The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 443 It’s Over
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Chapter 443 It’s Over

“Mom, was it too much? We better not provoke Chen Hao, especially not Chen Xiao. If something were

to happen, we would…”

In the room, Yang Ye was speaking worriedly to Guo Ru.

Guo Ru sneered, “In for a penny, in for a pound. We don’t have a choice. Since we’ve already decided

to get the right to the Yang family’s inheritance and to not get beaten by Yang Xiaobei and the rest, we

don’t have a choice. Once Chen Hao dies, we won’t have any more opponents.”

“In fact, even the big northern assets that the Chen family had given to Yang Xiaobei may slowly fall

into our hands,” Guo Ru said.

“Just hope that Ashen doesn’t disappoint us because Chen Hao trusts Ashen completely.”

“What if the plan is discovered?”

“Don’t worry. This type of poison is colorless and tasteless. Even if the plan is discovered, they will put

the blame on Ashen. At that time, what can Ashen say?” Guo Ru squinted slightly and said fiercely.

“I understand.”

Suddenly, there was a loud sound, and somebody kicked down the room’s door.

A group of men, who were dressed in black, flooded the room right away.

“What are you doing?” Guo Ru and Yang Ye panicked at the same time.

Before they could say more, a black bag was put over their heads, and they were taken away.

People like Hou Ping really had ways to torture people.

Yang Ye and Guo Ru managed to hold on for less than half an hour before they were frightened

thoroughly and eventually spilled the beans.

“Chen Hao, it’s none of our business. It was Long Shaolei who wanted to harm you and came up with

this idea. It was all him. Furthermore, Xiaobei is now with him. There is no choice. If we don’t follow his

instructions, he will kill us!” Guo Ru was so frightened that she spoke in a hurry.

True enough, she had looked down on Chen Hao’s strong-arm tactics.

Given his type of personality, she initially thought that Chen Hao wouldn’t go rogue if he didn’t have

sufficient evidence.

However, it seemed that Chen Hao suspected the mother and son right from the beginning.

“Aunt Guo Ru, don’t think that if you push all the responsibility to Long Shaolei, both of you will be fine.

I will inform Grandma tomorrow as she will know how to punish the both of you.”

“As for the Long family, I will not let them go,” Chen Hao said coldly.

“Where did Long Shaolei hide Xiaobei?” Chen Hao asked lastly.

“B*tch, are you going to sign or not?”

In a hidden and desolated factory building, there was a dim light.

Long Shaolei had Yang Xiaobei tied securely to a stool.

Somebody was standing by her side, guarding her.

“Young Master Lei, you should give up now,” Yang Xiaobei said angrily.


Long Shaolei slapped Yang Xiaobei across the face.

“Yang Xiaobei, a person’s patience has its limits. When I discover that you are useless, your end willnovelbin

come soon,” Long Shaolei warned viciously.

“I’m not stupid. After I sign, will you let me go?” Yang Xiaobei smiled coldly.

Long Shaolei gazed at her coldly.

This contract was specially meant to acquire some of Yang Xiaobei’s assets.

Of course, like Yang Xiaobei said, after she signed, Long Shaolei would definitely not let her live.

“From the looks of it, it’s time to show you something. Ask your right-hand man and the rest to come

over for some action. Hehe, they may enjoy themselves before they make their move. After all, Yang

Xiaobei is truly a stunning beauty,” Long Shaolei said coldly.

“All right, Young Master Lei!”

The underlings all smiled and took out a walkie talkie. “Come up now!”

For a long time, there was no reply.

This person shouted at the few others watching guard downstairs.

There was no reply either.

“What happened? Go down and look,” Long Shaolei ordered.

The few of them went down.

After they went down, there was no more noise from them.

Long Shaolei finally realized that something was not right.

“You keep watch here. You all go down with me to take a look.”

Long Shaolei arranged for one underling to stay back before taking the rest of them down with him.

As soon as he walked down the stairs, all he saw before him was darkness. Something was thrown

over his head, followed by a staggering blow. Soon, he didn’t know what was going on anymore.

It was late at night and Chen Hao watched as the tired Xiaobei rested.

He covered her with a blanket and walked out of Xiaobei’s room.

Outside of the room stood a team of bodyguards who were all dressed in black.

“Hehe, Young Master Chen, the Long family would have no peace tonight. Since they lost their right-

hand men, they must be going crazy looking for him now,” Hou Ping said with a smile.

“That’s right, Young Master Chen. Why not let them look for seven days before sending their precious

grandson back to them?” asked another underling.

“I don’t have the patience to stay tangled with the Long family for seven days. I think the Long family

will have an event tomorrow, so that’s going to be perfect. Long Shaolei prepared a big present for the

Long family’s event by coercing Xiaobei for seven days. We’ll go over tomorrow and present the Long

family with a big present too,” Chen Hao said with an icy gaze.

“Go and prepare.”


The next day, at Long’s residence in Yan Jing…

“How is it? Have you found Lei?”

The Master of the Long family was dressed in formal attire. Although the Long family had an event

today, and there were many relatives and guests there, the Long family members were full of sorrow.

“No, we haven’t, Master Long.”

“The Yang family must be behind this. Yesterday, Yang Xiaobei was rescued. We went to Yang's

residence to investigate secretly. However, we did not find any leads.”

“Hmph, the Yang family is not that powerful. They wouldn’t dare to make enemies with the Long family.

The most likely culprit is Chen Xiao’s younger brother, Chen Hao,” Master Long said and squinted his


“Chen Hao?”

The housekeeper was stunned.

“It’s not the first time my subordinates have heard this name. Furthermore, he had previously crossed

paths with Young Master Long in Jin Ling.”

“On top of that, when Young Master Long disappeared in the southwest region, Chen Hao was also

there,” the housekeeper said.

Master Long gripped his walking stick tightly.

“The Chen family siblings intentionally butted heads with the Long family. Pitiful Shaoyun, up until

today, I have not found any leads on him. However, there is no doubt that the siblings, Chen Hao and

Chen Xiao, are behind this.”

Master Long had a cold gaze.

“This time around, I want to personally meet the siblings. If they are the culprits behind Shaoyun and

Shaolei’s disappearance, I don’t care whom these siblings have as backing, and I want them dead.”

“Master Long, the Qin family members are here,” a maid walked over and said just as Master Long was

consumed by hatred.

Master Long nodded. “Hurry up and invite them in.”

Master Long’s face was full of joy.

Now, the Long family wanted to battle against the Chen siblings. To rely purely on the Long family’s

strength was insufficient, so the only thing they could do was join forces with other families and work as

closely as possible.

“Qin Ya, can we not go in?” a few girls asked nervously at the entrance of Long’s residence.

“What are you afraid of? I didn't want to come, but the Long family invited the Qin family. I have to

come here and represent my father. I have crossed paths with them before, and I’m not afraid. So,

what are you all afraid of?” Qin Ya looked at Meng Can and a few of Meng Can’s friends.

“No, the Long family is Yan Jing’s key decision makers. I get nervous entering the homes of families

like that. Besides, Qin Ya, all of the Long family’s guests are big shots,” Meng Can said without


“That’s enough. You have me with you. Previously, I always accompanied you. Today, it’s your turn to

keep me company,” Qin Ya said.

“Okay, we’ll accompany you in,” Meng Can said and stuck his tongue out.

“Huh? Meng Can and Qin Ya, look at that convoy of grand cars!” said another girl suddenly with

surprise. At this moment, she pointed at a convoy of grand cars heading toward Long’s residence.

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