The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 366 Taekwondo Competition
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Chapter 366 Taekwondo Competition

Wang Xiaohua stood up and walked over to Zhao He to shake his hand. “Manager Zhao, we spoke on

the phone yesterday. I called you just now but I couldn’t get through,” Wang Xiaohua said.

“I’m truly sorry for that, Mr. Wang. I was on the line attending to some matters regarding my daughter’s

education. I’m absolutely sorry!” Manager Zhao apologized repeatedly.

“Right, Mr. Wang. The 4D model of the shops as well as the office area that you are interested in

buying have been prepared in the exhibition hall!”

After saying that, Manager Zhao took out the materials.

“Mr. Wang, allow me to give you a brief introduction. The shops and the office area of the company cost

a total of 35 million. I’ve exempted other miscellaneous fees for you because you will be submitting a

full payment in one go.”

“Alright, no problem. Let’s sit down to discuss!”

Wang Xiaohua made an inviting gesture.

On the other side, Qin Nuan’s breath became short and rapid.

She felt as if her soul had left her body.

How did this happen?

How could it be Wang Xiaohua?

When did he become so capable?

“Manager Zhao, I think you’re being deceived by this fat guy! Do you think that he can afford to pay 35

million?” Li Xiang exclaimed in disbelief.

“Yes, Manager Zhao. We know him personally and he definitely can’t pay up 35 million! He doesn’t

deserve your respect!” In great torment, Qin Nuan added anxiously. She felt as if her heart had been

ripped out of her body.

“I think you are the one who made a mistake. Looking only at their pre-signed tourism projects, Mr.

Wang’s Chengdu Fei Hua Travel Agency already has more than 200 parties, and the numbers are still

increasing. We have also checked through their financial status. They have almost 80 million in funds!”

Zhao He looked at them in disdain and smiled bitterly.

What did they take me for? A three-year-old child?

Would someone like me make a mistake on this simple matter?

What a joke!

Qin Nuan was completely lost for words as she watched Wang Xiaohua sign the contract with Zhao He,

and witnessed Zhao He bowed in deep respect to Chen Hao who was standing at the side.

She had only wanted to rent a slot, yet she could not even afford the rental.

In contrast, Wang Xiaohua purchased two areas in one shot.

On top of that, Wang Xiaohua started a travel agency, and he even had more than 200 parties signing

up for the projects.

What is going on?!

After signing the contract, Chen Hao and Wang Xiaohua were about to leave.

Li Xiang kept his head down and did not have the courage to look up at Wang Xiaohua after what

happened just now, while Qin Nuan ran after them, refusing to give up.

“Xiaohua, y-you started a company? When did it happen, and why didn’t I know that?” Qin Nuan asked


“Just two days ago. Today is the first day of the official operation, and we are still in the midst of

designing projects!” Wang Xiaohua replied after glancing at Qin Nuan. He did not ignore her question

and answered her honestly.

“Then… How did you become so wealthy?” Qin Nuan asked again.

“That’s none of your business!” Wang Xiaohua left without hesitation this time.

It seemed like he had never held his head this high before.novelbin

“You!” Qin Nuan stomped her foot furiously.

She was angry and anxious at the same time.

It felt like something was stuck in her chest, and she could not get it out no matter how hard she tried.

How did this happen? How did this happen? Qin Nuan asked herself repeatedly in her heart.

Meanwhile, it was already afternoon by the time Chen Hao finished accompanying Wang Xiaohua to

complete the other procedures.

After having their lunch, they went back to the university.

The whole class had gotten to know that Wang Xiaohua and Chen Hao started a company.

Even the news of numerous tourism projects had joined in was spread widely.

In short, it was a shocking news that stirred up everyone.

The moment they arrived at the classroom—


There was a loud cheer.

“Chen Hao and Xiaohua, what have you gone to do?”

A few beautiful girls surrounded them and initiated a conversation with Chen Hao and Wang Xiaohua.

They even looked at Chen Hao with eyes full of tenderness.

In fact, everyone in the class could guess that it was Chen Hao who helped Wang Xiaohua although

Wang Xiaohua was the legal person of the company.

Most importantly, the main source of funds was by Chen Hao.

Therefore, all the girls bore a different feeling toward Chen Hao now.

Of course, Wang Xiaohua’s status was elevated as well, so there were also many girls and boys who

went over to chat with him.

Meanwhile, Xu Yangyang and Lin Shengnan were gloomy. After all, they had been bullying Chen Hao

since the beginning.

Now that Chen Hao suddenly built up his prestige in the class, Xu Yangyang was extremely anxious.

At the same time, Xu Yangyang took a glance at Liang Fei.

In the past, there were always swarms of people who would talk to Liang Fei or approach him in order

to build rapports whenever the class was over.

But there was not a single person around him now.

Xu Yangyang walked over to him and patted gently on the back of Liang Fei’s hand, telling him to calm


After all, Liang Fei had yet to get out of the embarrassment from the charity ceremony.

“Excuse me, is Liang Fei here?” At this moment, a girl came looking for him.

“What’s the matter?” Xu Yangyang inquired.

“Oh, Director Yang informed me to invite Liang Fei over to this afternoon’s competition to hold a

performance!” that girl explained.

“That’s great! Fei, did you hear that? Even the university came to invite you!” Xu Yangyang shouted


Liang Fei nodded.

After that, Xu Yangyang banged on the table and announced, “Liang Fei will be attending this

afternoon’s taekwondo competition. Everyone, let’s go watch the competition and cheer for Fei!”

“Okay! Congratulations, Fei!” their classmates echoed.

Although the limelight was on Chen Hao instead of Liang Fei now, he still had quite an influence.

Besides, everyone was interested to watch his taekwondo performance.

Therefore, they agreed to attend the competition and headed off to the university’s gym together.

“Chen Hao, let’s go too. Most of the classes are going together!”


Chen Hao was also eager to watch it.

After all, everyone had dreamed of becoming a hot-blooded hero since childhood.

Although the passion for fighting had faded after Chen Hao grew up, he still liked it.

At the same time, he was interested to watch Liang Fei’s performance show.

It was hard to put it into words. Although Liang Fei couldn't stand the sight of Chen Hao, Chen Hao

only felt indifferent toward him.

Therefore, he went along with the classmates.

When they arrived at the gym, it was already crowded with the audience.

With the aid of Liang Fei’s position, the two classes including Chen Hao’s had the privilege to watch at

the front row and cheer for Liang Fei from a close distance.

After all, they needed an expert to perform a show in order to enliven the atmosphere for this sort of

huge occasion.

Besides, Liang Fei came in second in the provincial competition.

When Chen Hao walked into the gym, he realized that there weren't just contestants of taekwondo

competition who came, even Hu Huimin and Shen Junwen were present.

More surprisingly, Shen Junwen was wearing a taekwondo competition uniform.

This attracted widespread attention from the audience.

Beside Shen Junwen, Xu Wentao stood in a competition uniform as well.

All of the girls from Xu Wentao and Shen Junwen’s class raised the signboards with ‘Shen Junwen’

written on it and the cheers for him were deafening.

Obviously, everyone in their class knew the extent of Shen Junwen’s skills.

Meanwhile, Liang Fei was warming up his body. Upon noticing Shen Junwen, his eyes twitched


“It’s him?” Liang Fei exclaimed in astonishment.

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