The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 394 Another Mishap
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Chapter 394 Another Mishap

“Where are we at now?” Long Shaoyun asked the driver with an ashen face.

“Young Master Long, I’m not sure where we are either. We did not dare to take the main road as Chen

Hao’s men were all over the place. I think we’ve been discovered by them! Judging from the

surroundings, it seems like we’re in the wilderness!”

The driver was also trembling in fear.

Although they had fled in time, they did not expect that they would be caught up by Chen Hao’s convoy

of search teams on the linkway of Chengdu and Qing City.

With the disguise of the night and the driver's expertise, they managed to avoid the pursuit. However,

they got lost along the way.

“Idiot! What did I hire you for?! Idiot!!!” Long Shaoyun bellowed frenetically. They were far from the city

and it was dark and spooky here, setting the atmosphere to their deepest fears.

Suddenly, the roars of engines cut through the night's chilly breeze and echoed into their ears.

Then, they saw flickers of headlights from behind.

A fleet of cars started catching up to them.

From another direction, there were cars driving toward them as well.

“Go! Drive faster!” Long Shaoyun shouted desperately.

At once, he scooped out his phone hurriedly and called his mother.

“Shaoyun, are you driving now? Tomorrow is my birthday, so remember to come back on time!”

“Mom! Save me! Save me, quick! I am being chased by someone in Qing City!”

“Son, what did you say? Is the signal weak there? Why can’t I hear you clearly?” asked the woman on

the other side of the call.

“Mom! Can you hear me? Save me now! Save me!!”


After a few shouts, Long Shaoyun could not hear a sound from the other end anymore.

He then checked his phone and realized the phone’s signal had been blocked.

“Young Master Long, I think it’s best to stop the car now. It’s pitch dark in front and we aren’t familiar

with the road!”

The driver was terrified.

They could not escape even if they tried now.

“Stop my *ss! If Chen Hao were to catch me this time, I will definitely be dead! Continue forward! We

need to outrun them until the end of this stretch and reunite with our people as soon as possible!”

With this order, the driver stepped on the accelerator with all his might.


Suddenly, there was a shudder from the car, followed by vigorous jolts.

Just when Long Shaoyun finally came back to his senses, the car started to fall rapidly.


Screams of horror escaped from the driver and Long Shaoyun’s throats.

However, their screams became faint as they continued to fall.

Then, there was a deafening boom sound followed by an explosion at the bottom.

Very soon, the sounds were engulfed by a dominant silence.

At this moment, the convoy arrived.

Under the brightness of the headlights, the scene in front of everyone was finally revealed clearly—it

was a cliff!

It was late night at the Long Family's residence in Yan Jing.

“Dear, I feel strange and unsettled. Just now, Shaoyun called me and he sounded anxious, as if he was

frightened by something. Do you think he’s fine in Chengdu?” a beautiful woman asked.

“What problems could there be? The Situ Family is in Chengdu, so there’s nothing to worry about!” a

stern-looking middle-aged man replied.

“I tried calling Shaoyun's phone but I couldn't get through. You know very well that Shaoyun offended

quite a number of people in these two years!” The beautiful woman continued to express her concerns.

“Fine, I’ll give a call to the Situ Family. Even if Shaoyun offended many people, we're the only ones with

enough power to attack others. Who would dare to pick fights with us? Hmph! Although the siblings

from the Chen Family are now puffed up with arrogance, I will make them pay the price with their blood


After snorting contemptuously, the middle-aged man picked up the phone and called the Situ Family.

Listening to the words from the other side, the middle-aged man’s face gradually turned pale.

“What? Thank you for informing, Situ. I’ll send someone there immediately!”

With a deathly pale face, the middle-aged man stood up anxiously and said, “I got news from the Situ

Family saying that Shaoyun went missing in Chengdu!”

“Huh? What should we do?”

“I’ll send my people to Chengdu now and ask Long Kun to lead them there!”

The middle-aged man was panic-stricken now.

“But Long Kun…”

“Long Yue and I can’t make it there, but we need someone from our family to handle this matter, so

Long Kun is the most suitable person to head there now. I’ll let Uncle Xiong go with him!” the middle-

aged man instructed.

Only then did the woman nod her head solemnly.

At the scene on the cliff.

Chen Hao had arrived in a helicopter.

The cliff was unimaginably deep. According to the reports from his subordinate, they could not even

find a complete piece of the car, let alone the people in it.

Chen Hao smiled bitterly.

Alas, one could avoid natural disasters but never the karma we brought onto ourselves.

Suddenly, Chen Hao’s phone rang.

Upon checking his phone, it was from Di Hu.

Of course, someone was required to stay back and take care of Su Ziyue, and the person was Di Hu.

“What’s the matter?” Chen Hao asked.

“Young Master Chen, Miss Su has awakened. The doctor said she had only a mild concussion, and

that she'll be fine, but…” Di Hu’s voice faded at the end of his sentence.

“And what?” Chen Hao inquired.

“Young Master Chen, I’m truly sorry. I’ve been guarding next to Miss Su all this time, but just now, four

doctors, who were behaving strangely, came into the ward. I felt suspicious and did not allow them to

come near. But all of a sudden, they attacked. I failed to fight against the four of them, and

unfortunately, Miss Su was taken away!” Di Hu finally got his words out.

“What? Even you got hurt?” Sweat seeped out from Chen Hao’s forehead.

“We’ll discuss this when I reach the hospital. Send people to search for her first!”

If anything happens to Ziyue again, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

At the same time, Chen Hao came to realize that the task his father had assigned to him to search for

Aunt Fang was more complicated than he expected.

Without any delay, he rushed back to the hospital.

“Fortunately, Aunt Fang went out to get some porridge, so she avoided the attack. This group of people

had odd appearances, and they used short daggers as their weapons. It seemed as if they had

undergone strict combat training!”

At the hospital, Di Hu explained the ins and outs of the incident with a tone laden with guilt.

There were also bandages all over his body, causing Tian Long’s expression to turn gloomy and


“Have you checked the surveillance footage of the hospital?” Chen Hao asked as he paced back and


“I’ve obtained it and inspected the vehicle records of a few streets, but they vanished in the mountain

area!” Di Hu replied.

Chen Hao patted on Di Hu’s shoulder. “My sister once told me that it’s rare to find an opponent that

could be on par with the both of you. Thus, it seems like these men could only belong to a powerfulnovelbin

family. Di Hu, can you recall their movements to identify which group they belonged to? Perhaps with

that, we could trace it to the family they come from.”

“Chen Hao, you don’t need to investigate. I know the four people who brought away Ziyue!” At this

moment, Aunt Fang stood up and interrupted with tears in her eyes.

Only then did Chen Hao realize who those four were.

Indeed. In Chengdu, it could only be the Fang Family.

Chen Hao had never exposed himself and he had yet to fight against the Fang Family. Besides, the

Fang Family was laying low all this while. Therefore, Chen Hao had never suspected them in this


However, the Fang Family seemed to be the most possible suspect now.

“If I’m not mistaken, those four must be my father's personal bodyguards! Which means that my father

has found me!” Fang Mengxin said.

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