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Chapter 410 Miss Shen


While Chen Hao was immersed in his thoughts, a girl walked up to him.

“What’s up?” he asked, looking at her. She was rather pretty and seemed to be around seventeen

years old. She looked eccentric and mischievous.

“Don’t you have anyone to hang out with?” she asked, arms on her hips.

“No.” Chen Hao shook his head.

“Aw, poor thing. Bingbing asked me to invite you over as our ball boy. We can play together!” she said.

According to Chen Xiao, the Chen Family was huge and their relationships were quite complicated.

It was normal for younger relatives to not recognize each other.

“Why are you sulking alone over here? If you have something on your mind, it would be worse sitting

alone, dwelling on it. Why don’t you come over and pick the balls for us? You will forget about

everything when you become tired,” she continued.

“Ha-ha,” Chen Hao laughed weakly.

He thought about it and suddenly realized that what she said made sense.

He would have to distract himself in order to stop dwelling on the same problem.

“All right, I’ll be your ball boy.” Chen Hao agreed.

“That’s great! Bingbing, he’s here to pick up balls for us!” the girl said vindictively.

“That’s good. Sisters, let’s continue our game. There’s someone to pick up balls now!” Chen Bingbing

said excitedly and played with them excitedly.

Just then, Chen Bingbing and her friends stopped playing as a young lady walked toward them.

She looked very elegant and graceful, with extremely beautiful features too. She seemed to be around

26 years old.

Although the group of girls was also good-looking, their beauty could not be compared to the young


Even the female celebrities were not as beautiful as her.

Most of the people who saw her nodded and greeted her respectfully.

“Miss Shen, you’re here!” Chen Bingbing and her friends exclaimed.

“Yeah. It’s getting late now, and the meeting is starting soon. Bingbing, stop playing and lead Niuniu

and the rest into the hall,” she said gently.

“Roger, Miss Shen!” Chen Bingbing and her friends nodded. Throwing the balls to a corner, she left.

As the ball rolled to a side and stopped in a pile of bushes with thorns, Chen Hao subconsciously went

to pick it up.

Chen Hao wasn’t paying attention, so he lost his balance and fell in the bushes.

His arms, face, and clothes were cut by the thorns.

“Oh no, that guy fell into the bushes!” Niuniu, the girl who invited Chen Hao, exclaimed.

“So be it. His reflexes are much slower than other people. Serves him right. Let’s go!” Bingbing sneered

and smiled at Miss Shen before leaving with a few of her friends.

Chen Hao picked the ball up and sat down bitterly.

It never rains but it pours, he thought.

He touched his wounded face. It hurt a little.

A few passers-by laughed at his predicament.

Chen Hao did not bother to care anymore; if laughing at him made their days better, then so be it.

“Your face is injured. You have to disinfect it!” Right at this moment, a lady came to him.

She bent down and gave him a piece of tissue paper.

“Thank you!” Chen Hao raised his head and saw the woman whom Bingbing and her friends called

‘Miss Shen’.

Their gaze met, and he lowered his head embarrassingly. She was beautiful.

“And your elbows too! They are bleeding!” She took out another piece of tissue and wiped his wounds


“Why are you so careless? Which branch of the family do you belong to? Where are your siblings?” she

asked him gently while wiping the injuries on his face.

“I-I don’t know which branch I belong to!” Chen Hao said.

Miss Shen smiled wryly. “I will ask some doctors to patch you up shortly. We don’t want you getting

infections, do we?”

“Thanks, but no thanks!”

Without any plausible reason, Miss Shen felt affection toward this young man and wanted to care for

him even though she did not know who he was.

It was a weird feeling.

“Young mistress, the meeting is starting soon. Let’s go!” At this time, a maid standing behind Miss Shen

reminded her.

“Okay, we’ll take our leave for now.”

She greeted Chen Hao and departed.

“Young mistress? So she was married into our family!” Chen Hao said as he wiped his face.

He then thought, Whoever takes such a gentle woman as his wife will definitely lead a blissful life!

Just then, Chen Hao’s phone rang.

“Bro, I was looking for you just now! Where did you go? Why can’t I find you anywhere?”

“Oh, I was picking up balls for some kids just now!” he said bitterly.

“What? You became a ball boy for someone else? Oh my god! Anyway, the meeting is starting soon,

and father just asked me if you have arrived. I told him I was still looking for you. I am at the main hall

right now. Ask the servants to bring you here quickly!” his sister instructed exasperatedly.

“Noted. I’ll just follow the girls then,” he replied.

His parents and his sister were the spotlight of the day, hence they were very busy.

Naturally, he didn’t want to add on to their burdens.

Just then, he saw Niuniu and her friends in front of him and followed them.

“Bingbing, did you see that douchebag following us?” Niuniu turned her head and said.

“Could it be his first time attending the family meeting here? He might be lost,” Chen Bingbing

wondered aloud.

She stopped and asked Chen Hao, “Are you lost?”

Chen Hao nodded.

“I knew it. Well, in that case you can join us. Get in the car, I’ll bring you to the meeting hall. But you

can’t ride with us in the same car. You have to join my servants in the last car,” she said haughtily.

Chen Bingbing was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She was no stranger to good-looking, rich

guys, locally and internationally.

It was natural that she looked down on mediocre people like Chen Hao, who looked as if it was their

first time in a city.

“Whatever.” He nodded nonchalantly and joined the servants in the same car to go to the main hall of

the Chen Family.

Apart from the core members of the Chen Family, there were no assigned seatings. The rest of the

family members usually sat in groups with their families during the meeting.novelbin

They reached a huge, outdoor arena with a platform in the center.

People who were sitting on the platform were the important members of the Chen Family.

Chen Bingbing and her friends could only sit in a corner.

Chen Hao simply found an empty seat and sat down before calling his sister.

Just then, a middle-aged couple appeared on the main table on the platform, and thunderous applause

rang throughout the arena.

Standing behind them were two young ladies. One of them was Chen Hao’s sister, Chen Xiao, and the

couple was Chen Hao’s parents.

“Lan, come sit next to me!”

The woman held Miss Shen’s hands affectionately and signaled Shen Lan to sit beside her.

“Alright, mom.” Lan nodded.

“Lan, it’s been hard on you in our Chen Family these years, trying to learn everything. On top of that,

you have to cover for that useless son of ours and manage the family’s finance. I should have

introduced you to him earlier, but you know very well that his identity has to be kept secret. And he is

still not here when he should be!” the woman sighed and apologized.

“Mom, don’t be sorry for me. I am already very happy and content to grow up in the Chen Family.”

The woman nodded and turned to Chen Xiao. “Xiao, go fetch your brother here!”

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