The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 396 What A Coincidence
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Chapter 396 What A Coincidence

“Miss Qian, you really can’t go in. This is an order from Old Master!” outside the door, a bodyguard was

talking to a girl who looked to be in her twenties.

“I see. So now, there’s a place in the Fang Manor that I, Fang Qian, am not allowed to enter; my sisters

don’t like me; even my grandfather doesn’t like me now! The more you forbid it, the more I want to go

in! Now, step aside!”

Fang Qian shoved the bodyguard away, twisted the doorknob swiftly and burst in.

The room was refurbished lavishly, with the interior furnishings decorated according to the European's

previous century’s noble and vintage style. It was considered the most luxurious room in their manor

aside from the Old Master’s room.

During Fang Qian’s free time, she would come in to admire the room. Just like most of the Fang family

members, she would feel honored to be able to stay in this room.

It was said that this room belonged to her aunt in the past.

Fang Qian, who had been lonely and desolate in the Fang Family, was already in a gloomy mood. Now

that she heard that this room was occupied by someone, she could not help finding out who it was.

To her dismay, she was not allowed to go in!

Su Ziyue and Aunt Xia were surprised by Fang Qian’s intrusion.

“You are...? You look familiar. Who are you?”

Upon seeing Su Ziyue, Fang Qian jumped in shock.

“I am Su Ziyue!”

“Su Ziyue? I’ve never seen you here in the Fang Family manor.”

Fang Qian sized Su Ziyue from head to toe.

Aunt Xia was also shocked that Fang Qian would burst into the room.

“You must be Miss Qian. Old Master has instructed Miss Ziyue to stay here. Moreover, she needs to

recover from her injuries…”

“Hmph! I know that! Although I’m not sure why my grandfather allowed you to stay in this room, he

must have his own reasons. Well, would you give us a moment? I have something to tell Ziyue!” Fang

Qian said.

Aunt Xia looked at Su Ziyue upon hearing the request. After receiving a nod from Su Ziyue, Aunt Xia

went out of the room.

Fang Qian closed the door as soon as Aunt Xia left.

She then turned to Su Ziyue and said, “I have a favor to ask. Can you lend me this room for a night?

You can sleep in my room as an exchange!”

Fang Qian had yearned to stay overnight in this room for the longest time.

Su Ziyue was not sure how to respond to her request. To be honest, she was only hoping that Chen

Hao would come now to rescue her and Aunt Xia out. Then, she could seek her family and reunite with


Therefore, she was not willing to waste any energy on the people as well as matters here.

At this moment, Su Ziyue did not answer her.

“What is that supposed to mean? Can’t you just do a small favor of exchanging rooms?” Fang Qian

stood with hands on her hips as she asked frustratedly.

Suddenly, a bodyguard opened the door and came in.

“Miss Qian, Old Master has instructed me to bring you to him now!” the bodyguard informed in a stern



Fang Qian glared at Su Ziyue before averting her stare to the bodyguard.


There was a loud smack from the slap on the bodyguard’s face.

“How dare you report on me! I’ll get back at you for this!”

After that, she glanced at Su Ziyue and stomped off.

“Fang Qian, what’s wrong?”

At this moment, Fang Jiannan and Fang Yi walked over to her outside the room.

To their dismay, Fang Qian did not reply to her and walked away angrily.

Upon noticing that the room in which Fang Qian came out from was the one that used to belong to her

aunt, Fang Jiannan asked the bodyguard in an indifferent tone, “Is there someone in aunt’s room?”

“Yes, Miss Jiannan!”

“Who is it?”

“Old Master has instructed us not to tell anybody. Please don’t make it hard for me!” the bodyguard


Fang Jiannan took a deep breath and stared at her aunt’s previous room while frowning.

It seemed like her grandfather was hiding something from her these few days.

He even forbade her to continue her investigation on her aunt’s matter.

However, Fang Jiannan had always hated having scanty knowledge of a situation.

Therefore, she came to her aunt’s room today with Fang Yi to search for some clues.

But who is staying in aunt’s room which was never allowed to be encroached?

“Jiannan, why don’t we sneak in there and have a peep?” Fang Yi could not suppress her curiosity and


“Let's not mess around. It’s better for us to leave now. I don’t want to infuriate grandfather as his

birthday is approaching soon!”

Despite Fang Jiannan’s curiosity, she left without pushing the matter further.

Two days later.

In a grand hotel which was monopolized in Qing City.

“Little Chen, have you bought all the materials I asked you to? Make sure to double check all of it again

later. We will be setting up the ceremony tonight, so the materials must be complete. If we screw up the

grand event tomorrow, all of us would be in trouble!” a woman in her thirties instructed a young mannovelbin

named Little Chen.

“Alright, Supervisor Li. I got it!” the young man answered.

“Oh, and a group of chefs from the Southern Region will be making supper later. Those celebrities sure

are difficult to handle. They're still entertaining themselves and playing cards at this late hour, so you'll

need to send supper to each of them!”

“No problem!”

This young man was none other than Chen Hao.

Fang Yi was indeed influential as her connections were undeniably extensive.

With her help, Chen Hao, Tian Long and Di Hu managed to sneak into the staffing team successfully.

During the birthday banquet of the Fang Family, renowned chefs from different places, female

celebrities from all over the world, and a team of hosts would be invited according to the conventional

practices of the past years.

Naturally, the ceremony would be extravagant and magnificent.

Therefore, the group of staff which Chen Hao and the rest were in was large.

In just a few moments, the kitchen had finished preparing the supper.

After notifying Supervisor Li, Chen Hao carried the supper over to the few celebrities.

In the room, seven to eight female celebrities were divided into two tables, entertaining themselves with


“Here is your supper!” Chen Hao announced.

There were many female celebrities here who Chen Hao had seen on television.

“Look, there’s a handsome young man here! Come here boy, let me touch you!”

“Aren't you being too ecstatic from making a bundle? Careful, you’re scaring him!” another female

celebrity teased her.

“How would I? It’s not like I’ll eat him! Haha!”

It was mah-jong after all. The winner would naturally be elated while the loser remained anxious.

Meanwhile, Chen Hao was placing the supper beside a female singer. As she was not aware of it, she

accidentally swept the supper to the floor, causing some grease to be spattered onto her leg.

“Oh no! What the f*ck have you done?!” she bellowed at Chen Hao in extreme anger.

Damn it! How I wish to pour the supper onto your face!

Upon receiving the harsh attitude from the female singer, Chen Hao was infuriated.

However, he would not do anything absurd now for the sake of the mission. Therefore, he could only

swallow his grievance.

After that, Chen Hao picked up the tray of supper and went into another room.

“Alright, please place it here for us! Thank you so much!”

There were only two people in this room and they were the hostesses of the celebrities in the room

next door.

They were both young girls who looked to be of similar age as him.

As they were busy removing their makeup in front of the mirror, they pointed to a side and informed

Chen Hao to leave the supper there.

However, Chen Hao stood on the spot and examined one of the girls thoroughly before finally

recognizing that girl.

Damn! What a coincidence!

Chen Hao was shocked.

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