!”

No one expected the old man to suggest something like this.

“Grandfather! Why should we give him our place? Who is he?!” Qingshu raged on.

“That’s good. Your illness is incurable anyway, even Zuo Zhongtao won’t be able to help you!” Chen

Hao replied. He didn’t bother being courteous anymore.

“How dare you?!”

Both Qingshu and the girl were enraged.

Even the elderly man grimaced.

“Young man, I know that you’re strong, but you should always be careful with your words. Although I

don’t mind it, if you talk to others like this, you might get into trouble easily!”

The elderly man spoke with a grim expression to express his dissatisfaction. After all, no one liked to

be spoken to in that manner.

Both sides looked as if they might start a war soon.

The worker rushed to the back when he saw the situation unfolding in front of him.

“Chen Hao, let’s just drop it and leave! We can’t afford to offend these people!”

However, Xiaonan’s mother was terrified as she tried to coax Chen Hao to stop.

At the same time.

In an incense-infused room at the inner part of the medical centre.

A middle-aged man was wiping his hands with a towel after sending off a patient.

“Master, master! Something happened! A fight might break out at the hall soon!”

“What? What happened? How dare they start a fight at my place? Make all of them leave, now!” the

middle-aged man commanded coldly.

“No, the thing is, I’ve noticed that one of them bears the surname, Wei! They were also generous,

paying 5,000,000 for registration!”

“That person’s surname was Wei?”

Said middle-aged man was Zuo Zhongtao.

When he heard that the person paid such a large sum and had the surname Wei, he understood who it

was already.

Right then, caution flashed over his face.

“Alright, I will go out now. Who is the other person who stupidly offended the Wei family?”

After rinsing his face, Zuo Zhongtao questioned.

“I don’t know. Just some poor loser. He didn’t even pay a single buck for the registration fees and

wouldn’t leave when I asked him to! He even asked me to summon you to meet him, and said his name

was Chen something!”

“What?! His surname was Chen? Is he a young man?!”


Zuo Zhongtao threw away his towel and questioned, an unreadable expression plastered across his



The worker was taken aback.

“What if it’s him?”

Zuo Zhongtao’s facial expression tightened.

Then, he ran out in a hurry.

“He’s dead meat. His life is completely over now. Not only did he offend Master Zuo, he also offended a

rich family on a completely different level! Hmph! Let’s see how he gets himself out of this!” Liu Mo


“Exactly! Looks like we won’t have to see Ma Xiaonan in the Southwest region anymore!”

Yuanyuan too, chuckled coldly.

“Master Zuo!”

“Master Zuo!”

Suddenly, all the rich merchants in the hall started cheering.

It turned out that Zuo Zhongtao had come.

However, his gaze was fixated at where Qingshu and the others were at. He rushed over, excitement

clearly on his face.

"Wow, what family is that? They can even make Master Zuo react like this?!”

“I know, right? That’s weird!”

Everyone was curious.

However, they were even more confused when Master Zuo went past Qingshu and the others, heading

toward the poor loser instead.

The scene that happened next stunned everyone. Their mouths were opened so wide you could even

stuff eggs inside.

Everyone watched as Master Zuo bowed down in front of the poor loser. “Senior Brother, I am here to

see you!”

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