The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 380 One Step Ahead
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Chapter 380 One Step Ahead

Wang Wen, Liang Meng and the others were all attracted to the Cloud Mansion that was shown on the


“This mansion is in Jin Ling? Wen, why haven’t I heard about it before?” Hou Xiaoxia asked in shock.

Wang Wen nodded her head. “It’s the first time that I’m seeing the Cloud Mansion as well. But, I might

have heard of it before, as well as the fact that this mansion is worth a billion!”

“A billion?” Hou Xiaoxia bit her lip. “The owner must be filthy rich!”

President Guo announced, “As everyone can see, this is the Cloud Mansion in Jin Ling. As a matter of

fact, the purpose of this gathering is to announce that our group is going to build a Cloud Mansion in

our beautiful Hong County!”

His words caused a commotion downstage.

“If Hong County could have such a spectacular Cloud Mansion, it would be amazing!”

“Imagine how much that would cost, but it would certainly be more than 600 million!”

The crowd discussed among themselves.

President Guo chuckled lightly. “This is actually a bit embarrassing. Originally, we had planned to take

photos of this Cloud Mansion at a closer distance but we weren’t allowed to get too near. Therefore, we

took some pictures from other angles instead. You may take a look at them first!”

President Guo was quite the salesperson.

Only the rich and powerful families could afford such a huge mansion and the best way to promote it

was through their sons and daughters.

The word-of-mouth among their circle would definitely bring huge publicity to this Cloud Mansion

project in Hong County.

This was the main aim of President Guo’s gathering today.

President Guo looked at the crowd’s awed expressions and felt extremely satisfied.

As the slides changed from one to another, a picture of the front view of the Cloud Mansion popped


From this perspective, there was a long staircase that led to the Cloud Mansion.

What shocked the crowd the most was that there were people in the picture.

The foot of the mountain was parked with many luxury cars.

Bodyguards clad in black stood on both sides of the staircase.

This marvelous scene could only appear in movies.

Hou Xiaoxia seemed to be very interested in this extravagant Cloud Mansion, thus she focused closely

on the people in the photo.

The bodyguards in black who were standing on both sides were gazing respectfully at a young man

who was walking on the staircase that led to the Cloud Mansion.

It was such a shame that they could only see the silhouette of the young man due to the angle the

photo was taken at.

Apparently, this photo was captured when President Guo went over to celebrate Lin Yiyi’s birthday.

“Who is that young man?”

“Well, it’s a no-brainer! That’s the owner of the mansion of course!”novelbin

“Tsk tsk, now that is what you call life. If only everyone could live like that. I’m so envious!”

There were compliments everywhere.

After staring at the screen for quite some time, Hou Xiaoxia froze.


However, Hou Xiaoxia seemed quite frightened and didn’t say anything.

At this moment, Wang Wen tugged at Hou Xiaoxia, “Xiaoxia, look at that young master in the middle.

Why does he look so similar to Chen Hao? Do you see it?”

Hou Xiaoxia said, “Huh? How could it be? They just look slightly alike. How could Chen Hao possibly

afford such an expensive mansion?”

In fact, Hou Xiaoxia was not mentally prepared for it. What if that person really is Chen Hao? I’ll be

better off dead. Haha, then again, it wouldn’t be possible!

“No, look! They look really alike! Let me ask Chen Hao!” Wang Wen exclaimed agitatedly.

She turned her head around, searching for Chen Hao.

Hou Xiaoxia looked over in Chen Hao’s direction as well.

Then, the two girls gasped. “Huh? Where’s Chen Hao?”

Hou Xiaoxia asked, “Where is he? Wasn’t he just here a minute ago?” After a pause, Hou Xiaoxia

seemed to have found something to vent her anger and mocked, “Hmph, I know. Chen Hao must have

felt very uncomfortable here and has gone to hide. I'm sure he’s intimidated by all of this!”

Wang Wen could only shake her head helplessly.

She wanted very much to give Chen Hao a call to ask where he was, but killed the thought as soon as

she saw Liang Meng was getting upset.

As for Chen Hao, he knew immediately the purpose of the gathering as soon as President Guo

mentioned the Cloud Mansion in Jin Ling.

He felt quite awkward if he continued to stay.

It would not be pleasant if someone recognized him, especially in front of Hou Xiaoxia.

So, Chen Hao left early.

After all, he only came because of Wang Wen.

He still had a lot of things to do and could not stay for long.

He was preparing to return to his room when he received a call from one of his men.

“Young Master Chen, it’s all our fault. We already found out where the servant was and went there as

soon as possible but… She was already taken away by someone else!”

Earlier, he had thought that since he had a lead, following it and locating the maid should not be a


He was very cautious and had sent his men as soon as he got wind of it. However, he did not expect

someone else to be a step ahead of him.

Fuming, Chen Hao asked, “Who took her?”

“We are still investigating but we are quite certain that there is another group of people who are looking

for this servant as well!”

“I understand. I’ll send more men to help out. Find out who took her as soon as possible!”

Chen Hao hung up the phone, feeling exasperated.

How could looking for someone be this troublesome?

“Chen Hao, is that you?”

Just when Chen Hao was about to head upstairs, a girl behind him called out, sounding surprised.

Chen Hao turned around and was shocked as well.

The lobby of the hotel was packed with people.

They were all bodyguards clad in black with sunglasses on, emanating an impressive aura.

There were at least thirty of them.

If he didn’t spot the two girls amidst the group, Chen Hao would have mistaken them as his men!

These two girls were none other than Fang Jiannan and Fang Yi!

“It’s you two!” said Chen Hao with a smile.

If he remembered correctly, this was the second time that he had seen Fang Jiannan and Fang Yi

appearing in such an ostentatious way.

At this moment, Chen Hao started processing his thoughts.

It doesn’t make sense. Fang Jiannan and Fang Yi love studying and usually, they would be reluctant to

skip even a lesson. Why would they come to Hong County today with so many people in such a hurry?

Chen Hao quickly realized that Fang Jiannan and Fang Yi were from the Fang family and so was Fang


The ones looking for Fang Mengxin’s servant should be Fang Jiannan and Fang Yi!

Fang Yi asked confusedly, “I didn’t expect to see you here. Why are you here in Hong County?”

Immediately, Fang Yi frowned and exchanged looks with Fang Jiannan. They both then turned to Chen

Hao, sizing him up.

He felt anxious under the gaze of these two girls.

What was happening? Did he blow his cover?

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