The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 339 The Lost Ring
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Chapter 339 The Lost Ring

The phone call was from Li Zhenguo.

“What is it?”

“Young Master Chen, have you reached yet? The phone number that I sent you just now belongs to

General Manager Zhu from Chen Group’s Chengdu branch. When you reach there, you should contact

Zhu Ming if you need anything!” Li Zhenguo informed.

He was also worried that Chen Hao might get into some kind of danger again.

“I understand!”

“Also, Young Master Chen, Zhu Ming was also the one who was handling the matter of the jade in

Chengdu. I heard that he already came up with a few leads!”

“Alright, I will make sure to give him a call about it!”

After hanging up, Chen Hao laid back on his bed.

Then, he dialled Zhu Ming’s number.

Zhu Ming was ecstatic when he received Chen Hao’s phone call.

Nonetheless, he kept his professionalism and went straight to the point.

“Young Master Chen, after doing some investigation on the origins of the jade, I’ve found some leads.

Although I still couldn’t find out the exact family that owned this jade, I’ve already described the shape

and characteristics of the jade to the master. He told me that if he ever comes across anything like it,

he will be able to recognize it right away!”

“Alright! Since it’s late already, let’s wait till tomorrow. I will meet you in the morning and you can bring

me to meet the master!”

After settling everything, Chen Hao called Su Tongxin instinctively.

He used to call Su Tongxin to chat before he slept every night.

However, he didn’t know what was wrong with Su Tongxin.

She refused to accept his calls despite many attempts.

At the same time, Su Tongxin was also thinking about Chen Hao in her dorm.

“Tongxin, could you go downstairs with me to get some stuff?”

Seeing that Su Tongxin was daydreaming while studying, Su Mengmeng went over and tapped on her



Su Tongxin agreed and the both of them went downstairs.

The dorm for the television station sheltered many girls from all around the world who came here for

their internships.

A few of them were from the city.

“Haha, if it isn’t Su Tongxin! Aren’t you busy studying? Since when do you have the time to come down

and buy stuff?”

A tall and lean girl who looked quite pretty, glared coldly at Su Tongxin.

“Yang Huali, why do you even care? Stop being a busybody!”

Su Mengmeng retorted on behalf of Su Tongxin.

It seemed like Yang Huali was from Shanghai.

The rivalry between Yang Huali and Su Tongxin started out with their results.

Her marks had always fell short of Su Tongxin’s.

Both of the girls were also fierce competitors.

This time around, the two of them were fighting over a role that would be chosen to assist both the

entertainment team and the professional team. The best intern among them would be selected to join

the entertainment team.

By joining the team, popularity would come naturally for that person in the future.

The ones who had garnered the most support were of course, Yang Huali and Su Tongxin.

However, Yang Huali had some personal connections within the company.

Therefore, she managed to pull some strings to humiliate Su Tongxin during a few occasions,

especially since this role would affect her popularity in the future.

So, when Yang Huali saw Su Tongxin, her hatred flared up.

It looked like Su Mengmeng was about to fight with her.

“It’s fine, Mengmeng. Let’s just go back!” Su Tongxin warned.

They finally left.

“Hmph! I’ll make sure that you won’t be the one getting into the entertainment team!” Yang Huali

snarled, holding onto her arms.

When Su Tongxin came back, there was a girl waiting outside her dorm. “Tongxin, you’re finally back! I

couldn’t find you in your dorm just now. I just finished writing my report, could you come over to help

me check it out?” the girl asked with a polite smile.

“Sure!” Su Tongxin agreed.

She then headed over to the girl’s dorm. Not long after, she returned to her own dorm.

This was how Su Tongxin usually spent her day.

Suddenly, she heard a commotion outside.

It sounded like a girl was crying.

Su Tongxin and the others ventured out to search for the source of the voice.

It turned out that the cries were from the dorm belonging to the girl who came to Su Tongxin earlier for

help on her report.

Several girls had already gathered at the girl’s dorm.

Su Tongxin and the others went to check it out as well.

“Why are you crying? What happened?” one of the girls asked.

“I went shopping with my roommates just now, but when I came back, I couldn’t find the diamond ring

that my boyfriend gave me! The diamond ring is very expensive, and I can’t seem to find it anywhere!”

the girl cried in frustration.

Right at this moment, Yang Huali came out from her dorm next door too.

“Don’t cry anymore, Xiaoyun. Try recalling, where did you last place your ring? I’m sure you know how

clumsy and forgetful you are. Maybe you accidentally left it somewhere?” Yang Huali tried to console


“But, Huali, I remember things clearly. There was no way I could have just left it somewhere. Moreover,novelbin

the ring cost around 400,000. Why would I simply leave it lying around in the dorm?” Xiaoyun cried out.

“That’s weird. Alright, Xiaoyun. Try to recall who stayed in the dorm room after you guys left? Did you

guys lock your room properly? Maybe someone might have sneaked in?”

“You shouldn’t have bragged about the diamond ring to everyone in the first place!” Yang Huali


“All five of us went to the mall today except for Ma Nan. She told us that she had to rush a report…”

one of the roommates trailed off.

“N-N-No! It wasn’t me! I did not take it!” Ma Nan protested, terrified.

“You were the only one in the dorm anyway. If it wasn’t you, who else could have taken it?” Yang Huali


“What about this, why don’t you let us search through your belongings?” Yang Huali suggested.

Su Tongxin couldn’t bear seeing the way Yang Huali treated Ma Nan who was usually close to her.

She then stood out and vouched for Ma Nan, “I can testify that Ma Nan didn’t go through Xiaoyun’s

belongings! She isn’t like that!”

“You can testify for her? What proof do you have?” Yang Huali pointed at Su Tongxin and asked.

“Oh, I just remembered! When I came out for some water earlier, I remember seeing Tongxin and Ma

Nan entering the dorm together!”

Suddenly, one of the girls from the dorm next door said.


Everyone’s gaze shifted toward Su Tongxin.

“So that was why you stood up for Ma Nan. Hmph! Looks like the both of you are in this together, am I


“What are you going on about?!” Su Mengmeng was agitated.

“Haha, since you claimed that both of you didn’t do it, why don’t you let us search through your

belongings? If you didn’t do it, why are you so nervous?” Yang Huali provoked.

“Tongxin… You… ”

The girl who lost her ring looked at Su Tongxin, dumbfounded.

After all, she was quite close to Su Tongxin.

“Fine. If you want to do it then go ahead!” Su Tongxin relented.

Yang Huali immediately got up and went to search.

She searched through Ma Nan’s belongings and found nothing.

Then, Yang Huali and a few of her friends went over to Su Tongxin’s dorm.

They were searching halfway when someone removed Su Tongxin’s pillow case.

Yang Huali pointed in shock. “Oh my God! Xiaoyun, come and take a look! Is this your ring?”

Everyone in the room saw it for themselves.

Xiaoyun went over and examined the ring. “Yeah! This is my ring!”

Dumbfounded, she then looked at Su Tongxin. “Tongxin, why did you take it?”

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