The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 435 The Big Shots Have Arrived
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Chapter 435 The Big Shots Have Arrived

When Xiaobei heard this, she was definitely not happy.

Yang Ye was doing this on purpose.

She invited her schoolmates, so she could introduce them to Chen Hao and not to Yang Ye’s rotten


“No, don’t walk with them. I’ll take you!” Xiaobei said angrily.

When they saw that Xiaobei was angry, the few female schoolmates pouted and could only accept their


Then, the group followed Xiaobei into the backyard.

Chen Hao knew what Xiaobei was thinking.

She wanted to find him a girlfriend.

Hehe, Chen Hao understood Xiaobei’s efforts.

However, Chen Hao really wasn’t in the state of mind to make any female friends now.

It was because of this kind of thing that he had encountered so much trouble.

What happened with Zhao Yifan was the perfect example.

Therefore, Chen Hao mostly saw this group of young pretty girls as little sisters and interacted with

them like he was their older brother.

But, clearly, this group of young pretty girls didn’t think much of him, and they didn’t have plans to talk

to him anymore.

Therefore, the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

“Hi, pretty girls, we meet again.” Yang Ye and his few rotten friends also arrived there at this moment.

They greeted the pretty girls.

“Yes, what a coincidence!” the pretty girls said, smiling.

“This means that we are fated to meet. What do you think? Let’s exchange WeChat contacts. If there is

any fun place to visit in the future, we’ll recommend it to you,” the few boys said with a smile.

Then, they looked at Chen Hao with disdain. “Can I just say a word about Chen Hao? You bought a

cake for the pretty girls, but it’s so small that they can’t even share it among themselves. Why didn’t

you just buy a bigger one?” the few boys took a jab at Chen Hao.

Meanwhile, they exchanged WeChat contacts with the pretty girls.

When they saw Yang Xiaobei intentionally staring at them, they didn’t stay long. Instead, they winked at

the pretty girls and left.

“I’m sorry, if I knew that you all were coming, I would’ve bought a bigger one." Chen Hao smiled bitterly.

The few pretty girls rolled their eyes wordlessly and ignored what Chen Hao had said.

“Hey, Mei Mei. Did you all see a guy that I think was Wang Kun from Wang Group?”

“Yes, I thought it looked like him. There was another good-looking one. He had glasses on. I think he

was Zhang Lin from Feiyue Information and Technology Company. Their company is about to get listed

on the stock market.”

“My God. Since they are together, surely they’re not just some random people. They must come from

influential family backgrounds.”

“So, what do you think? Which good-looking guy do you like?” Mei Mei and the rest discussed.

When the topic turned to their social status, the conversation became even more heated.

Xiaobei took a deep breath and looked at Chen Hao. “Chen Hao, thank you for buying me the cake.

Since I was young, other than Mom, nobody has ever properly celebrated my birthday with me. Let’s

find somewhere to share the cake,” Xiaobei said, touched, as she tugged on Chen Hao’s hand.

“All right!”

At this moment, the housekeeper Ashen was running off his feet.

It was true that when a family sent out a signal, everybody, regardless of whether they were

acquainted, would all have to come.

It would be like what was happening now.

Thinking about the boring eighteenth birthday that was held two days ago would make one sigh.

Looking at the time, it would be ten thirty soon.

Most of the guests had already arrived, so Yang Ye returned to the lobby to entertain the guests,

whereas Ashen replaced him and stood at the door.

When he saw there were no more guests coming, Ashen was about to head inside too.


At this moment, he suddenly saw a convoy approaching from not far away.

“More guests?”

Ashen stood up straight.

When the convoy got nearer, he got a closer look and was surprised.

They were luxury vehicles.

It was too cool!

As many guests were present, there were a total of a hundred extravagant cars here. Despite that, the

combined price of all one hundred cars was no match for these ten luxury cars.

These were VIPs!

Ashen was shocked.

At this moment, a family of four stepped out of the convoy.

They were a middle-aged couple, carrying their son and daughter.

“Hello, thank you for attending Yang family’s feast. You are… President Zhang?”

When Ashen took a proper look at the person, he became even more shocked.

“Hello. I’m Zhang Bonian.”

“Oh! I know you. President Zhang, your reputation precedes you. You are the richest among the four

richest men!”

Ashen was so emotional that his hand was shaking.

The richest man had come too.

One must know that the Yang family never had a chance to rub shoulders with them, so of course this

was a surprise.

After that, another convoy arrived.

This time, a man, who was around fifty years old, came out with his family.

Ashen’s eyeballs were about to fall out.

“Mr. Yang? Is that you?”

My God! The president of Yan Jing City was here! Why was he here? My God!

Bigger names arrived too.

The tycoon from the far east province as well as the rich and famous from the northwest provinces had

all arrived.

There were ten to twenty of them, and they all brought their families.

If Ashen didn’t give his own thigh a hard pinch, allowing the waves of pain to tell him that it was all real

and not a dream, he would have probably blacked out.

“Please come in.”

Ashen bowed and didn’t straighten his body from the beginning until the end.

“Don’t trouble the butler. We are not here to attend the Yang family’s feast,” Zhang Bonian said as he

pacified his little daughter.

“Huh? What about other bosses?”

Ashen was surprised.

“May I know where Miss Yang Xiaobei is? We’re here to celebrate her birthday with her.”

“Huh? To celebrate Miss Xiaobei’s birthday?”

Ashen was completely stunned.

When did Miss Xiaobei know so many grand and rich big shots?

However, Ashen didn’t dare to ask much and was even more afraid to slight them.

“Miss Xiaobei is in the backyard. I’ll bring you there now.”

Ashen bowed and led them to the backyard.

When Xiaobei saw so many big shots, she was as stunned as her schoolmates were.

“Miss Xiaobei, happy birthday to you. We are here to celebrate your birthday!” they said with a smile.


Xiaobei was bewildered.

Mei Mei and the few other girls were also stunned.

“My God, what’s it with Xiaobei? Isn’t that Jinmen’s President Zhang and our Yang Jing City’s Mr.

Yang? My God, what’s going on?”

The girls were not talking about guys anymore because they were so shocked that they became


“Haha, Miss Xiaobei, we big shots traveled from afar to celebrate your birthday with you, surely you will

welcome us? Aren’t you going to offer us a seat?” Zhang Bonian said with a hearty laugh.

“Oh! Of course I will. President Zhang, Mr. Yang, and… Please let me grab you your seats!”

Xiaobei was at a loss. She was in the middle of eating her cake and didn’t know where to get seats.

She was so shocked that she was sweating.

“Bosses, you are today’s biggest guests, so how can you sit in the backyard? Please follow me into the

lobby,” Ashen said emotionally.

“No, the backyard isn’t bad. Just put out a few tables and different types of wine. We’ll drink a little of

each. Hahaha!”novelbin

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Bonian took out a jade bracelet. “Miss Xiabei, this is your

birthday present. I hope that we can continue to support each other’s business in the future.”

Jade bracelets were not cheap at all.

Although Ashen was agitated, he maintained his cool.

When he saw that the bosses didn’t want to move to the lobby, he immediately instructed the servants

to move some tables and chairs out and prepare a banquet there as per the request of the big shots.

Ashen saw that Miss Xiaobei was so nervous that she didn’t know what to do. However, he still had

some presence of mind, so he stood there and carefully assisted Miss Xiaobei in serving them.

After all, the Yang family couldn’t afford to offend any one of them.

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