The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 445 The Last Bet of the Long Family
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Chapter 445 The Last Bet of the Long Family

“Alright then, we’ll collect the property after a week,” Hou Ping said.

Chen Hao then led his men and left the place. After witnessing the unfortunate event of the Long

Family, the guests dared not stay there any longer; they left the place in haste.

“Father, why did you have to sign the agreement? Why? What’s the big deal? We’ll just fight with them.

We’re not afraid to lose our lives!” the middle-aged man cried and shouted.

Smack! Master Long slapped the middle-aged man’s face heavily.

“You idiot! Do you want to destroy the whole Long Family?” Master Long’s lips twitched and a look of

cold fury flashed across his eyes.

“We’ve lost to the siblings of the Chen Family this time! We have been secretly plotting against them all

these years, but their influence was way too powerful!” Master Long clenched his fists tightly.

“Father, everything is gone! We don’t have anything left!”

Master Long nodded his head. “Yes, everything is gone! But, we, the Long Family—which has a long

legacy extending over a few centuries—will never vanish from the history of China easily, because we

still have a trump card!”

“Trump card?”

Master Long nodded. “Have all of you… ever heard of the Mo Family from Yan Jing?”

“The Mo Family?”

All the members of the Long Family shook their heads.

“Yes, the Mo Family. They are the most mysterious family in China! They are also the only family which

has the ability to resist the Chen Family!” Master Long narrowed his eyes and said, “Decades ago, the

Long Family was still on good terms with the Mo Family. But, the Long Family completely severed the

connection with the Mo Family after the occurrence of an incident.”

“Father, what was the incident?” a person asked.

“Well, it happened years ago when the son of the Mo Family’s Second Elder, Mo Changkong visited the

Long Family. Being a Hidden Tribe, the Mo Family seldom involved themselves in businesses of the

world of reality. However, Mo Changkong was different—he loved the materialistic aspect of the world!

And he was an extremely ambitious man. He threatened the Long Family to make us compromise with

him, while he would become our greatest support. So, the people of the Long Family would become his

pawns, who would follow his orders completely. In return, of course, he would assist us in becoming a

powerful and wealthy world-class family!” Master Long explained.

“What a brilliant plan he has! In that case, although the Long Family would eventually become a world-

class wealthy family, it would be the same as us working for him and being his puppets!” the eldest son

of the Long Family scoffed.

“Yeah, in this case, the Long Family would belong to the Mo Family. Even though we did become a

powerful world-class family, we still lose our ancestors’ legacy and property to the Mo Family! So of

course, I rejected his offer!”

“So, what happened next? I’m sure an ambitious man like Mo Changkong would not have allowed us to

reject his offer easily, would he?” a member of the Long Family asked.

“Well, of course he wouldn’t. Twenty five years ago, Mo Changkong sought vengeance on the Long

Family. Shan, do you still remember the incident where Shaoshuang got attacked not long after he was

born, which led to his retardedness today?”

“Of course I remembered! I wanted to investigate the incident but you refused to let me do it! Until now,

it is still an unsolved mystery!”

“Well, it was Mo Changkong’s work. The Long Family would be destroyed quicker if you continued your

investigation. Mo Changkong did it as a warning for the Long Family!” Master Long continued.

The second eldest grandson of the Long Family was always absent from social events in the family,

because he was mentally handicapped.

“Speaking of Shaoshuang, where did he go?” Master Long asked.

“The Second Mistress took him for a walk.”

“Oh, good. Let Shaoshuang live his life happily.”

“Father, the Long Family had not contacted Mo Changkong ever since the incident, but our family

business had improved greatly over the past decades!” Long Zongshan said.

“Indeed, our business had improved, but that was because Mo Changkong had no time and energy to

take revenge on us! Not long after his attack on Shaoshuang, his father passed away due to annovelbin

incident. And Mo Changkong focused himself in competing for the position of the Mo family’s Second

Elder. So, he did not have time to care about us! But if I was correct, for a scheming person like Mo

Changkong, he must have acceded to the position of the Mo Family’s Second Elder!”

“I understand now, father. You are thinking about getting back at the Chen Family with the help of Mo

Changkong’s influence?” Long Zongshan exclaimed, suddenly realizing Master Long’s plan.

“You are right, but only on part of it. I would not consider it as a ‘help’. You see, Shan, the Long family

will be over forever once we seek his support! Hmph! But the same thing goes to the powerful Chen

Family, who will not be at peace too!” Master Long continued viciously, “Nevertheless, it will still be

better than having the Chen siblings swallow up the whole Long Family! There will be chaos after we

lure Mo Changkong out. But the more chaotic the situation is, the more we can benefit from it!”

Master Long took a deep breath. “Shan, come with me. We will pay Mo Changkong a visit and ask him

to come out!”

Three days later, a secret banquet was held in the Chen Family in the Southern Region; most of the

Chen Family members were not allowed to attend the party.

Amidst the banquet, two beautiful girls took a break and went for a stroll around the manor outside.

“Chen Hao, since my sister recovered, I haven’t thank you properly for saving her by donating your

blood a few days ago!” one of the girls said to Chen Hao, who walked along with them.

“You’re welcome, Miss Qingying. My help was insignificant compared to those offered by the Mo

Family!” Chen Hao smiled.

The incident was truly a coincidence.

That day, Chen Hao and his grandmother visited the Mo Family when Mo Qingwu, the eldest daughter

of the family, was seriously injured and was in a coma.

The Mo Family were secretly searching for a compatible blood type in order to save Mo Qingwu’s life.

Although they found people with compatible blood types, their lineage were not of notable families;

these blood were unacceptable to the Mo Family, who were very particular about their lineage.

They accidently found out Chen Hao had compatible blood type and was of acceptable lineage.

So, Chen Hao donated his blood and saved Mo Qingwu’s life.

But because Chen Hao was extremely weak after the blood donation, he and his grandmother stayed

at the Mo Family’s mansion for seven days.

“Miss Qingwu, Miss Qingying, the banquet is still going on. I’d better go in and entertain the guests,”

Chen Hao said before he turned and left.

One of the beautiful girls, who had not looked at Chen Hao properly during the walk, glanced at him

lightly when he left; the girl was none other than Mo Qingwu.

“Sister, what’s wrong with you? Even though he is from the outside world, he’s still someone who saved

your life!” Mo Qingying reminded Mo Qingwu.

“Who needs his lowlife blood anyway? If it wasn’t for his blood, my blood would still be very pure!” Mo

Qingwu scoffed.

“Why do you need to say that? I think he’s nice!” Mo Qingying said.

Mo Qingwu frowned at Mo Qingying. “Let me ask you—why do you keep mentioning Chen Hao ever

since I recovered? Did you have a crush on him?”

Mo Qingying blushed. “I-I didn’t! I just feel grateful for him because he saved your life. Since we are

sent here to help him with his Chen Family’s business, I just want to improve the relationship between

you and him.”

“I’ve lived long enough to be able to see things clearly. Indeed, you’ve never met people of his kind

before in your life, of course you would be curious about them. But let me tell you this—it’s impossible!

You should give up every thought about him! Besides, let me warn you something—men are not

reliable! They are all trash! Trash!”

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